That was a lot of fun! Thank you very much for sharing the puzzle and the giveaway :)
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You are not wrong.
I've noticed it a few weeks ago, but hadn't gone in and then forgot about it.
I did see it agaiin yesterday and looked at end time and saw it was for today, so I was planning on doing it today.
And now that you pointed it out, I really have to do it today. :P
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Thanks for the puzzle! And welcome back to Steamgifts - long time not seen.
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It must be fun to have a father like you, Mikalye, thanks for sharing the puzzle with us.
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11 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Seibitsu
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Every year I craft an Easter Egg puzzle hunt for my daughter to find a bunch of chocolate secreted about the house. I am currently busy writing the 2020 hunt (the Casebook of Sherlock Hares), but I have a bunch of historic puzzles that I could post, so I thought I would do so.
The first puzzle is here
This runs to Noon - GMT Time - on 1 April. The prize is Underhero
Looking at the first two sentences (Be daimflour, teezwik and Jauy teezwik, booble morta), we know that they mean The breeze is cooling and the beige bunny likes the breeze. The only word that they have in common is teezwik, which would suggest that teezwik is breeze. Similarly, it should not be hard to identify booble as bunny. Looking again at those first two sentences, we get Be daimflour, [breeze] meaning The Breeze is cooling, and Jauy [breeze], [bunny] morta meaning the beige bunny likes the breeze. This should give us a decent clue as to the grammar. The subject of the sentence comes at the end following a comma, the verb is the first word in the sentence and adjectives immediately follow the noun that they modify. So we can quickly identify the verbs to be [Be], to like [Jauy], to run [Toompa], to live [Vilea] and to grow [Blas]. Our second sentence is now Jay teezwik, bobble morta or [To like] [breeze], [bunny] morta. So morta is beige. The second sentence Be vik homba, sailo means The meadow is a green thing. If the grammar is consistent (and it isn't in a lot of languages) that would suggest that the subject of the sentence (meadow) is after the comma, so sailo is meadow, and vik homba is a green thing. Since adjectives to date have followed the verb, that would suggest that vik is thing, and homba is green. The next sentence, Be teloi, booble stoodar (the black bunny is happy) would give us teloi to mean happy, and stoodar to be black. The next sentence is Be vik sappailadar, glorma hoin (The short road is an ugly thing). We already know [to be] [thing] sappailadar, glorma hoin. Since the subject is short road, that would give us glorma as road, and hoin as short (since adjectives follow the word they modify, as well as sappailadar as ugly. and similarly with Be vik yuvish, oolig (the egg is a round thing), we get oolig as egg and yuvish as round. Now consider carefully the next sentence. Toompa tosailo sappaila, booble hoindar. (The tall bunny runs in the beautiful meadow). This is weird. We already have [To run] tosailo sappaila, [bunny] hoindar. Now we had the word for meadow - sailo, but here it shows up as tosailo meaning inside the meadow. That is an unusual construction. We can also get the word for beautiful. it is sappaila. We previously had the work for ugly - sappailadar. Similarly, we now get the work for tall - hoindar, which compares with the word for short which we already had - hoin. So the suffix DAR would suggest some form of opposite. The next sentence Jauy glorma sappaila, booble daimf (The cool bunny likes the beautiful road), aligns with what we previously had except that we learn Jauy (to like) and daimf (cool). But is also compares significantly with the first sentence. daimf is cool and daimflour is cooling, so we could start to make a guess as to the -lour suffix. The next sentence Vilea tocompa, booble caillosa (the spotted bunny lives inside the burrow) gives us another object that begins with to (which we hypothesised to mean inside) so we would expect the word compa to mean burrow, and calliosa is, of course, spotted. The next sentence confirms it Blas tosailo, vango (grass grows in the meadow). We again see to to modify a noun to mean in. sailo is meadow and tosailo is in meadow.. Vango is grass. Which takes us to the final sentence: Be tovik daimfdarlour stoo, oolig. [to be] [in thing] [cool-opposite-ing] [black-opposite], [egg]. Or THE EGG IS INSIDE A WHITE WARMING THING. I accepted Stove, Oven, Radiator, Heater, White Stove, White Oven, White Radiator, White Heater, and White Warming Thing. When I ran it for the Easter Egg hunt, it was in the oven (our oven is white).
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