My top 3 of my favorite games are: Bully: Scholarship Edition, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, and Penumbra Black Plague. You should really consider buying any (or all) of these games. Also, most of the Daedalic Entertainment games are really good. From the choices that you mentioned, Dying Light is really good, but not its dlc.
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Bully i played on console and it was a really good gane. The rest i actually haven't seen any gameplay of but i'll look them up on youtube and see if they are to my tastes. Thanks :)
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Well, that was a straightforward answer xD Any in particular i should start with, given that i never played a FF game? I always wanted to try but i never got around to them.
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I don't dislike older graphics, no. I still play Gameboy Advanced games on the train. The only thing i can't stand is new games in poor resolution and lowest settings, which is a bit weird considering i dont have a problem with old games graphics. I narrowed it down to VII and X/X-2 for now.
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Plague Inc is a ton of fun. It's a really enjoyable strategy game without too high of a learning curve. Has multiplayer too which is a good time. Rocket League is one of my all time favorite games so I'd certainly recommend that too. You might even be able to toss a Final Fantasy title in there too
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I actually didn't want to buy Plague inc at its current price but i dont think i can get it cheaper on steam specifically. Maybe in a bundle somewhere. Always wanted to try a FF game but i don't even know which one to start with.
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I think it is at it's cheapest but that doesn't mean it wont go cheaper in the future. FF VII is generally considered to be the classic. People are divided but I liked VIII. X/X-2 would be my number 2 (over VIII) if it's in your price range (I'm in the US so my prices are a bit different)
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X/X-2 is currently £12 and VIII £5 so more than double the price. With ~£20 to spend (it's only a bit less than that) VIII seems to be the better option if i want to get a couple more games to go along with it but as i always say, Quality over Quantity. In this situation i will have to look at gameplay and decide based on that.
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I would went for Rise of The Tomb Raider
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Damn, that's a lot cheaper. I don't want to put in any more money towards games so the £20 i have on steam is all i have to work with. Rise of The Tomb Raider looks very fun. Definitely still under consideration
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With games and sequels i think it would be good to play through all of them in order so even though DS 3 has such good reviews, i would probably go with DS 1 instead which i think its £10 right now.
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I spent a bit more than I should have on CS:GO, but now I finally have those odd valve games which never really go on sale (Complete Pack).
If I were you, I'd wait on FO4 (for the complete edition), and we all know how greedy Bethesda is. I'd wait for Rise of the Tomb Raider to come down, and Tomb Raider has been cheaper. I'm not sure, but I think GTAV has a lot of DLC not included with that price. Rocket League has been on better promotions, but if your friends are urging you to get it then you can spend the extra few dollars.
I'd probably go with Golf With Your Friends, Life is Strange, and maybe Rocket League, on that budget. Depends on if friends are playing GWYF and RL.
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The majority are playing Rocket League but they're not urging me to get it so if it can get cheaper i can wait. I can double check the prices on Tomb Raider but i'll take that into consideration and won't get Rise of the Tomb Raider and FO4 just yet and wait until the summer sale or next winter sale since the games i have will last me a long time.
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IKR? Only £20 on Steam. Although i spent more money on GMG and Uplay this sale than steam, i just had to get that game at that price. I already own 1 and 2, both on GOG and on Steam and from what i heard, the expansions are almost as big as seperate games so that's a lot of extra hours for me.
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I've got like $40 left (I had $50) and I'm having a hard time, too...
I'm thinking about saving some like my Dad suggested, but idk about that either, lol.
I do want to get at least one Waifu/cute game, and my main choices were Conception 2, Megadimension VII, or Moekuri. Moekuri is the cheapest, but it's also not the best "deal" at only -20%...
Then I'm thinking of maybe getting a couple more local mp games like Blade Ballet or Sly Bots or something...
I'm so indecisive, though... XP
Anyways, I was also looking at DBX, but it's been a bit cheaper before, so I was thinking there's not much reason to buy it during this sale, but idk?
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I feel you. I bought Hyperdimention Neptunia ReBirth 1 as my "cute" game but Megadimention VII was my second choice. I just couldn't pick. Although i spent definitely over £100 in total this sale already. Games such as DOOM and Witcher 3 GOTY + i even preordered a game today. If that money was in my wallet i wouldn't buy anything else, but it's just sitting there on Steam and i just need to buy something with it.
Out of the games you mentioned Megadimention Neptunia looks the most interesting but that's up to you. Either way, i am not proud of myself for spending so much but i have a full time job so it's a bit less painful knowing i get my next paycheck after i buy those games. Just don't buy games that you will regret. Watch some gameplays.
You have a tight budget so it's not worth buying a lot of crap games when you can buy a few that you will really enjoy. (Says the guy who spent £10 on 20 random keys from GMG only to give away most of the games on SG)
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Yeah, my money is from a $50 card I got as a Christmas present. I feel like I'd enjoy any of them, since I've played the demo for Conception, played over 80 hours of Re;Birth 1, and I do enjoy collection games (like Pokemon and stuff.).
My brother wants me to get Blade Ballet, so I probably will get that (although during a free weekend for Trine he had me buy it and hasn't played it with me since, lol).
But in one earlier thread Clusterpuck 99 was recommended and so I bought that to play locally, it was only $1, so it seemed like a good deal. If you don't already have God Eater 2, that has a pretty good discount ($20) and it's a ton of fun. Well I've mostly played the first, which is included, but either way, this is cheaper than when I bought it and I thought it was definitely worth my money.
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That was also on my watchlist, but now that i am limited to only £20 because i really don't want to top up anymore, i need to make some serious decision to get the most out of what's left
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I recommend Tomb Raider. It's really very good. Start to finish good pacing.
Then, get the second Dark Souls game. Challenging and plays nicer than the first with mouse and keyboard.
With what's left, get Life Is Strange. Unique and very different than the other two recommendations.
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Would i be missing out if i haven't played the First Dark Souls game though? Also, i own an Xbox controller which i use for some games that are horrendous on Mouse/Keyboard so the controls don't bother me too much. I played Life is Strange Episode 1 and even though people said it was probably one of the worst out of the 5, i really enjoyed it, and for the price i think it's pretty good,
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I was thinking about those, but most of my friends are on steam maybe a few times per month so i am actually a bit worried i won't be playing these games often enough. Rocket League looks like it could be fun solo too though. I really want both games but if i am only going to play them once a month with my friends, i might be better off not buying them right now.
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I mostly play RL offline with my brother, but since he got it for Xbox, I'm thinking about looking for people to play with online maybe, so if you do decide to get it, you can send me an invite. I don't normally play online all that much, but that's where the special drops are from and all, so I probably could play it more.
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Stardew Valley or Huniepop, honestly, both are insanely good games that offer a lot for their prices.
In your list, well, I've played Golf with your Friends... it's really really fun for about 5 hours, with friends. After that you'll want to wait for new updates. It's worth it, it's really good with friends, but you won't put as much time in it as you would for other games.
Rocket League I have a lot more hours in.. it's really fun with friends at your level, you'll want to pick it up around the same time they do, so you can learn together. So a difference of around 100 hours played is fine, but after that the gap is just too big to keep up, and you can't touch the ball anymore D;
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Huniepop... hmm. I might consider it. Stardew Valley im not too sure on though. Would have to check some gameplay. Also, if Rocket League is like this i might reconsider. Some of my friends put in a lot of hours already. Thanks for the recommendations.
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Some of those are pretty nice. Will try to figure out some combinations later
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That's definitely something i would do, but my friends only play CS:GO and LoL (although i'm not a fan of LoL) so that Steam money would go to waste. That being said, i bought CS:GO for most of my irl friends, except one, because i'm not buying him the same game for the 10th time. The last £25 i spent i gave away on SG actually. (It was my mistake for trusting GMG random keys and my luck.) but it's better than nothing.
The next best thing would be to give away the games i buy with the remaining £20 on SG, which i don't mind doing either. I don't think i have ever given away any highly wishlisted games on here yet, only games that i didn't personally want, or extra copies of games i already owned.
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GTA V the singleplayer campaign alone will keep u busy for a long time :)
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I am a fan of GTA series but i was disappointed by IV a little bit (Played it on console) and never put many hours into it. I have a few friends that own the game but they don't want to play it anymore because they're bored of it. I'll have to think about it a little bit since i do like the franchise, even if it's just to enjoy the singleplayer as you said because the multiplayer doesn't look that fun playing alone.
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In preperation for this sale i have topped up my Steam account with a "bit" too much money, but since some games i bought off Green Man Gaming and Uplay store for cheaper, i still have around £20 left. Was wondering what game or games i should get for the remaining £20. I am open to suggestions.
I spent a lot more than usual during this sale. What i bought:
Witcher 3 GOTY
Just Cause 3
Hyperdimention Neptunia ReBirth 1
Far Cry Primal (Uplay)
Valve complete pack
Assassins Creed Syndicate (Uplay)
Borderlands complete bundle (i was only missing the last 2 games)
Metal Gear Solid V complete (with ground zero) -
Also preordered South Park Fractured but Whole Gold edition (Includes Stick of Truth and season pass). I don't own Stick of Truth so i thought it was a good deal for £40 which is usually the price of the standard edition.
Games i was "thinking" about getting with the remaining £20:
GTAV - £20
Rainbow Six Siege - £15
Dying Light - £16
Golf With your friends - £3.60
Tomb Raider - £3.74
Rise of The Tomb Raider - £20
Life is Strange Complete - £4
Plague Inc - £6
Fallout 4 - £13
Rocket League - £9
Any Dark Souls game
Any Final Fantasy game
Shadow of Mordor GOTY - £8
Any of the Neptunia/One Piece/DBZ or just Anime Game
I am very open to suggestions so if you could recommend me some "hidden gems" of this sale i would appreciate that too. I only have £20 left and honestly, since that money is already on my steam account, there isn't any point in saving it, unless i can wait for a better sale. Games i bought this sale will last me the whole year at the very least anyway.
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