NO just NO. If you never traded, don't do it. UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO PROPERLY DO, search in steamdrates, talk with the people that YOU add not that they add you(you will surely by add by impersonators), and with lot of good rep+++++ and doing that you can be scamed anyways, so be beware.
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I edited, is like,yes "you can"...but trading with keys is not secure at all.... someone will have to send the key first, then you have to wait for the other...maybe if you search for people with lot of good rep+++ is a lot more secure,but not 100% secure, not all people are good.... But that is my advice only, just be aware that it can go nice or really really bad xD.
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And this is why we need the trading FAQ!!
Okay, as the previous answers don't look all that helpful I'll try to share some of my experiences. Now where to start...
Regarding your question: it doesn't really matter if you trade keys or HB links. Some people prefer the links, because you can see on first sight if it has been used or not, whereas you will never know that from a key unless you tried to activate it.
If you want to get into trading you should go ahead and install "Enhanced Steam" (google it) to your browser. This tool shows links to people's Steamgifts profile, so you can be sure that the person you're talking to is the one he/she's claiming to be. There are so called "impersonators" that use name and avatar of well reputed traders to disguise themselves and scam people.
Enhanced Steam also shows if a person is a reported scammer.
Now best thing is to start your trading here in the trades section. People have that "Feedback" thing in their profiles. For example look at mine, in the upper right corner you see (116/0). This means I got 116 positive and 0 negative feedbacks. Clicking on that will direct you to the feedback site with more detailed feedbacks from the people I traded with. Opposed to what is written on people's Steam profile this is a more or less reliable source, because this feedback cannot be modified. If someone leaves a bad feedback on your Steam profile you can just delete it, right? So if a person has at least 20 or more positive feedback on here it's a safe deal. Of course, you can never be sure. A little chat with the person you want to trade with is never a bad idea.
Best thing is to look around a bit to get some experience about the item's worth. Check to see if a game has been bundled. Enhanced Steam also adds this functionality to your browser, so if you check a game's Steam store page in your browser you'll see its bundling status, historically lowest pricing and so on.
What else... Hm, that's all I can think of for now. If you have questions, please go ahead.
Good luck and lots of fun trading!
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People usually give SG profile links to show how many rep they have. There's a button on SG that shows the user's Steam profile.
And this is where the cheating happens.
LordNoobhammer, the scammer (first of his name) for example gives you the profile link of Eeev, for example. But before that, he changes his own profile in a way that it looks like Eeev's - profile pic, name, usually enough.
So you start chatting with Lord Noobhammer (who's profile looks like Eeev's), gives you Eeev's SG profile, that has a lot of rep to it. If you check the steam profile link, it shows the *real* Eeev's steam profile, but as the scammer made his profile look a lot like it, you maybe mix it up. It's like having a mask of Eeev IRL with a copy of her ID card - you think you're trading with the real one.
Enhanced Steam adds a link on each Steam user's Steam profile that opens up THEIR SG profile - so even though they link someone's elses, you'll see their own ones.
Long story short: install Enhanced Steam, and only trust the amount of rep the SG button on their profile will show, not the one they link to you.
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I'd be interested in shelter 2, add me if you want to discuss, I promise I won't run away :p
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