Похрену ему. А кривая локализация от 1ass и мультиплеерная резервация тебе тоже похрену?
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This is not racism, russians pirate every fucking game that comes out that's why they get such cheap game prices. Also 90% of cheats/trainers/cracks/hacks are made by russians.
From my personal experience, I always see people complaining about russians ripping them off in trades or trying to scam their accounts. And they cheat or micspam on EVERY game I play.
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Games are cheap as hell in russia to prevent piracy (and I'm not talking just about games) they have no excuses at all.
They still won't buy AAA titles even if it's just for 10$? Maybe they feel more comfy by stealing them for free as usual, and then go online and ruin everyone's else experience.
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Know what? Shut up. I don't give a Puck where do you live - average sallary in your country is BY DEFAULT much bigger than ours. What, you really think that games costing even 20$ would be bought in country with average sallary level equalling 300-400$ and for the worst flat rent somewhere in suburbs you must pay 600$? We, russians, live in the big asshole. I admit, there's god damn lot of idiots here, that behaving themselves as at home, but ain't that concernes EVERY single nation? Every nation and country have idiots and crapy people. But how could you be normal guy if you live in such enviroment?..
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So technically what you're saying is that every moscovian earns 300 bucks spending 600 bucks for flat rent? Russian mathematics is so russian.
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This is petition to 2K and Steam.
We want to be able to play Borderlands 2 in any language and with gamers from any region and country.
1) Remove language restrictions;
2) Remove regional multiplayer restrictions;
3) Allow CIS gamers to buy and play in DLC.
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Some add. All pre-orders from Eastern Europe have been modified to be restricted to Russia and Russian language only. Without warning. Season pass was canceled (due to nonexistent DLC support of this version), but to refund those money you need to contact support.
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imagine you had to pay 60 bucks or equivalent in pounds for a version that doesn't have english language, only russian that you don't understand. Also, you would be restricted to play on russian servers only. That's exactly what happened to Baltic and CIS states except Russia.
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i signed, and i will never again buy from this company and i am very disapointed, even if i have no problems with the restriction, its like racism... and i wich i hadn't pre-order the game...
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"remove regional multiplayer restrictions" Oh hell nah!!! I am getting tired of every single game I play getting overrun by Russians. You are not Europeans, so stop joining my EU servers and ruining it for everyone else with your massive PING!!!!
Sorry, had to get that off my chest.
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Many East European countries are now stuck with the Russian version of the game, thanks to 2k. Its not just about Russians.
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nor are we racist against russians. we just don't need a ton of "other countries" joining our games, etc. lagging down our servers with horrible ping. also it's not like you're getting a lesser version, or edited like some games get edited in certain countries (hint:germany) you still get the full game, it's just purely restricting your servers to your area.
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It also restrict language to Russian... and no, not all East-Europeans can speak Russian, so if I had preordered the game I wouldn't be able to play it because I wouldn't understand anything!
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There is a huge difference between saying "Russia ≠ Europe" and "Russians are not Europeans".
No, not all of Russia lies on the European continent; however, 110 million people who happen to be citizens of Russia live within the confines of the European continent and are therefore Europeans.
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Petition brought the game to PC and tbh, it was always going to use GfWL. From Software din't have enough experienced PC developer's on the team to use to Steamworks or anything else for that matter so they used existing code from the console version. If you've ever worked with XNA, you'll see you can do pretty much a write once, deploy xbox/pc when it concern's the use of the Live/GfWL framework. (Naturally there are exceptions, and this isn't a hard fact).
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If it is one from tens of thousends, the success ratio for a single petition is low and I would not call it effective. Though my numbers are not accurate, I estimate that most of the petitions do nothing and hence are not that useful.
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You clearly haven't been seeing any good petitions.
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Why would I want to play a co-op game with someone who doesn't speak my language? Not being sarcastic, just asking.
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Huh. Never would have guessed. You speak perfectly.
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Well, I don't care about currently you, but most of my Steam friends are not from Russia. And I met with almost every of them in co-op games. Had ping problems only when joined someone from America or Asia. By myself, I never go on servers with ping higher than 100. But from Saint-Petersburg it's large selection of who to connect.
And surprise for you: in Russia second language is in the school curriculum. Mostly english, but there could are also be french or german, for example.
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I don't really care about the reasonings. The fact that they exist with nothing saying they do is enough to get my hackles up. When you buy a product, you expect it to work.
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A lot of ignorants,I wish smth like this will happen in a country like U.S.A or U.K(there are the most ignorants),I would love to see those idiots screaming on the forums,but when its about a "non-important" country...no one cares...there is no problem..
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limit me to my own country. I'd cry out of sheer joy. less brasilians going "hue hue hue" nonstop into the mic at full volume. yea ok, that was a tad racist. but still true. i'd have no problem being limited to my country.
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I partialy agree with you....I hate when they talk or type in their native language..Anyway,I didnt have many problems with russians,but they tend to type in their language(On Engish servers),thy tend to hack whatever they can,every time to break the rules,but hey,not all of them are like that,why half of them suffer for the action of the other half?
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Oh my...the crying that would happen. I would love to see that. Maybe people could learn a bit about sympathy.
Edit: And Russians could defend it saying "I hate when [americans/UKs] talk in their native language so this is great," "they tend to hack whatever they can," and stuff like that. Except in Russian, of course.
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Is it bad that I'm actually happy that I can't play with russian players? I have nothing against russian players in general but they are nr. 1 reason some MPs suck with their: massive ping, talking russian only, a lot of annoying players are russian (teamkilling, griefing, the story goes on).
Not to mention that your petition wont change ANYTHING. The restrictions will stay mainly due to people abusing the cheap prices to sell them to other people. And stop crying about them adding these hints few days/weeks after they started the pre-purchase options. I have to deal with this stuff constantly (pre-order started, 5 weeks afterwards -> low violence version. Thanks a lot for ruining the game for me. Main reason I hardly pre-order any game on Steam and if I do I get it over a friend from abroad).
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Except that even countries that aren't Russia, just close to it, must pay 50 euros for the russian ghetto version. My country has been free from USSR occupation for the last 22 years and it's very insulting to be forced a russian version. Most people here don't even speak russian, let alone like to hear or see it. I for one can only swear in russian. No offense to all the decent people in russia. It's Kreml that's causing the issues.
Also we are a part of the European Union, NATO and we are a very technologically advanced country. Gesh man.. we are even starting to teach kids coding in primary school and you can access internet pretty much everywhere.
Guess that all doesn't matter to publishers.
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I can understand CIS countries getting region locked games, well, because they pay 2-3 times less than everyone else and a lot of people take advantage of this by reselling games to others. But this thing concerning Borderlands 2 where people in Baltic countries - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, getting region restricted version of a game by paying a full European price (50€) is ridiculous. These countries are part of EU and not in CIS. If they think Baltic countries are part of CIS then why don't we get the same prices as in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus?
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Thats so gay, i can pre-order this game only in Russian and im not even a ****ing Russian. Also i dont live in Russia, now i have to pre-order this game thru someone else. Only good thing is that i dont have to play with Russians, they speak alot. I hope Russian versions have auto-mute, i hate Russian kids in CoD series.
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I'll sign as soon as Valve implements an age verification check in the shop, so I can buy uncensored games in my region ;)
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You mean the enter-your-date-of-birth 'age verification' ? That one doesn't actually verify your age at all, so it's useless for the EU.
As for sales restrictions - there are a lot of games I can buy games on Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.de, but not on Steam,, so it isn't a problem of the game being restricted from being sold online.
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He meant a working age verification. Not a simple check, if the user is able to calculate 2012-18...
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I checked with Valve, because I wanted to make my censored games uncensored.
Answer "We can not make your games uncensored, even if you are 18+, because of restrictions in your regions, the Bundesprüfstelle does not allow it".
So I checked with the Bundesprüfstelle, and asked them, why they will not allow Valve to sell me uncensored games, even if I'm 18+.
Answer: "Valve does not implement an aknowledged age verification in their shop, so Valve is restricted to sell censored games, because they do have to treat every customer in this region as 12+ (because 13 is the legal age to make limited contracts) until they do so".
So, it's Valve's fault for not implementing a working age verification.
I don't know why I'm allowed then to trade for and activate uncensored games, I just can not buy them. Meh.
tl;dr: Valve shop programmers = lazy, Valve = not always customer friendly
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Same happened with Diablo 3. People cried but Blizzard didn't give a fuck
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Part of the problem with Diablo III was they had a pitiful number of servers.
I live in the northern part of the US (close to Boston, MA) and the first month and more I never dropped below 300ms ping. My friend in Florida, much closer to the the one (or two) servers for North America, had consistent 100ms ping.
For reference, my ping to my ISPs hub (out in Boston) is under 32ms. My ping in the majority of TF2 servers I've played on is below 50 (average).
Blizzard definitely needed more servers when Diablo III launched, but it seems they made the right decision since the game was shit and tons of people have quit.
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ksn0va in the Torchlight II Steam forums explained it pretty well:
"In short, Diablo 3 has more money put into it while Torchlight 2 has more heart and soul."
Also, the whole Brevik/Wilson debate explained pretty well why Diablo 3 is shit and nobody should ever buy again a game made by the D3 devs.
However, what i meant with that comment was that Blizzard explicitely said that the russian version of D3 could be played in every language. In the end, the russian version could only be played in russian and the same goes for some other countries like for example Brazil, where a original retail copy bought from a local store for about $60 could only be played in that countries language. I hope Blizzard dies quickly, i will never again buy anything from them
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Full story ---> here
!!WE WON!!!
2K Games and 1C are aware that digital distribution pages for the Russian, CIS and Baltic States versions of Borderlands 2 contained incorrect information regarding the language and cross territory compatibility support. We apologize that this information was incorrect during the pre-sale and pre-order period for these territories. We are working with our partners to update those pages, and offer any customers who pre-ordered or pre-purchased the game the opportunity to cancel their order and receive a refund.
Additionally, we are working with our product development teams to investigate potential support for additional languages and options for our customers in these territories. While this was and is not possible for launch, we will provide an update this week on our progress.
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