Nothing new tbh, i'm pretty sure a lot of users know about this already, the only problem is that not everybody has webmoney account to pay for it
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I think he is talking about shovelware for 1-10 cents, not actual games. Those are definitely cheapest in Russia (cheaper than on any of the typical key stores), and I don't think they ever have a region lock. As for "normal" games - yes, their price on key sites often matches russian price, because the keys you buy there actually come from Russia or similar cheap countries.
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Prices for "normal" games often cost less in russia too, but there is a catch - keys for "normal" games usually region-locked to RU/CIS (or even RU-only), since publishers don't want rest of world to buy them cheap (unlike those shovelware "publishers")/
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To exploit the cv system...
~15 cents for 20-50 CV ... till someone write a "add game" ticket with all the infos....
Think about how many make such tickets and how much staff members are active...
... and you see why people give them in high ammounts away
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I am not sure about all cases because a lot of that games get not delisted. If they break no rules, and to take exorbitant prices for crap isn't forbidden, nothing happen.
I know a good bunch of users that are mostly level 7-10 that have a good part of that levels from such "great games" that they bought each for 4-18 cents.
I am one of the people that report such games to reduce at least the full cv advantage.
But as example 15% of 50p = 7,5cv for 10-15 cents is anyway a good deal for them.
The support had the tracker link since one year and from me they got it a few months ago too.
They would be able to program a script that set all of that listed games automatic to reduced cv ..... if they want(ed).
It give enough with experience at sg that were able to help out if the support haven't the time or experience.
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Блин даже в рашке к таким сайтам относятся с осторожностью, да и нафига оно вообще надо если я могу за 50 деревянных на Хамбле купить пак норм игр?
I would not trust such sites in the hope of saving money. As they say in Russia - " a miser pays twice"
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The below is a list of content that is not allowed in our community
14 Reselling keys and links to reseller stores. Do not use our site to resell keys, and do not post offers from stores which allow third parties to resell their keys or gifts.
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Popular internet term for a lot of boring text :)
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So... Lemme take the fall for those in my shoes, but what's shovelware, and what's the difference between it and a cheap/low quality indie title? (No offense meant to Indie devs by any means, just trying to figure this out. XD)
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I was roughly aware of what shovelware is, however I was asking for a difference between Russian shovelware and a cheap/low quality indie title, something that neither of you really delved into, simply allowing for the simple google search, which instead of attempting to be patronizing about could have been avoided with a bit of etiquette, common sense, and reading the entirety of my post. Believe it or not, simply dropping the links could work, although it still doesn't really answer the difference aspect of my question.
Thus, when I ask what it is, one can simply say things like "There's little difference between low quality indie titles on steam and shovelware, the latter is just a bunch of rubbish bundled." Or something along those lines. Alternatively "The games from shovelware sites make low quality indie titles looks like AAA ones."
You forgot basic manners, but I don't have the time to dedicate to teaching you them. So this is the part where I label you as an asshole and move on with life, maybe after reminding you to read the entirety of a post.
Have a wonderful day.
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I wasn't trying to be an asshole to you or veebles, it was a joke. Now you are being an asshole. Have a nice day to you sir/madam.
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OLD, i am using plati for 10 years now, its legit but not all sellers there are professionals
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I see 1 additional risk though.
Steam has been closing accounts that they are accusing of money laundering. Mostly this was users buying games with the steam wallet and giving them to others.
Buying skins with steam wallet and using them to buy stuff at Russian stores, might be putting you at risk for getting flagged as well. Resulting in Steam closing your account with warning and without good customer support to solve it after. Not a certainty that this will happen, but the risk is there...
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