I don't think you'll get a refund but it never hurts to try.
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I don't think you can, since you bought it before they launched the refund thingy...
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If you pre-ordered the game, chance is that you had 1+ million in-game dollars to spend on stuff right from the begining so even that is not much of a difference compared to this deal. Plus, GTA V pre-order was 54.99 or so eur at some point, probably a temporary price error, but if you got it that time, there would be no difference in price either.
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I know, but this is really strange problem. When I bought that laptop 2 years ago, I could run Dead Island on high settings with many fps, but today I can't play smooth Dead Island even on low settings... I know that laptops are bad and I will probably never buy laptop again. According to Tomb Raider - I did read system requirements and it tells that I shouldn't buy this, cause my processor is to slow.
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In my opinion if you tell them the truth, you have to get a refund. As far as I heard, since they started this refund thingy they have refunded people with 2+ hours playtime and even those, who have bought the game long ago. Like everyone says, you won't lose anything if you try to ask a refund for it. I mean they won't lock your account just for trying, will they? :D
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I told them the truth, and they already sent me an email that says I got refunded :) If I get money before seven days they told me I can wait up to - I will probably make some small giveaway for my whitelist, to which you belong, cause you and all those guys above and below you helped me :) You know, if not steamgifts, I wouldn't even know about that refund thingy ;)
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If you can't run it on your laptop then it's highly possible that you will get a refund through this automated process by choosing that your hardware is unable to run it but if you don't then you can always try to ask for it longer way, through support ticket. I bought by mistake ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) one game and it was solved with that new refund policy in around a day, now I wait for money transfer which takes around a week.
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my advise would be to keep the game and play it once you have a better pc. great game, it's really worth it.
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It looks like you bought it before the refund policy came out, but I have heard about people getting refunds from games bought awhile ago, so it's worth a try.
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People are getting refunds for games as old as 6 months old Won't hurt to give it a try at refund
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Probably isn't shittier, because I could play Dead Island on high settings when I bought that laptop and now, after 2 years I can't play Dead Island anymore xD Problem is really deeper, because it started to be that shit after guarantee ended.
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You should definitely go for it. Valve states that even if You don't meet requirements for refunding certain game, You have to contact them and they will look into your case individually and You may really get a refund. It's written in refund policy or refund FAQ so You can check it to be sure.
I was also talking about this new refund thing with my Friends recently and guess what... They have asked for a refund for almost every game they didn't touch etc. So far, most of them got a reply from Support and got their money back. Keep in mind that if You were gifted a game, the person who will be getting money back is the one who gifted it to You, obviously :P
To make it clear: I haven't tried this feature yet as I don't have any games purchased from Steam Store, activated and which I would like to refund (I rarely buy games). I have some giftable copies in my Steam inventory but I have no idea how to get refund for them.
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Someone in this forum refunded something bought in March. Then I went on to refund something in February and it worked.
I would definitely try , but make up a good text, maybe this is important, maybe not. Because I wrote that I wanted to spend the money I save on the sale and so on. Stuff GabeN's minions want to hear.
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Yeah, I didn't write a poem, I just wrote something like ''I didn't read system requirements well enough and when I checked it said that my processor is definitely to slow for that game.'' It worked, now I just got to wait for my money, I hope it will be faster than the 7 days they told me about :)
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Depends on where you wanted them to transfer the refund. I think Steam Wallet would be faster, that'S why I chose this one instead of PayPal. It took me less than 7 days but can't guarantee that you'll be as lucky too.
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You can always try, but the refund rules state that you must have purchased the game in the last 14 days and played it under 2 hours.
Don't forget to specify that your machine can't run it. They sure will review your case.
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I heard that if my playtime is under 2h steam will refund a game? You guys probably have done that already and since you're all awesome I want advice from you.
Basically, thing is that I bought Tomb Raider GOTY at winter 2014/15, but I realized my shit laptop can't handle it. As far as I know I'm not planning to buy new one soon. Is that possible for me to get refunded? My playtime is like 0.6 h or something.
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