one of my tickets:
PS: I guess that Steam support is the alpha version of Archi's bot.
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Wouldn't the publisher be more suited to that, instead of the developer themselves?
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I bet Valve has been conquered by the apes, that's why the support is what it is and it also explains why Half-Life 3 will never get released.
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Yeah, the support is like that... Didn't You know that You need to send about 10-20 new replies to your ticket before You could even receive a reply from a real person? :P Still, seeing how silly their automatic replies are, gives a lot of laugh :)
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To be fair, I can't complain about support as much as I did on previous occasions, I usually receive answers anywhere between 3-5 days for important things, even though the last ticket I sent was answered after two weeks. Eh, it's aight I guess.
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#1 item on every FAQ should be help on how to find the FAQ
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I'm still waiting for Steam to lift my 200 item sales limit (I sent them the extra information they wanted 2 months ago and got no updates since). I also tried making a support ticket a few days ago, and predictably, no one at Steam Support seems to care)
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Probably because the information wasn't real or you waited a long time to enter it (another flag for their system).
You don't get any "updates". It just unlocks when valid information is submitted.
Just letting you know is all. You wouldn't get any response from them anyways, except now you've made a ticket and will get retard/robot replies because they can't deal with your tax information afaik. You were supposed to enter the valid tax information ASAP so sadly you probably dug your own grave. :(
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I'm under 18 and I live outside the US, so I suppose I'll need to make another account for Steam market. I sent them valid information (passport) a day after they sent the email regarding extra information (which is something like either your passport or drivers license along with an explanation). Is there really no hope for my account?
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Well, outside of the US could mean Canada which would still be dealing with the N. American support division.
But if you live in Europe or something you'll have to deal with the S.a.r.l. Valve set up in Luxembourg and I don't know if you can get in contact with them via Steam Support.
Also, afaik you can't be under 18 and be utilizing the marketplace in a manner that requires tax info -- but then again you say you're not in US so it can be different and more convoluted if you come from the direction of a non-US citizen.
If Steam asked you for extended information (i.e. you say it asked for passport/ID) that means your initial information was invalid or could not be verified...and how could it be since you don't have a SSN? lol And if nothing happened after you sent in the extended information, it probably means you're not allowed to use the market in the manner you want.
But I mean, Steam Support is the worst place to ever actually need something and you're stuck it seems. You can always keep hoping you'll find a competent human that can help you but I wouldn't be expecting much.
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I contacted support 2 times now. The first one was on a friday and was about me not being able to buy anything so of course they replied on monday and I had the solution by tuesday. Second time was for something not purchase related so it took about two weeks.
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My experience with Steam support has been always useless bot replies the first time(s), but eventually you get through to a human. :) Anecdotally, support requests of the "I'm trying to give you money, but you don't seem to want it" variety seem to be answered faster than the "I did something stupid, please fix it for me" type. :)
I think the only way to improve things for us would be for Valve to hire a dedicated support staff, which they appear disinclined to do... :)
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Valve will never have a dedicated support staff, thanks to Gaben and the Cheesecake Factory. It's part of their mission statement to do away with most employee labels -- and this is over a decade old now.
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I like how Gabe and company have been going around to the press lately saying they realize their service sucks. So their solution to that was to just allow refunds, as if that were the only reason someone would write support.
Any time they have an issue that needs addressing they always seem to take the laziest and most half assed way possible. Like starting Greenlight because they didn't want to deal with all the submissions anymore.
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Very apt observation, as it's actually the case. Gabe dgaf about pleb problems -- he's busy with HL3, P3, and their movies.
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I've contacted Steam Support 3 times (not including refund requests). Out of three times, they were only helpful once.
The first time, I sent them a ticket saying that some games had magically disappeared from my account, in which they responded with why the VAC system is in place, and what it is. Yeah, but no. I didn't even mention 'VAC' in the ticket at all, so no idea how they latched onto that. Especially as my Steam account has never been in anything other than good standing. Never actually found out why ~15 games up and ran from my account.
The second time was just after they'd added the market restrictions when logging on to 'new computers' with a Steam account. My account was market locked twice for 7 days each within a weeks period, even though I'd not logged into any new computer with Steam. Contacted them when I got the first lock.. no response. Second lock happened a few days later, so I updated the ticket. They responded 3 days AFTER both locks expired, explaining the market restrictions when logging into a new system for the first time. Which didn't help because A. lock was over by the time they got round to responding, and B. I know the restrictions, I'd mentioned them and that it didn't apply. But nope, that was the support I was going to get.
The third time was asking about DLC refunds a couple days after the refund system came out. They actually responded correctly to that one. :o
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If you put the word "refund" in the ticket it flags it. There are a few other words that will flag higher priority as well.
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Yep, there's a good couple of buzz words. VAC being one of them (which is why the first ticket of mine would've made sense to me if I'd ever used 'VAC' in the ticket).
I hope they keep the refund support going well, and hoppeffully push it toward their entire support system.
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That's really strange. As much as I really wouldn't stick up for Steam's Support in any other area, the refund support has always been good and consistent to me.
I refunded Lego Worlds the day of the refund systems release, and it was accepted within 24 hours. I refunded Cities: Skylines that I had owned for well over a month, and wrote that I would've asked for a refund right away but the system to refund didn't exist at the point... which they also accepted.
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Hm, yeah, that does suck. Both my refunds were within 2 weeks of the system coming out, and both were approved within 24 hours, and the money in the wallet was there by the time I finished reading the refund e-mail.
I have heard other complain at the speed of it as well, though. It could be region as you say, that'd suck, but make sense. =/
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I tried to get a refund for Ridge Racer Unbounded, purchased January this year but it was denied with the only stated reason being that it was not within the 2 week window. It was under 2 hours played still. I had mentioned the servers being turned offline which significantly gimps the game, including a facepalm-worthy 20-30 second search for servers at the start of the game that can't be skipped.
I'm wondering now whether I should keep pressing on the refund, because with the game bought in January, and the servers being announced to go offline in February, I think it's a reasonable request.
Maybe I just encountered a support staff member who didn't read what I'd written.
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What was their reply? I think other people found out what the conditions were for the cards to drop, but it was still very glitchy.
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They just sent some boilerplate telling me to contact them if I have a real problem. Here's the text:
We apologize for the delay in getting back to you regarding your support request. We are experiencing much higher than normal traffic volumes at this time, and are asking for anyone still in need of assistance to read the information below.
If your issue has been resolved no further action is required - the ticket will close automatically.
Any in-game items that are advertised as a pre-order bonus cannot be added by Steam Support. If you pre-ordered a game it must have been pre-ordered through Steam and before the game released. We cannot grant items to accounts that were not automatically granted by our system.
Similarly, any in-game items that should have been granted for earning an achievement must be earned while online. If you did not receive the item you will need to be online and complete the achievement(s).
Dota 2 Compendium offers and rewards have already been granted. Unfortunately, we cannot modify any Compendium levels or items you have or have not received. Prerequisites for rewards were listed on
Lastly, Steam Support cannot modify or grant Counter-Strike Veteran Coins or trading cards. Veteran Coins and trading cards are automatically granted and cannot be manually added to your account. If you have not received one it means you have not met the requirements to receive the coin/trading cards.
If your question has not been answered here please reply for an expedited response.
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And what's worse is that they're really inconsistent with people when it comes to removing Steam games from libraries.
I've heard a ton of cases where people, including yourself, have got games removed from the library through support. But, they state all the time that they can't and won't remove games from libraries.
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Aaha, got to love Steam Support, eh?
I can't seem to get into my Steam Support account, otherwise I'd show you them telling me they can't remove games from libraries. I guess it's just the pick of draw with who's helping I guess.
At-least you got your game back, and the right one removed (and they fixed it within hours :O)!
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I contacted them a few months ago regarding my Portal 2 link on PSN, trying to actually use my code to get the steam version, apparently you have to be logged into the ps3 version while activating the pc version on steam (retarded design idea), but theres no way to sign into a different steam account on ps3 version, once you link an account, you can delete save, delete game info, it will auto detect psn account and relink to steam. tried getting whatever account I originally used removed, I STILL haven't heard back from them, so i just created a new psn to get the link over with, steam support is a joke.
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Classic Steam support. Go on, feel helpless :D I remember how they changed countries, included in region restrictions (my country - Lithuania - used to be among countries in Russian region, and then they changed it and it wasn't anymore), so I couldn't redeem The Witcher 2 gift I received, although when I got it, Steam clearly stated that Lithuania is still in Russian region. Of course Steam support answered me by the time it was completely changed so they didn't even see the problem. Good for them, I guess, so I just gave my game away to some guy from Russia to stop getting frustrated about it -.-
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On June 17 I sent a questions to support about the cards on the monster sale not dropping. I just got a reply, and it didn't even take them 3 months. Impressive. Completely irrelevant response, too.
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