The system is bugged and people took advantage, it doesn't matter at all from which country.
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There's a Brazillian thing known as "Jeitinho Brasileiro" - basically, how brazillians exploit all they can.
Turns out what they're explaining on wikipedia also fits for the internet.
"Oh man, i'm so smart by exploiting this!"; But now blend in that game prices in here are the usual, just converted to the currency (you may find brazillians claiming it's more expensive), and well, most people in here don't see 5 dollar games as "worth" the 10 brl - damn, neither they see Call of Duty as a 100 brl game (about 1/8 of the minimum wage in here), and some of them expect to "profit for discounts/free games" exploiting steam events, steam trades, and steam sales.
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Every human has the capacity to lie/cheat/steal, blaming/generalizing an entire country is going a bit overboard though.
Side note: I'm quite pissed that I lost all of my gems, I didn't have many left, about 1200 or so, but I turned everything in my inventory besides 2 profile backgrounds into gems so I could make booster packs.
Now they're just gone without a word from Valve...
I really hope they're either returned or the people who didn't use exploits are compensated for this nonsense.
Also, none of the gems that I had were purchased from the market, ALL of them were converted by me from things in my inventory, so why should people like me suffer??
Dammit Valve! Y U DO DIS TO THE LEGIT USERS!?! >_<
Edit: Gems are currently back in my inventory, can't confirm if it's the same for everyone, but I'd assume that as long as they're legit, then they are. Still can't craft booster packs though... (Or are you only allowed to craft one booster pack in 24 hours?!? o_O
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So what... o_O
Is he saying that he himself is a liar/cheater/thief as well??
That's just like saying that everyone from the US is a Christian creationist or everyone from Germany is a Nazi...
It's just not true and the only thing it does is help perpetuate stereotypes and ignorance.
Yes, I agree that the people who found and used the exploit are shitty people, but that in no way makes the entire population of Brazil a "cancer from internet" that "ruins everything". >_>
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It's just a joke and a rant. It's not to be taken too seriously, but aside from it I think traders should be more careful about brazilians in general. Most of brazilian steam users are children (I can't confirm it, but that's what i can see in the groups I used to be in FB) so they doesn't seem to imagine what is the matter of doing exploits or scams.
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There are quite a few threads discussing them in this very forum, use the search function.
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I'm sure there are plenty of Brazilians who a) would not lower themselves by doing such a thing, and b) view the behavior of Brazilian scam artists as a stain upon the honor of their country. Many of the Nigerian and Russian people know just how you feel.
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[trolling]That 7-1 was well deserved[/trolling]
You can't generalize all the people by the doings of one portion. (there are issues with them in the PES2015 online community as well, but, yet again, you can't say all of them are cheaters).
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i'd blame the game > people just do anything to succeed, anywhere/anytime especially when its "just a game" and thats what steam is
their big time f*up for not being able to control their own "sh"
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As a Brazilian, I say:
I am not a cheater;
I do not beg for games;
I live 5000km away from Colombia and don't "visit the neighbor to buy drugs";
I'm not member of a gang;
I do not like samba or soccer;
I'm not a "cancer"; and
A flaw was exploited by a Brazilian but could have been exploited by anyone in the world and it does not make me a less suitable person.
TL;DR tá.
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Nothing against Colombia, rest assured, but a person told me that one time, showing that in addition to generalize Colombia as a drug supplier, he has no idea of the Brazil's size.
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I like soccer and samba!
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Copying the response to Xiiram: "Nothing against Colombia, rest assured, but a person told me that one time, showing that in addition to generalize Colombia as a drug supplier, he has no idea of the Brazil's size."
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I did not mean to offend.
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Never trust you.
You are the cancer from the internet.
You ruin everything.
Did I get it right?
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Actually, if you're a brazilian and you're telling that brazilians shouldn't be trusted, I shouldn't trust you that brazilians shouldn't be trusted, therefore I should trust brazilians, but if brazilians should be trusted, the initial assumption wouldn't make sense, so... thanks for the paradox.
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It's your right to have an opinion, but if you think there's nothing wrong with Brazil then your opinion is at the very least deeply flawed. It's not a syndrome, it's reality. Sure, not everything is bad, every country has its problems, but to judge people because they've grown to hate this amazingly corrupt country we live in is a bit nutty to me.
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Curiosamente uma das pessoas que estava se aproveitando do esquema e seus amigos eram fãs do Bolsonaro.
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Saiu da zueira e ja foi parar na politica, q porcaria de topico. Parei de ler no avatar do Lula.
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Eu não citei nada de política, o jovem que citou e eu respondi. E não, você não parou no avatar do lula, chorãozinho.
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The thing is if you cut 90% of the exploiters then Valve would still have reacted like this, everyone that did it is equally guilty. Don't support exploiters by saying things like that.
That said where Valve released the numbers you are citing?
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what's that supossed to mean? I am and I've never exploited anything. In fact I didn't even buy a single gem or craft anything yet.. Everyone is as crooked (or lawabiding) as everyone wants to be.
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The big problem of the majority of Brazilian internet people, is that these are children, children of a generation of people who were created in the "post-military-dictatorship", where nothing could be done, and that "democracy" we live in today ALL CAN BE DONE ... you're hardly punished ... murderers, gangsters, corrupt, ... are loose and many in important government positions!
Just anyone google on corruption Petrobras, the largest state-owned company in Brazil!
.. I am Brazilian and I have often ashamed to say that I am BR on the internet!
I hope all the other users of the world understand that there are good people in Brazil ... we Brazilians are already beginning to "punish" our "brothers" of homeland who do wrong things!
Thx for all!
To BRs: O tiririca estava errado... sim pode ficar pior! já esta ficando!
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Exagero? ser ridicularizado, kickado, banido ou algo parecido apenas pq o IP é BR ou pq tens BR no nome ou nick do jogo?
Acredito que não!
Enquanto a cultura e educação do povo não mudar... jamais seremos respeitados e reconhecidos, na internet, pelos outros países!
Culpa dos malditos Hue hue br, que só querem avacalhar os jogos dos outros!
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It'll change eventually. Every society changed after a generation of [relatively] good governance -- look at places like Botswana, Poland, South Korea, etc. They were all horribly corrupt, impoverished societies with incredibly abusive governments. That eventually changed and after a generation the culture of the people changed too.
Brazil is basically where those countries were 20 years in terms of development, so it's not even that far away.
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...never trust brazilians, they are the cancer from internet and ruins everything... Most of the users that were exploiting the whole thing and were tracked down are brazilians. Thx compatriotas.
EDIT: So as most people couln't recognize the purpose of the post:
It's just a joke and a rant. It's not to be taken too seriously, but aside from it I think traders should be more careful about brazilians in general. Most of brazilian steam users are children (I can't confirm it, but that's what i can see in the groups I used to be in FB) so they doesn't seem to imagine what is the matter of doing exploits or scams.
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