Hello there! Welcome to another one of my trains with a music theme!

I've been a bit lazy and it's already been about 6 weeks since my last train (omg :o) !
I've been having a hard time deciding what the theme for my next train should be.
This time I decided to just go through my Last.fm history and pick the top10 most played tracks from each year, starting from 2005 (I left 2017 out because of a small sample size).

If you don't know what Last.fm (previously known as Audioscrobbler) is, it basically keeps track of the music you listen to by sending the data from your player of choice to the site.
With that gathered data you can then, for example, discover new music that you might like, based on your listening habits.
I've been using the site since 2005 and it has helped me discover a ton of new music and I've even made a bunch of international friends through it!
My charts aren't exactly accurate, because I've only occasionally used Last.fm on my phone and I listen to almost half of my music on my phone, so a lot of data is missing there.
I also haven't used it with Youtube, even though that is an option nowadays, and I listen to a ton of music on there also, so some songs won't make an appearance here that probably should have.

The train will run for 72h, has a basic sgtools check and requires lvl2 to enter. Good luck!

Get on board!

My previous trains: 1 2 3 4 5


Thought I'd use this thread to promote a GoFundMe campaign as well.
If there are any MMA fans here, perhaps you might be interested in helping a UFC fighter with a small donation.
You can read more in the page's description box (scroll down for English).
Check it out here! Thanks!

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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Awesome Train TM

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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bump :)

7 years ago

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Bumped for music.

7 years ago

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(previously known as Audioscrobbler)

That's inaccurate. Last.fm and Audioscrobbler were developed at the same time, by different entities. Very early on, the developer of audioscrobbler gave access to the software to Last.fm in exchange for a 15% stake in Last.fm, effectively merging the two entities. I don't recall Last.fm itself ever being referred to by the Audioscrobbler framework, though pages did used to reference it at the bottom.


That said, I used to really appreciate Last.fm, up till about 7 years ago. After that point, the site started dropping core features (by this point, it has been completely gutted), losing stability, and becoming bug-ridden; As of a couple years back, it's just really not a site I can't recommend anyone to, anymore- unfortunately, given how well I used to consider it.

Youtube, on the other hand, has really improved over the years [despite some of Google's general mishandlings of the site] as a music streaming source. It's not quite as rich as Last.fm used to be, but it's nevertheless still one of the most well-featured, accessible, and stable options currently out there. Though perhaps that's not the most notable commendation, when all the major names out there have some set of issues with their service, and most of the the lesser known sites have really died out altogether.

7 years ago*

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Ok. Thanks for the history lesson :P.
Well, as mentioned previously, I came across the site in 2005 and I guess I just always assumed that a company (last.fm) just came in and bought audioscrobbler and renamed it and that is kinda what happened in the end, no?
I mean, I think even the scrobbling software said "audioscrobbler" in 2005, maybe even 2006, even though the service had fully switched to Last.fm.
But ok, I guess it's not technically accurate to say Audioscrobbler was renamed to Last.fm etc, as Last.fm itself brought in the radio thing with them, but the core thing about the site, the scrobbling, is what "moved" from Audiocrobbler to Last.fm.

And about the site, yeah I don't use it much either anymore.
I don't think I've used it for discovering music in years by now. Youtube has kind of taken that role for me.
I do still use the scrobbling software, mainly because I want to keep a record of my listening habits.
Sometimes I like to go back, like I did with this train, and check what I listened to on a certain year.
I might find out I'd forgotten all about some amazing songs that I used to love.
There were a bunch of surprises to me in those top10's for some years :P

7 years ago

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up ^^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you Pabl0z :)


7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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thank you for the ride!:)

7 years ago

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Some good music choices there, thanks!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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bump ~

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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and Thanks! :D

7 years ago

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Thanks and Bump...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the train!

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the ride, Pablo :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Blippity bump!

7 years ago

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