Well they gotta prepare for the Summer Sale somehow.
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The two other DLC are the in-game items. They're worthless.
None of it matters for main game, most would prefer to save few euros as they aren't going to use cheat weapons or play that free to play side game.
Deluxe has nothing over Base Game + Season Pass (steam purchase is even new kind that adds both base + season pass separately to account).
So you can save by buying Game and Season Pass separately opposed to Digital Deluxe.
Then you can save even further by buying Game and Two DLCs from Season Pass and only miss few extras.
As for how useless SP extras are: I didn't use none of items that came with it in my 36 hours of playing.
Worst thing is, you permanently lose items, if you use. They're literally one time use, not once per save.
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Everything is one time only. (Also everyone gets now preorder bonuses too. They were never preorder exclusive.)
As I said there's two packs with similar name.
Sold Separately:
"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ DLC - Tactical Pack"
"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ DLC - Assault Pack "
While SP and Digital Deluxe includes:
"Tactical Pack"
"Assault Pack"
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they must be taking deal making classes from Drumpf.
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Hitman's been pretty unpopular since Absolution. Hitman GO was liked, but from what I remember, wasn't too successful. The episodic one flopped to shit as well.
I can see why they see Hitman as a sinking ship right now. People don't generally want something that's difficult. The original Hitman games were though and if they go simple, like Absolution, then they get slammed.
As to making a sequel to Thief? What's wrong with that? Watch_Dogs was in the same position and the sequel turned out to be one of, if not the best open world game that year.
Same with Just Cause. The first one was pretty shit.
Same with Saints Row. The first one was pretty shit.
Same with Euro Truck Simulator. The first one was pretty shit.
Same with the Far Cry series. Each game just improved itself up to the third or fourth one, depending on your opinion.
There are a few more examples that I can't recall at the moment.
My point is:
Just because the first game isn't great doesn't mean the sequel can't improve.
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Hitman just got everything what it required to make some profit to the studio: they have the engine, they have the main story, the gameplay elements, the characters: all they had to do is to create some levels and make the stroy flow, make it more interesting. And Square just shut the door before it, not giving it a chance to be bigger and better. The episodic release could work in a game like this. But don't make such a big expectations towards it after one season - probably the first season wasn't even finished when they decided to cut it off imho.
My problem is with Thief that the latest game was everything but not a Thief game. It looked fantastic, it worked well, but it was dead from the inside. The world was empty, the story wasn't interesting, it was lacking of any new or interest mechanism. But we are living a renaissance of immersive sims today: Prey just came out, SS3 is on the way - don't forget, Thief was an immersive sim too. But i already lost hope seeing what Square did to Mankind Divided. (another episodic plan which got shut down because the stupidity of the publisher)
(I don't wanna sound offense, but Just Cause and Saints Row did not improve that much over the years and they are not great games in my opinion. Both of them has many elements which requires a lot of improvement. Just Cause physics and dynamics improved, but it's an unbalanced game by any means. And Saints Row just ugly, with a not working gunplay element and driving mechanism. The story and the charm of the characters saved that game, nothing else)
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They have the engine, sure, but they can also use it for something else. Doesn't mean that it has to be used for Hitman only and it's doubtful that they would. It'd be a huge waste.
As for the story... I'm really curious what you mean by that because Hitman has (to my knowledge) never had a real story. They've pretty much made a placeholder and the only real thing that has happened (of note) is the death of Diana in Absolution. Stuff like "I'm Agent 47, I was grown in a lab and I have a barcode on my neck" isn't much of a backstory and "I have the task of transporting a girl... Oh, it's not really important, it's pretty much a prettier level transition" isn't really noteworthy either.
The episodic structure was the reason why Hitman flopped though. There was no interest or hype. It's the Telltale issue. By the time that episode 2 comes out, the hype is near dead and is only found with the fans of the first episode. That is a small and dwindling audience overall. Also, with Hitman, most only bought the first episode, since it was the cheapest and it scratched the itch for Hitman for many. This shows how many people just flat out stopped playing it or didn't buy it thanks to the achievement percentages.
How's Prey a sim? Unless you call all video games simulators, which, while not incorrect, is kind of taking the meaning from the word simulation. Weird nitpick, I know :D
SS3? I did my best to find out and literally the only thing I found was Serious Sam 3, which has been out for a long time.
But literally the same thing could be said for the games I listed. Have you played Euro Truck Sim 1 after playing the second one? The first one is utter garbage, while the second one is top-notch. Far Cry 1 was just some random shooter with monsters while the next games added immersion, more complex gameplay and an interesting story.
Watch_Dogs itself is a great example, because it was supposed to be a graphically powerful hacking game. It was neither. It was an open world game with the ability to change traffic lights, essentially. Watch_Dogs 2 gave it more character and improved on the graphics and gameplay. It made it the Watch_Dogs game.
Saying that Just Cause is unbalanced is like saying "this grass isn't edible". It's not supposed to be. Just Cause is a power fantasy in all intents and purposes. You're essentially an overpowered killing machine that is hard to take down.
As to Saints Row... how did it not improve? So, crawling out of the "obvious GTA clone" shell isn't enough for the first game? You know, adding the story, the humour, the customization, the character development, the interesting world... All of those things are what make Saints Row great. The gunplay isn't great. It's ok. Only if you're talking about the second game. After that, Saints Row 3 improved on it massively. Playing the second one through and moving to the next one will most likely make you impressed at how much was actually changed. Saints Row 2 had mediocre gunplay, like in GTA: San Andreas and by the next game, both improved. That's just how it is. Over time stuff gets better. It's just that GTA has evolved as a franchise for decades now.
If you truly want to say that after the second one, the gunplay is still trash, then I truly don't know what to say...
Also... what ugliness? Now, hell, I'll be the first one to say that there are better looking games out there. But... it's colorful and vibrant, while its contemporary, GTA 4, is ugly in its own way. It's muddy and lifeless with no actual personality.
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The only colorful personality in GTA IV was the one I wanted to kill the most.
"Niko, my cousin, why don't we go bowling?" in the middle of a freaking mission.
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I'll be honest, I loved that event. It gave Roman personality. Not to mention, the "middle of a mission" meme happens only once in the second act of the game. Otherwise the calls are blocked during missions.
But otherwise, GTA 4 should've stayed serious and it would've probably been better than GTA V with the story. Not with the gameplay, of course, but it'd be the master in that one area.
Also, I mostly was talking about the world design, when I mentioned the "no personality"
Vice City was obviously optimistic and San Andreas was the more crime-ridden, but also it gave off a social oppression feel.
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New York has no personality though. NY's personality comes from all the little sections such as Harlem, Little Italy, Chinatown, etc.
So if the people in the game have no personality, the city itself won't have one, thus the game won't have one.
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Actually, I'd argue against that.
Look at the movement styles of people for example. In Vice City you see fast rollerskaters, upskirt bikini bitches, arrogant old women who get angry more often when you move past them and over-confident clubbers.
In San Andreas there are the "inconspicuous" drug dealers, gang members that walk with all the confidence it the world, same goes for the wannabe gang members. Women are held back and some are also walking around quite normally (meaning that they're not that into the gang stuff and are just living normal lives like anyone else in real life).
In GTA 4 though, there's no actual personality. People walk the same, you have the sweatshirt russian thugs but everyone else is just either a normal citizen or a hooker. There's nothing distinguishable from them. There's no actual difference with those people. Other than the 10 or so sound bites that they spew out, you can't tell anyone apart from what type of person they are, whether they're rich or poor or whatever else. The game didn't really parody much either, it mostly tried to be satirical with literally every single thing being a joke. "Oh look, the internet café is called twat, isn't that hilarious and quirky?" While the other games were in a certain setting and through that they built everything thematically, in GTA 4, they just took the real world setting and played "self-aware" anime on TV. This wasn't a new world, it was the old one with some guy just thinking of quips for every single thing there.
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Now I understand what you mean. You're talking about the technical aspects of the game, modeling, voice overs, animation, etc.
Yes GTA IV was extremely bland in that aspect.
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If you consider artistic choices "technical aspects" (instead of calling technical aspects the engine and maybe the gameplay in some aspects) then sure.
In the end, I'm glad that my muddied points at best were understandable for you, since I do have difficulties getting my point across :D
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I think it's definitely the equivalent of San Andreas with the gunplay and the story. It's just that SR1 lacked the... character, I guess. It's not really distinguishable from some random indie game stories. It's relatively complex, but it barely has those memorable moments.
GTA 4's gunplay is pretty good and the first two games don't really hold up when faring against GTA 4. The third and fourth ones definitely are the equivalent or even better, I'd say.
GTA: SA had the train mission, the #9 large, you picking the wrong house FOOL, screwing Catalina and discovering that the countryside is so big, plus other smaller moments that people individually had.
The only moments that are known in the mainstream from SR1 are... well, nothing really.
People might remember the church shootout, but that's because of SR4. People might remember Ben King, but that's also mostly due to SR4 reminding you of it.
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It is because base game is discounted for 73% here which is most expensive in bundle. Meanwhile deluxe edition has only 55% discount.
To clarify: Base game would be 22.50 with 55% discount. All bundle price would go up to almost 38 EU and would cost more than Deluxe Edition.
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I see this kind of deals on PSN quite often. Even now Umbrella Corps Digital Deluxe is more expensive than Umbrella Corps + Digital deluxe upgrade. The same thing with Revelations 2.
It's new age selling practice. People are dumb, and in most cases they don't check what's cheaper, they go for a bundle.
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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Digital Deluxe Edition right now at Humble store: €35.99
Buying the same pack as individual elements at the same store: €28.75
Either those few additional in-game microtransaction items are incredibly expensive, or this is one of the worst traps in marketing history. =D
(If you wonder about the prices, I have the 10% Monthly subscriber discount added on top of the normal sale discount.)
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