I'm with you and joining your group BLAEO has helped a lot.
I refuse to get to 1k until I've seriously played all the games in my library.
I'm not a collector and only buy games I really want to play (same for GAs I enter) but available time is not as much as I wished.
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I can tell you that just managing thousands of games gets confusing and overwhelming, I'm not even that sure of what I own. Going to the uncategorized part of my library is daunting, and I really need to put some order in there sooner than later.
I applaud you for having the determination I lack to at least delete the random freebie crap that I'm not even farming, I guess I just gave in into the hoarding habit and want to see that 3k badge on my profile.
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Yeah, so true. I have so many card drops left, because running ASF would mess with the time tracking, which is still very accurate for me, except for one or two games, and one of them due to a bug :/.
I guess with 'alts' you mean alternative Steam accounts? I don't have any so far, even if, all these games are activated on my real account, so it seems I'm really out of luck here :/
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Yeah, that's what I mean by alts. I made one years ago because I wanted to test something and didn't wanted to use my main, sometimes I activated my excess freebies there. Last year I found out about ASF and tried it in that account (again to not risk my main) and I liked getting free cards for just having a small program running in the background so I made a second alt exclusively for farming cards.
In the end it was an ok way to work around the issue, but I continue to activate freebies in my main out of habit and because I think that I might want to try the games someday.
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Wow, that is great news, this means that I'll also get rid of dozens of games soon. Thanks for the information!
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I started buying way less bundles and activating only a few of it. I don't really mind bad games in my library to a certain level, I'm not obligated to play everything, afterall it's my library :) But it's still a fact that I have way, way more games that I want to play than games I want to play and I don't own yet.
I'll see how does it work out, but I planed to do something like finishing 2 games before activating one, but with the new BS Cryptic bundle this is a little troublesome to keep up :D
(And still f*ck games for not having demos. It's not nice to get a game (though for very cheap) only to realize 5 minutes into it that I can not take it's graphics and movement style without feeling sick.)
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I rarely buy bundles anymore, and even from the Humble monthly I think I only keep an average of 1-2 games per month (at least twice so far I kept none). Impulse buys have decreased too, mainly because I've become desensitized to sales, I guess (there's one on Humble right now, and next month there's one on Steam - I'm sure BS will have one as well until then)
I already know I'll get sick in most first person games (that's actually one of my criteria for deletion), so now I mostly stay away from them - sadly I had a win I had to set to "won't play" because I didn't realise it would be as bad as it was :(
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I wish this thread took off: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/hVBQp/motion-sickness-headaches-eyestrain-seizures-ask-here
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I have the same problem :( Almost 300 games and I still feel overwhelmed. There are a few games I would like to delete left, but I already got some achievements for them. As I'm typing this I realise I can't even explain why that makes me reluctant to delete them... I guess I'm just weird with achievements :P
And one SG wins that, turns out, I really don't like. Shame on me.
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I have like 50-60 hidden object games that I could delete. Honestly there are only 2-3 at the most that I would maaaaaybe replay in the future, but not the rest as they were pretty mediocre. I don't want to delete them because it'd be reflected wrong on my backlog progress as I had already completed them with all achievements earned.
300 games are too many! :P I wanna go back to 150 or something but having 183 perfect games on achievement showcase and 150 games in library is something I don't want to see on my profile :(
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Are you me?? Just kidding, turns out I have 34 HOGs (which is 12% of my library, lol).
So you are bothered by a game when it's in your library but you have fully completed it?
When I hit 100% and feel like there's nothing left to do (take screenshots, different dialogues etc.) I move them to the 'Completed' category and my (botherment? caring?) turns in to satisfaction :)
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I've been wanting to go through my library and delete stuff I'll never play for a while now, pretty much for those same reasons. I'm still far from 1k but I just wanna "clean" my backlog as much as I can. I don't have a clear number in mind either as the limit, but since I'm not a game collector either and won't activate a key just for a +1 in my library anymore, I think I'm ok. But like I said, I need to go back and clean bundle games with dubious ratings from back when i was activating everything I came across.
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I started with my "won't play" list on BLAEO, and my "nope" category on Steam (set that up before the website). Then I started going through the list more or less alphabetically ... will have to sort out a few things again soon, I bought something today (or I have to make more giveaways ...)
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The thing is I never got to categorize my won't play neither on BLAEO nor steam, so I really need to get to it. (Also, it's ok you can see the one you bought as a "reward" for cleaning your library ;) )
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And theeeen I suddenly had far too many games and became one of those people who hear about an interesting game, check it out on Steam and realise they already own, but don't even remember when they got it...
yup, happened to me quite a few times recently
Right now I'm just removing games I got for free or in bundles I bought because of other games - I don't know yet if I'll remove any games I actually bought (I don't think so)
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In the client, click on "support".
In the search bar, type the game title.
If you owned it, you should have the option "the product is not in my library" (or something like that).
Click on that and you should be given the option to put it back into your library.
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Mm, I'm kind of a mix between picky and just throwing whatever, I guess? If that even makes sense. I have a pretty long list of keys from bundles, trades, freebies, etc, but I don't activate the good ones even though I want to play them bc I already have a lot of games?? I don't buy games just for cards or +1, but sometimes I activate games I know I'll never play to idle the cards and then just hide them in my library.
Idk, it's pretty weird. I think my subconscious reasoning is that I'll never play them anyway so whatever, I'll just hide them. Whereas activating games I know I want to play would actually add to my backlog. Weird, I know.
At least I organize my library, I guess. I have them organized by genre and by HLTB times, and I also have "tiers" for how bad I want to play the game, so that helps when I want to play something.
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I sometimes buy games I really want, but knowing I won't play them I give them away instead of adding them to my library. The result is kind of the same - I bought the game and the game gets played, but my backlog doesn't increase :P (that's where the gift inventory will be sorely missed, no random purchases during sales and deciding later whether to keep it :( )
I have a "next" category on Steam, but my backlog grew so quickly that I added a "next 2" ... I guess it's a bit like priority 1 and priority 2. I haven't made a dent in either of them so far :( (I do play random other stuff though, just ignoring those categories ...)
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Hey nelly, not sure if you still remember me. I had no time to stay active in BLAEO because of many reasons. :/
Just wanted to say that I did the same. Back in the day I removed like 60-80 of low quality games from my library.
I think of doing that again soon as I'm getting close to 400 games again :D
Good job my old friend :)
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self-satisfaction is the word i would go for this. if you're satisfied with having quality games only then thats ok and if you like having more game count thats fine too. because at the end, only you would care for your own profile, im not sure other people would even bother
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Kind of. Of course it's up to everyone themselves, I agree that either is fine. For me personally, I was never that crazy about getting a huge library, and realizing I was getting to my first k showed me I'd rather have a library of games I enjoy, and games I actually play(ed).
Though I wasn't really talking about profile appearance here at all, I only used the profile number because I get a different number everywhere I check, that one seems the most accurate. And it is kind of the first thing people notice when checking other people's Steam profiles. Actually, especially on SG there are people who do take other people's game numbers seriously and factor that into their opinion of them, excluding them from SGT giveaways etc. But yeah, that's not the discussion here ^^
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yep i got a little off tracked too. personally, i dont mind the game count. if your library is getting too jumbled up, you can organize neatly by setting Categories such as top tier games, low tier, trash, etc. thats how i do it anyway and it doesnt get too messy with all the crap inside
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Congrats on being able to bring yourself to delete the games that are just gathering dust in your library. I feel you on this, I'm getting closer to 150 games and I'm already extremely overwhelmed with what I have now, I can't even imagine having almost 1,000 games hanging over your head. I hope you're not a completionist!
Lately I've hardly had any time to play games, I haven't updated or done anything on BLAEO in forever. Life and my motivation just keeps getting in the way and I haven't actually finished a game in months.
Good luck with tackling your huge, but slightly shrinking backlog mate :)
(And apparently we're friends on Steam, maybe from BLAEO? that's cool I guess!)
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I'm slowly finding more time to play again, finally finishing some games I started ages ago, so hopefully my completion rate will pick up. 150 seems so small to me now, although with a little over 100 finished games, that would probably be a perfect library size - muuuuuch smaller backlog ^^
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I usually activate and try everything because I'm not picky about games, but at the same time I have no problems deleting games I've finished and I don't expect I'll going to replay soon (Hogs or point and click) or games that I tried but didn't like - either because they aren't good enough or because they're too hard (I'm THE casual gamer XD)
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I have 250 or something and that's already too much
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Years ago I had roughly 1000 cart/disc games for consoles. I had tried all of them, but many I'd only played for like an hour before shelving. Eventually I started selling or giving away my library of old games and consoles through garage sales, ebay, etc. There's just no point in having such an extensive library.
At over 300 games I consider my current Steam library to already be quite a bit larger then makes sense. Even if I beat one game every single day it would take me about a year to finish them all. Really I don't play games often enough to justify such a library, but I enjoy the community aspects (trading/gifting) so much that its just kind of accumulated as a result.
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I used to be one of those people that got every bundle that came out, trying to get everything on Steam. I've since outgrown that but I still activate whole bundles even if I'm actually only interested in 2-3 games from them. After all having extra never hurt, you never know, one day I might actually play some. And well, I just can't bring myself to do it...
I also serve as a demo pool for a few friends that we use family sharing with so they can try out quite a few games so you never know what they'll wanna play either :P
It was a huge pain to navigate but I've found a solution that works for me since. Instead of using Steam to track it I used BLAEO. I made this top secret, extra protected, masterly hidden list where everything I wanna play in the near future goes. Giveaway wins? New purchases? Games I find I own but had forgotten? They all go straight there.
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Seriously though, I stopped buying games for myself way back when they started to pile up and resolved not to buy anymore until I'd cleared the backlog -- as in, every game has to have at least 30 minutes of tryout time (not completion, that would be crazy). And I actually did it! ...well there's 8 more games on there now, but I'll clear those soon enough.
I have quite a lot of games under the "not interested" category -- that is, I have no intention of playing them again. I still wouldn't remove them, though. They're not doing harm, some may still gather cards, and I won't accidentally get stuff I've already discarded. I've managed to keep my library free of most of the truly terrible stuff, so I don't have to do it for polishing purposes either.
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I applaud your dedication. Usually the way I work is as follows:
New Bundle! Yay! Ok lets see, anything interesting.... ok that looks cool... reviews not too bad... another one... not too shabby. Right so that's 3 or 4 games I wouldn't mind playing one day, let's get it. Buys Bundle and adds games he wants to play. Right what else is there? Hmmm maybe I'd play that... and it has trading cards... add... don't have this one and maybe the kids would enjoy it... add. Repeat a few times and suddenly I have over 2000 games.
But honestly I don't feel too bad about it. I have an awesome categorisation system and I do get round to playing all of the games that originally attracted me to the bundles I buy. The rest? I figure it's not hurting anyone, and I can sell cards for a bit of extra money in the next steam sale.
Maybe one day I'll go through and delete everything that is genuinely crap.
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Haha... maybe it only works for me? But it's mainly categorised by genre. The main publishers also have their own categories, like 'Ubisoft' or 'Warner Bros', just so I can find those games easier. When categorising by genre, it's not just 'platformer' or 'simulation', each of those is split up into smaller groups like
"Platform - Hard"
"Platform - Modern"
"Platform - Old School"
See the image to see what it looks like in practise.
Then I also have a category that has about 120 games in it at any time which are the games I'm most interested in playing. Generally those will be the games I bought on steam sale, or the wishlist games from bundles.
Game's I've finished with get moved out of the other categories into a different one.
When I've finished a game I'll decide what sort of mood I'm in and look through the games in that category and find one to install. I started organising my collection from when I had about 500 games, and then once a month I'll go through my uncategorised games and spend a little time to see what categories they fit into.
It takes a little bit of dedication, but it makes it a lot easier than having to look through all the games every time to find something specific.
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I've certainly become more picky about adding games to my library after I joined BLAEO, and I feel like I have a more positive image of my Steam library. In the past it was a big random ball of unplayed bundle games, now I have them in categories and I easily recognize most of them.
So far I've only deleted two early access games from my library, I prefer not to use that option lightly (yet). My library has 369 games right now, I think I'll consider removing more uninteresting games after my library grows to 500.
Congrats on not reaching 1000 games! :)
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I used that script that added every free license to your account a couple years ago and never got around to undo the damage.
Last month I tried to delete them manually because they were popping up on my BLAEO list and bloating my "won't play" list. I removed over 200 of those :3
Anyway I feel the same, I've stopped mindlessly buying every bundle in sight a long time ago so my library's growth has slowed down a lot. I don't think I would go as far as starting to remove non-free licenses (which is a lot more time-consuming) but I wouldn't 100% rule that out either
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I've been on a quest to at least try every game in my library and decide what I think of it. By the stats page here, I'm at 89%, but that includes some card idling. By my own count, I'm at 86.5%.
That translates into 3184 games, 2755 tried, 429 unplayed. Planning to get through another 20 or so tomorrow.
As far as library size goes, I don't worry about it. My only goal is to shrink the unplayed pile by two a day until it's gone. That means if I add a game, I should be playing three that day. The 20 is because I activated a bundle and a bunch of freebies during a hectic week, so I'm a bit behind schedule. Really, though, if I'm done by Christmas, I'll be happy.
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So, a few weeks ago my Steam profile said I had 996 games. I thought "awesome, only 4 more and I'll cross the magical threshold to 1,000!" I even had a gift copy (RIP) of a game I wanted to activate as my 1000th game, to make that crossing special. And then I thought, "wait, I can barely manage to finish one game per month, why would 4 extra games be good? How will I ever manage to play a thousand games?" So I started deleting games from my library, starting with freebies + bundle stuff I knew I'd never play, because of negative ratings and being genres I just don't like. I've gotten rid of about 30 games so far (I've also added new ones), which isn't a lot compared to the total, but I've now decided that, before I activate a new game, I have to delete 2 that are already there.
I'll probably lose out on some booster drops for cards, but since Steam gifts in inverntory are no longer a thing, no reason to save up Steam wallet that aggressively. (I'll still do all the card stuff, but now I feel like I can pass on never-play-games just for cards, more so than before).In unrelated news, I bought some stuff from the Humble Spring Sale :/
What about you? Do you like having a big library with all the games, or are you more picky about what goes into it? Do you have a goal you want to get to or a threshold you don't want to cross? (no poll, don't really know how to ask without restricting the answers in a way you'd have to reply anyway)
Personally, I'm pretty happy to stay below 1,000. I don't know how low I'll go, probably not below 900, at least not soon, but it still feels more manageable than four figures.
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