Do you also,want theeese features ?
Donno about RealCV, but bundled games are listed on
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Not sure if there is any addons for this, but
You'll still have to go and search for it, very 'tiresome' and all. And some retroactive bundling might be added later.
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If I did it once or 2 times a day, than yeah, but I do this dozens times a day - from home - from work - from mobile, as I said theese features not for everyone, for people that don't need it, or use it rarely - the sgtools and bundle site is sufficient. Unfortunately for me it takes a lot of time, because of the ammount of games I give away and GA that I search to participate =(
Thanks for your opinion! It helps to understand who needs feature and who does not care for it, I appreciate that!
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Yeah , in your case it seems it would be helpful indeed .
still tho , based on the success on past suggestions ive seen in the forum ( even the good ones ) , almost none got implemented ...
I dont know how hard it is to add such a future , if its not something hard to add , i guess i would support it .
But if its something that would cost alot of time and effort , i think its not thing that its essential to the site.
The amount of information you require tho seems abit excessive .
Making the Entry cost ( P) Color coded seems more then enough .
Like for example normal gibs remain the same as now , bundled stuff Either has a star next to it or its in Red ( or some other color )
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to be honest, it will be a very interesting/useful feature to add here... it will shortcut lots of steamgifts features in just one line.
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That would be a nice addition to the site, but i think it's more likely to come as a script\addon.
Maybe a little "$" symbol by the name of the giveaway, with different colors for bundled or not, and if you put the mouse onto it you'll see the CV earned for it.
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I don't think many people will use this feature so it can be optional, and disabled by default, or unlocked on request, or requirements to activate it to have minimum 100 GA for instance, and I don't think that data-flow will increase because this information is already generated, so no need to generate it second time - only parse it on main page.
I may be wrong because I can't see the whole picture on why haven't it been implemented yet.
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is there a place where on sg tools it shows all that dynamic info for me or i need to generate that info every time? if there is some sort of value or something like that without generation, could you point me towards it? because with generation and checks it will take some time to get all cvs based on everyones profiles, especially if user has made a lot of giveaways
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the flashout 2 one didn't work for me
EDIT: nvm, copied the wrong url, nvm me :p
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Este links nรฃo funcionam ou sรฃo falsos. como reportar?
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I'm not sure I get it... you want to avoid entering GAs for non-bundled games?
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I am learning to create a userscript for this purpose. I don't want to show real CV here, but just an icon or text "bundled" in giveaway list and create giveaway page. And I also want it to show if the game has trading card.
I'll post it as a thread and comment here too if I can make it happen :D
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Progress :
Currently working :
Hope I'll finish this by next week :D
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Only thing I can recommend, but it is time and resource wasteful is generate a list from script copying bundle list from site every week\day and then change database incrementally, but as I said it will take time every time because there are currently 5,056 bundled games\dlc\movies\software\packs, and you can't search date added to database only date added to bundle, so you have to re-check database for new additions every time =(
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I think it's unnecessary to loop for 5000+ game like that. What I have in mind is when user encounter a game, the script will check if the game status is already saved,
if no then make a request to SG if the game is bundled, if no then the game status will be saved as "false" for 6 to 24 hours.
if yes, then the game status will be saved as "true" forever. I assume that once bundled, it will always be.
Same as trading card status.
Data will be saved as cache in local browser. It'll gone if the user clear cache or use incognito though. I'll do some research about it later.
This way, I don't need my own database server.
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I'm not sure if it helps at all, and you may already be aware of it, but SGTools has a list of the most recently bundled games - . I think it's usually a little behind the actual SG updates, but could possibly be useful
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Easiest to think but least optimal way would be Script opening and grabbing in background page[FULL_TITLE] then either checking if there's a title that is an exact match (as idk - game can be called snow, it's not on bundle list, but Snow Light is) or comparing listed appIDs (again not best solution, as some games have different APPIDs in different stores, SteamAPI will then return for example RU ID which is different from US ID listed on bundle list and script will return false negative).
More complex but better solution would be what SGT does - have yourselv collect data from bundlelist once a day or so, store it in your own external DB, have your script connect to your own DB and perform query - it's your own so you can set up any options you may find useful in your script.
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Easiest to think but least optimal way would be Script opening and grabbing in background page[FULL_TITLE] then either checking if there's a title that is an exact match (as idk - game can be called snow, it's not on bundle list, but Snow Light is) or comparing listed appIDs
Yes, that is what I thought and try to do.
I get the AppID by doing substring the game's image url (there is appIDin the url), so it will match the game list in SG thus will not give false negative because of different appID. (maybe)
More complex but better solution would be what SGT does - have yourselv collect data from bundlelist once a day or so, store it in your own external DB, have your script connect to your own DB and perform query - it's your own so you can set up any options you may find useful in your script.
I don't have database server, so it can't be done right now. If the first method fails, I'll try ask knsys if he can give me API to access his bundle list.
And to avoid making too much request to steam, I'm trying to save the game status as a cache, so it'll only request status for a game that is firstly encountered by user.
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image url may not be the best idea as many games, especially packs or games removed from steam or not available on steam as they were some extra versions etc - which do not have image here on SG thus will not be linking to any appID. Also some games/pack on SG leads store pages of another game/pack (for example game is no longer available on it's own on Steam, only in pack, game may be on bundle list, pack will not) - as game/pack may be on bundle list but corresponding store page or image will be redirecting to app that is not it may return false positives/negatives in these cases.
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Yes, I just stumble upon that problem because some game here don't have image -_-. (ex:
I change it to get appID from little steam icon beside game's name lol.
Also some games/pack on SG leads store pages of another game/pack (for example game is no longer available on it's own on Steam, only in pack, game may be on bundle list, pack will not) - as game/pack may be on bundle list but corresponding store page or image will be redirecting to app that is not it may return false positives/negatives in these cases.
This will give false response so my userscript won't show "trading card" for the game. It can't be helped.
But for bundle list, I think it will still match appIDs in SG bundle list.
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I dont have a problem with checking the bundle list, I just dont like that list being updated late and working backwards. For example I give away a nonbundle game with 85% discount on steam, a few days later i see my contrubutor level going down because it seems russians get it more than 95% discount!
There is a region lock system on and it can be used for bundle games. For examsly if russians get a game +95% with discount on steam, the game shall be bundle game for russians. If you giveaway russian locked game, it can be counted as bundle, and for the rest of the people it should be nonbundled...
BTW I voted yes for your idea which is usefull...
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I voted no, but only because I feel like it would be a bit of a pointless feature to most people. If it would be an optional setting or script, then why not. Otherwise, I prefer it clean. :P
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"...I mostly GA bundled games, AND I want to win mostly bundled games."
I'm not sure if I fully understand the purpose of your requirements. The overwhelming majority of people are interested in getting games they don't have and would like to play, and giving games they think others may want, irrespective of bundled status. Most of the concern over bundled status is about wanting full CV for a game given, but I don't understand why someone would be overly concerned about this in terms of received games, unless it was a similar concern over CV and ratio.
For me, the best tool for being able to navigate the labyrinth of bundled/unbundled is Enhanced Steam, which pulls data from IsThereAnyDeal and integrates it with every steam store listing. With a single click, I know with every giveaway I enter whether it's been bundled or not, and the official SG bundle list tells me the rest for games I'm giving away, if I'm unsure.
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As you can see from my profile I mostly GA bundled games, AND I want to win mostly bundled games.
Don't get me wrong, I use and like sgtools A LOT, and thanks for creating and supporting this site, but I find it tiresome to go to it every time new GA is posted.
I am aware of and use it also, but it takes a lot of time to check all GA that I don't remember if game is bundled and they add more games to the list almost every week\day so saving it offline and printing is pointless.
I can't hold all games in my head - if they are bundled or not.
So is there a script\addon like - Extended Steamgifts 2.0 (unfortunately it does not have this feature\ or I haven't found it) that have something like this?
feature mock-up
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