Idk about that. The controls seem iffy and when the battles begin it's a bit clusterhumpy for my taste.
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Haven't played all that much of it so far (really need to get around to that), but I really like it (speaking as a person that can't effectively get into LoL/DotA). Looking forward to spectator mode above all else, level editor might be interesting if they reach that amount but it's hard to say with this style of game, I think
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It's a great game. I'm thinking about tossing some cash in their general direction.
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From the looks of the Pledge Tiers, it's going to be a Paid DLC. At $15, you get the DLC code on release, the Game code [presumably when you donate], and the OST in addition to the $5 tier.
Like you pointed out, this is a 'cheap' budget game, meaning anything the dev teams get paid is limited by budget. Seeing as they've been doing free updating for the most part most of the money they make is likely to come from DLC skins, and Expansion sales. It also doesn't hurt to have extra money in order to increase the size of the dev team some more.
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Hey, I want to cook spaghetti . . . let's start a Kickstarter!
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I can teach you for free, it's not difficult, but there are no real spaghetti outside of the Italy, that's the real problem.
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Well, actually there are: Barilla sells in US too, and probably other countries as well, but they really have no idea what to do with them. Probably they'd rather buy a can with overcooked spaghetti with ragù (meat sauce?). :P
Ah, it's so sad remembering what I saw on the supermarkets' shelves when I went there... :°
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Why is spaghetti so popular anyway? It sauce on pasta. Even if the sauce is really good, big whoop. I can grill a hamburger any day of the week that I'd rather eat than spaghetti. I'm sure there are plenty of Italian dishes I'd prefer over spaghetti too.
Why do you think it's sad that we have jars of sugary red paste that you can slop on noodles? It's not like people here cook with Ragu and think "I bet this is as good as spaghetti gets." We're not delusional, just lazy :)
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Someone already paid 10k for this expansion :O Wow
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Yah, poor devs probably didn't earn enough money from this alerady.
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No, they didn't. The console version was a big expense to release, they also had problems with the publisher.
PC version of the game been bought for the most with the Humblebundle, so there are many copies around but not so much money.
Furthermore Ronimo games continues to update the game for free since the first release.
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Console version is rarely updated. I paid full price for the game(got it before all those discounts and bundles), hoping that atleast new characters will be free, but now i see we won't have even that. This is probably the only moba that is not f2p and it's still one with smallest number of characters. So they could atleast give us free updates.
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Mnc has f2p sequel, smnc, never heard of lotr moba.
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They've given you a bunch of free updates for free already.
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They can if they want to. It's their product and you are just whinning.
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Whenever you want to get out of your self entitlement and your circular reasoning. I'd be glad to consider your opinion.
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Still, i doubt they need that much money for dlc.
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Here's an example for you. Scroll down to Budget. This is just for one character in a fighting game.
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Do you know how much it cost to update on an Xbox? It's simply not profitable for them to bother, and they have the far larger playerbase on PC anyways.
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I know how much it costs, i never said i blame them for not updating on consoles. However, this dlc will not be released on consoles,(except ps4),so, where will all that money go?
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$125,000 to fund the project.
$200,000 to add a new map and a new song.
It will costs them $75,000 to design a new map and add a song to it. It's amazing what kickstarters get away with.
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c'mon guyz, pay them for dinner! go go kickstarter!
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For having played 20 hours you have a rather strange opinion about it.
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Because I really wanted to give this game a chance. I tried to get some lvls to unlock stuff but it never actually was a good game to me. After one game I just got mad (game is not balanced at all), deleted it and I'm never coming to it again. Also I played it for like 15 hours. Rest is from afking to get cards.
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Nice game, shitferbrains community, just like every other MOBA. I stick with the bots now, because the few friends I have that play it have had the conceited arseholiness of others rub off on them too much for me. :D
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that is sick.. they sell the game on steam and beg for more money !!!! frak u !!!
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2 people spent $10000? It more seems like the devs want to make the kickstarter more famous and they "bought" it... If I had $10000, I would spend $8000 on charities (mostly for animals and organisations which try to solve the slavery in Africa), the $1000 I would keep them to buy games and do anything I want, and the rest, I would probably giveaway games with them.... Of course assumming I had enough money and a good salary to pay my bills and other important expenses... But for a DLC (since I doubt this will be like the good old expansions)... Sorry, NEVER. Except if I know that the company who makes the game are fully aware of the world's problems and they try to help, ONLY then will I give that much money... which of course I will never have that much money. lol
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design your own character skin (with a custom voice). You'll get Steam keys to give the skin to all your friends and you're the only one who will ever be allowed to distribute this exclusive skin.
If the number of keys is not limited, than you can just sell them.
So it might be not a spend of money, but an investment.
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Well then.. One day Ill find those 2 ppl and demand for the keys!!
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You know that the company is fully aware of the world's problems and are trying to help? Awesomenauts was in the Humble Bundle, you know the people who give lots of money to charity? Seems like they know where to put their money to me..
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So it's their fault if someone would rather have this than another indie?
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It's just a kind of sale event. They could olace it on their own site, but:
1) with Kickstarter they do not need to work directly with the payment systems,
2) Kickstarter already has customers, so they do not need money to advertise their event.
And, yeap, that's bit unfair, but if Kickstarter's TOS allows it… just deal with it.
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Because people don't like paying for content they seem to perceive themselves entitled to for free, I guess
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The Ronimo Games is raising funds for the new Awesomenauts expansion: 3 new characters and a new map.
Click Me!
I have this game on both PS3 and PC and I think it deserver more attention, is a very good MOBA.
You can even play local co-op.
The first goal has already been achieved but there are many more to go!
Update: They added a Steam key for Swords & Soldiers + DLC to the $5 tier.
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