And that proves what? That they don't wanna seem like the bad guy? Yeah they did lay claim to minecraft's success and i dont agree with that at all, its completely arrogant. I had never even heard of yogscast until that whole little minecon thing. But from looking at the way you've commented all over this thread, i doubt w/e i say is gonna change your opinion.
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No, isee what you guys mean, i was shocked at first and i had no idea whta to believe, but i can see why they claim that they made minecraft a lot famouser, just like TB says, when they did a gameplay of magicka, they sold a lot more copies and they thanked TB and YC alot for that.
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They were around when minecraft was alpha if I am not mistaken. Bukkit is the program that lets server admins do nearly everything admins can do (including roll back greafing)
Survival mode used to be a bukkit thing, flying used to be a bukkit thing, rpg elements, anticheat, teleporting, in game money, its all bukkit.
And Bukkit does all this programming for free, where as yogcast gets paid by youtube (based on other youtube celebs no small amount either)
Oh I must have been looking at someone copying yogcast in youtube, I only saw 80k subs ish lol
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I love the Yogcast, but am still not sure what to think of this. I doubt the game will be a huge breakthrough and see them just wanting to make some easy money off of their fans (fanboys). People seem to think that money is enough to write a book, make a game or build a time machine. You need talent and hard work to do these things.
But they might succeeded and everybody will be happy, so I wish them luck. :)
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They are going to hire people from dreamworks (i think), thats also the reason they where in the office of that company => see video on page, and they do this also (i think) because 1 of the members stole ALOT of cash, and he doesn't want to pay back :3
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So these guys royally fucked up at minecon, and made themselves to be asses, and they now want to compete with Minecraft. Count me out.
I bet this whole thing is supposed to be a giant middle finger to Notch, but It won't work, Notch has amassed enough to probably buy 4 planets.
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fucked up minecon? sorry, but indeed they whent a bit over the line but those where jokes and they say its kinda minecraft, but they want to do it so they can choose the features and make things better for them... and we get to play Shadow of Israphel :D
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Im not a fan of them, bunch of over glorified divas.
And how they decided to start bragging and boasting how its their show which made Minecraft popular? In their own words 'they are the PR of minecraft'
They're trying to take the limelight of Minecraft, and onto their own game.
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Quoting tweets from Notch ("facts" which he heard from a third party) as fact, when he himself said that he was overly tired when he made them. Tell me more about your skewed opinion of the yogscast. As for "royally fucked up at minecon", if anything most fans sided with the yogscast after the event (Basing this on reddit threads) and Notch subsequently stepped down as lead developer of minecraft. If you followed the threads, you would have seen that Notch received a lot of flack for how he dealt with the situation. Anyway I don't really care, your opinion is mitigated by their millions of subscribers.
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they are just a little youtube channel and they already jump to "being so successful that they have to make a game" cmon the ones who should really make a game are machinima since they are THE BIGGEST in youtube and this game is competing MC which is impossible to compete with,they are going to make A RIPOFF.
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on their official site: "Sorry if the wording of the rewards has been confusing you! As confirmed in the Kickstarter FAQ you are receiving a full copy of the game when you donate $15 - you won't have to pay for anything else when the game comes out!"
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Yes I am aware of that and that makes this even more unnecessary. There already is an over-saturation of games like these.
Also nice advice there, because DISCUSSION-forums are totally there for "OMG FUCK THIS IS AWESOME YEAH" stuff and nothing more. Totally interesting to read threads where everybody agrees on everything 100% and every post essentially says the same thing.
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Their alpha looks like ass, they're very vague about who their friends from Dreamworks are (could be the janitors for all we know), they show a video of them standing in the reception of Dreamworks studios, which any tourist can do, they have no coding skills, so in the end, you're throwing your money at two "celebrities" who have ideas that were 90% ripped from Minecraft. No thanks.
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like minecrafts alpha didn't look ass, quote: "close friends at Winterkewl Games who are. They are a team of talented indie developers based in and around Hollywood, California. Their artists and programmers are long-time veterans of film and game companies including Dreamworks Animation and LucasFilm - working at the highest levels of production", they hire those people so they can do the coding skill, and the only things that will be from minecraft (which was LONG before in other games aswell) is crafting, random generation and fighting...
Comment has been collapsed. Is their Lead Designer. They have no previous indie games released and they choose to make their first one, one that rips off of Minecraft. Will just sit on the sidelines for this one and see how it turns out. Could be good or could be shit mixed with humor only Yogcast fans will understand.
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The fact that this project has already raised $100,000, makes me lose a little faith in humanity.
Also, OP, it seems that you're just knacking everyone on their opinions if it opposes yours. It's their opinion and you have no right to change it. Just goes to show what kind of audience the Yogscast has.
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I am saying posting that stuff just keeps a feud going that ended between notch and yogcast long ago. Instead of posting links where yogcast fans talk about how horrible notch is maybe you should just post "notch was mistaken and both sides already forgave each other"
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16,724 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Channel28
30 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by sensualshakti
329 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Tsukichild
49 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
409 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by WaitingforGodot
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100 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Channel28
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388 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RosimInc
131 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by salemSamwise
Its another kickstarter project, but this one i might actually back...
Its basicly minecraft but made by yogscast in a 3d environement.... AND FOR ALL THE STEAM FANBOYS => IT WILL BE ON STEAM!!! (source: You will also get access to the game during the closed BETA on Steam)
EDIT1: Here is a small "playtrough" from the yogscast
EDIT2: i may appear like a massive fanboy (i can believe that) but all i'am actually trying to do is "protect" the yogscast, with that i mean that they aren't a bunch of diva's and the minecon thingie which i'am trying to leave behind but few people like to use it as an argument :), really i'am not trying (which i'am failing in :p) to look like a massive fanboy that only listens to good things about the yogscast and ignores the bad things. I'am trying to read, argument and understand what other people say, i give my opinion about that and i correct wrong things.
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