Have you ever had an opportunity to introduce someone to gaming?
With all respect, but Portal is probably one of the worst choices possible, for someone who has absolutely zero ideas about games. Controls will be a challenge already, you don't need something advanced like the portal gun to maximize the confusion.
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Believe me, Portal is indeed a bad choice for a beginner - confirmed on my own girlfriend :P
The biggest surprise for me was that she wasn't even able to understand the mechanic of "teleporting" through a portal and she was very confused about it. Like she didn't know what happened. And it seemed to me so simple and perfectly logical I couldn't even help her to understand it :P And don't get me wrong - she's is way way way smarter than me, she reads at least 40 books a year (I mean real books, those with 500+ pages), she finished medicine studies and have travellled half of the globe :P She's just not used to the "gamer way of thinking" :P Plus there is an apsect of the game that requires reflex and a specific hand movement she's not used to either. It was a big no-no just after 20 minutes.
On the other hand Stardew Valley with much more complex gameplay hooked her since a beginning. She has played in this game more than myself :P Even L.A. Noire was way better than Portal and she liked it very very much. Mainly because it was just slower and most of the time you don't need any reflex. She was also enjoying Life Is Strange (of course) as much as L.A. Noire, maybe even a bit more. Oh, and a childhood nostalgia thingies: RollerCoaster Tycoon and Sims 3 :D
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I can also confirm that my girlfriend struggled with the concepts introduced in Portal 2. We couldn't make it past the second level playing co-op. However, she did manage to play through the first section of Owlboy without much help. 2D is often better than 3D for newbies.
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I used to think Portal 2 would make a really good first game, too. The QA on that one is impressive and it just feels so fun and streamlined. But as Golwar suggests I think someone who's not really acquainted with games may have some trouble "thinking with portals". Also, I'm sort of ashamed to admit that I am actually currently stuck on a level in Portal 1 where I have no idea where to go, but then I've never been good at puzzle games >.>
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My recommendation for her would be Bejeweled® 3, for starters.
It's engaging with nice visuals, effects and music, but not complex for someone playing a game for the first time.
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Aw I used to play that for ages when I was younger! Never got it on steam though, and have no idea where that old copy went...
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Another friend that wasn't really too into gaming that I showed a few things to some months ago just fell in love with Hexcells, and that was pretty much the only thing she liked. So I can see the point here. Hm...
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I wouldn't pick a game and make her play it. Play some of your favorites, from varying genres, and explain what your are doing any why. Just show some genuine enthusiasm. And then let her take over, when she figured out what might interest her most. Just don't put any pressure on her. If she only wants to watch the first time, so be it.
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Important point actually! I'll ask her whether she wants to play or watch first. Thank ya.
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Life is Strange is definitely something I am considering since it is my number one favorite game that I've ever played, and I think it'd be fairly simple to "learn", but I'm still thinking whether the story is her kind of thing too... Also just checked out brothers. I'd heard many good things about it and the graphics are just so cute! But it says that it requires a controller to play? I only own one, so if it can be done with controller + KBM that might be grand, but if it needs two I can't really get that... Also I don't own it. Drat.
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Brothers is actaully a single player game...you control two brothers with one controller...it feels like coop thats part of why its awesome :D
I meant you could alternate controls and in trickier parts maybe play both at the same time on one controller
Not sure it would work well...just an idea xD
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Ohh! That's definitely interesting but probably best to not start with something that out there I think. Definitely gonna keep it in mind for myself though!
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My poll answer is a mix between yes it did work out and yes, but it didnt work out. Ill be back later to explain and suggest specific games (at work at the moment) Generally i would suggest a mix of games, one that is heavily story based and one that is real chill with no pressing objective.
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Sounds like an interesting story! Please do tell when you have time.
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Yes, because a friend of mine had always been wary of gaming, but I had used League of Legends as her gateway game. She began trying to expand (I too realizing what us gamers take our experience and knowledge of mechanics for granted). However, the downside was that she is somebody that never finishes anything (shows, games, etc. [also just fundamentally drives me insane]) so I can never really talk with her about games she has played. Furthermore she ends up getting really frustrated with anything multiplayer or co-op based with me :/ (aside from League). It's not a huge deal, as she really enjoys league (me not so much) and even got a job working for RIot! :D
As far as suggested games it could be any of the following from your list. Stanley Parable, Stardew Valley, The Walking Dead, or Life is Strange. I strongly suggest the last one for her, if she is interested in great stories and being story driven.
Good luck, and hope her gaming experience works out for the best ^_^
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Besides stuff like the Telltale games or other narrative-heavy games like Firewatch or Life is Strange, I'd always consider falling back on easy accessible multiplayer games like platformers or stuff like that... you know, Mario-likes you both can have quick and easy fun with :D - like Ibb&Obb (bonus of course if you own a console, for the full casual experience ;>). I would refrain from showing her stuff like Mass Effect or Dragon Age, they may be a bit too gamey, if you know what I mean. If she's into artsy stuff, you could also think about showcasing stuff like The Stanley Parable or Thomas Was Alone - depends on what she likes, you know her better ;>.
Good luck, although it's kinda sad to see yet another case of uninformed prejudice just due to misinformation and bias from the media... and video games aren't the only topic hurting because of that. Maybe you'll be able to rescue her, hehe.
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Good luck, although it's kinda sad to see yet another case of uninformed prejudice just due to misinformation and bias from the media... and video games aren't the only topic hurting because of that.
Amen to that :/
Thank you for the recs! I'll be honest: I'm one of the few people that actually didn't really like ibb and obb all that much. I really wanted to, I still think it looks cute and nice, but the gameplay just wasn't that fun to me. The Stanley Parable sounds right up my friend's alley though! Will definitely consider that.
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Try to see what theme she likes(sci-fi,zombies,fantasy, etc.) If not then go with something slow and simple: walking sim(aka Firewatch) or adventure game(Life is Strange). Later on if she gets used to controls you can give her Portal.
Dont know how much time you will have to show games but for last 30mins I recommend you to get in control and start Saints Row 4 so you can show her some mindless violence.. also dont forget to show her the wacky outfits :D
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Dont know how much time you will have to show games but for last 30mins I recommend you to get in control and start Saints Row 4 so you can show her some mindless violence.. also dont forget to show her the wacky outfits :D
Ha! You know, I very well might do that :D It'd be so funny
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I think Talos Principle would fit very well as she loves philosophy. Puzzle in general is also a nice genre to start things off in my opinion as it's a great brain exercise and it might make the person realise that games are not a waste of time. I've met a lot of people with such a prejudice before.
I hope she ends up enjoying gaming :)
To answer your poll I introduced World of Warcraft to my dorm roommate. She never played any games and when I was raiding she started watching me and took an interest. I showed her some things and when she died to an underleveled enemy she gave up :p I didn't have a Steam account back then and WoW was the only game I played. I think I traumatised her :D
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I really wish I owned the Talos Principle. It sounds like a great game to try not just for her, but for me too :p But I guess I never got it. Maybe for the future.
Thank you!
To answer your poll I introduced World of Warcraft to my dorm roommate. She never played any games and when I was raiding she started watching me and took an interest. I showed her some things and when she died to an underleveled enemy she gave up :p I didn't have a Steam account back then and WoW was the only game I played. I think I traumatised her :D
Ha, I can so see this happening. I'm sorry it went that way though :s Looking at the poll now I guess I have a 50/50 chance of things working out? We'll see.
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My first sugestion would be To The Moon.
It's really easy gameplay-wise, so she will not get frustrated over it. Then, it is completely free of violence, so no bad impression there. Also, the music is absolutely wonderful and if she doesn't cry at the end, RUN! Because she might be a robot! :D
Speaking of robots, Portal of course ould be cool too. Also, Life Is Strange should be considered.
By the way: I just saw that you own Spec Ops: The Line. You should definitely play it sometimes. Not with her though, because this game is really violent. But you should definitely catch up on it sometimes, especially if you like story-heavy singleplayer games with a great emotional impact.
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Also, the music is absolutely wonderful and if she doesn't cry at the end, RUN! Because she might be a robot! :D
Lol, I completely agree with this!
I think she's one of those people that don't really like romance/love stories though? And I mean I am too and I still adored that game so dunno. Definitely something to consider.
Thanks for reminding me of Spec Ops. I keep meaning to download it and then just sort of forgetting about it. Maybe I'll start it tonight.
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Well I have no idea what I would show to a guy who's never played video games in his life either.
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I had a pirated copy when I was younger that a friend gave me on a usb... Such fun memories! And I wasted so much time on it... Don't have it anymore, though :/
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IMHO, show her how to use your Steam library, then let HER go through it (your library isn't huge, so it's perfect) and check out some of the games that catch her eye. When she asks if they're good or how they're played, then you can lend your opinion and give her more info about particular games. The best way to get her into gaming is probably to let those first gems be of her own choosing, and not ours.
Also, I wouldn't assume any game is going to be too difficult for her. If she can drive a car or operate a microwave oven, she can play any game.
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Also, I wouldn't assume any game is going to be too difficult for her. If she can drive a car or operate a microwave oven, she can play any game.
Yes, but it might just not be as enjoyable an experience. I'm not thinking of stereotypes here or anything. It's just I've shown some games to my mother, father and older brother and I can tell you people who aren't really gamers can really struggle with more complicated controls and mechanics and it can really lessen their enjoyment. I mean it makes sense with other mediums too: Anyone can read a book but you wouldn't recommend War and Peace as someone's first book.
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That's why I said don't recommend. Let her choose. Maybe those deep and complicated games will end up being her "thing". ;)
Give her the deets on the games that look interesting to her, but let the decision be hers.
Besides, sitting and watching her go through your library with trial and error could be a fun time for both of you (and you get to learn what sort of games interest her, rather than the other way around).
In the end, it's of course up to you. Just giving my input is all. :P
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Hmm, that's a very good point actually. I guess I'll still give her some suggestions based on here? But I do love people going through my library :D And she might like to browse. Could work. I'll keep this thread updated with what happens.
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No doubt, bro, and good luck! Hopefully you'll end up with some games in common that you can enjoy together. I definitely look forward to hearing how it all works out. :D
If nothing else, maybe you'll end up with a convenient gift list for her around the holidays (because you know the next step is her own Steam account!). :D
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Wait, there's a telltale bundle? How come I didn't hear of this? I own most but I really want the others too :D
Probably can't buy it now but there's always steamtrades...
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My country is like perpetually 5 or so years behind the world in technology to be honest... Vast majority of people didn't have internet before 2011(me either). Will make sure to update this with how things went then!
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The best way to introduce her to gaming...
Start of by third person games like LEGO games, TT games, ABZU which are fun and then as she gets hang of it introduce her to first person games which are slow paced like walking sims Stanley Parable or something like Portal. It also depends on what genre she is interested in.
It worked for me and just recently I finished Saints row 3 with her. :)
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I don't have a lot of 3rd person games I guess is the problem. Thanks for the input though!
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I think Trine (assuming it's Enchanted Edition - better graphics) would be a very good choice so you can play with her. Gameplay is nice with easy puzzles and great environments, there is some violence but nothing visceral.
Another great co-op is Broforce, it's violent but so fun and simple at the same time.
If she likes cars you have some good rally games.
I'm sure Portal games are good, too. You can take your time to learn controls in them.
You have Stardew Valley, haven't played it myself but, as far as I've seen, it looks very good.
If you see that she leans towards violence, you have a wonderful Bioshock Infinite, which combines action and good storytelling, I enjoyed it a lot.
Have a wonderful evening!
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Thank you very much! Bioshock Infinite is definitely something to consider though a bit violent.
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Not only a bit :D but the dialogues and feelings between the protagonists are pretty damn worth going through some pew pew
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I'd start her with a casual game - maybe Cook, Serve, Delicious (maybe a bit too frenetic for someone just starting) or perhaps 12 Labours of Hercules. Millie is a fun take on the old Snake game.
She might like the hidden object games. I recommend getting a Big Fish account, and letting her trial games - almost every one of them has a hour's demo she can play! It's how I got hooked on casual games, myself ;D
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12 labours of Hercules was so boring to me ;_; Dunno why. The others are fun little things, though, thank you!
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I'm presuming this person is a full-grown adult or at least an older teenager, IE somebody who, in every other sphere of life, knows what she's doing. She knows what genres in films/tv/books that she likes.
So.... instead of asking a board full of internet strangers, probably just ask her instead? I'm going to be real here and if somebody tried to take me on a 'I can show you the world~~~' tour that ends up just him playing and talking about HIS favorite games I'd probably just clip through the floor and spiral into the void.
If you don't want to put the up-front burden on her, like give her homework or whatever ('here's my steam library, look at the games and if there's some you think are cool we'll play them') then you ask yourself -
What's her favorite movie? Her favorite tv show? Find four games that are as close to that as possible, load them shits up, and hand her the controller. This is HER day to experience stuff, not YOUR day to be the wonderful worldly guy of games. If she asks you questions or asks for help, answer and help her. If she seems lost but isn't saying anything, tell her once 'If you start to feel frustrated and need a hand, I'm right here to help' and then let her learn and discover the way you, presumably, learned and discovered.
I'd second Tzaar above - we don't learn to read like we learn to play a video game, and different difficulty modes and tutorial levels are there for a reason. She's not going to jump into playing the final boss; the game, if it's good, will teach her how to play itself. You can warn her 'that's more complicated' but if she's about it she's about it. I think a lot of people give up games like your parents/brother did not because the games are just 2 damn hard, esp. if they were interested in it, but because it can be embarrassing failing in front of someone more experienced, and it's not something they're used to. You can't 'fail' to take in a movie, even if you miss themes or can't analyze what the framing of every shot means.
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There's really no need for all these accusations when I was just asking for advice and how other people's experiences here went. See, I already agreed with Tzaar's idea and it's not something I would have thought of otherwise. It's not so much "tell me what game to force my friend to play" as "give me general suggestions on things that work for someone's entry into gaming".
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It's a shame that's how you read the tone of my post, because I was doing just that - telling you how my experiences in the past went with people trying to show me stuff. Unfortunately, with them, it was less about showing ME something and more about making THEM feel cool with how much they know, which left me bored, irritated, and way less likely to actually get an interest in those things in the future.
You know, those emotions probably did come across in the post, and you didn't deserve that because that had nothing to do with you. I apologize for that. Take it as a cautionary tale rather than a personal accusation, jag.
I hope she has a blast and grows to enjoy games as much as anybody here does.
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Hm yes sorry I should've realized that too. I'm just way oversensitive to criticism - I realize it's wrong I'm trying to be less so, but eh :/
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Hey, it happens. There's no place like misunderstanding like the internet, and everybody (ideally) is working at getting better at something.
No hard feelings!
If it helps, my first two games were Kingdom Hearts and Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland. I also played Katamari Damacy with my mom, like, ONCE six or seven years ago and she STILL talks about it.
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If she thinks videogames are violent then avoid the walking dead or game of thrones telltale games , unless she is a fan of the shows from your library i would choose life is strange its a female protagonist it seems like a book and i think its a cool start plus the game is great
PS thats a different topic but if this girl who wont even ever played mobile games like bejeweled cause she thinks down on them agreed on a gaming night consider she may likes you and games are a second thought on her mind (just guessing no offence)
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Actually I just noticed that even though she really likes game of thrones(both the series and the books) she's not caught up to the start of the game yet, so probably can't make that work :p
PS thats a different topic but if this girl who wont even ever played mobile games like bejeweled cause she thinks down on them agreed on a gaming night consider she may likes you and games are a second thought on her mind (just guessing no offence)
Ha that's a nice thought thank you but no. We're just best friends.
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I wanted to suggest some games, but you don't own any of them and I see nothing in your library that I'd definetly show to someone to introduce her to video games...
On a general scale however, I strongly recommand you play something that has local coop (no versus, since she has no experience she would get frustrated), if you happen to own two controllers. Since you own Trine, I think this one would be a good choice, although from what I remember the controls are not this easy. Ibb & Obb would also be pretty nice, especially in showing that games can be cute and artsy! Even if you don't personnaly enjoy it that much you could make the effort of playing with her for this time ;)
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I only own one controller but there's some things I have that can work with KBM for one player and a controller for the other so that might work. Thank you :)
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No problem, hope you both have fun!
In case you turn out to be able to spend some money on games for this video game night, I suggest you play Battleblock Theater or The Cave (this one especially has easy controls, nice graphics, important coop aspect, a lot of humor, not too hard but not too easy puzzles and only lasts three hours to finish, plus you can play it with only one controller for two persons if I remember well.).
Some other I would suggest, that are not ccop but where the beggining of the adventure is nice and all are Steamworld Dig, Headlander and Bastion.
Well, anyway, enjoy :)
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There are a lot of good games here, but I personally think it would be best to create a decently sized list of great games and let her take a look through them (provide the store page / trailers / whatever for some quick info). Then she can tell you what looks interesting to her. All games will come down to a matter of personal opinion.
While a lot of people may think something is great and a good choice, she may hate it. Letting her pick something that looks interesting to her may give a better result.
That said, you could maybe try to show her some arcade racing games if she's interested in that. Those should not be too difficult for beginners and can be very fun (the first three or so years I played games was mainly with 3 racing games (not sure what they're called in english, but in the Netherland they're called 'A2 Racers' or something like that)).
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You know her best, but I introduced a few friends to videogames with narrative-heavy titles - such as Telltale/Life is Strange, Point and Clicks (you own Deponia), HOGs and games from franchises they already loved. You can easily compare Life is Strange to a movie she has control over and interact with - showcasing the advantages that an interactive medium has over non-interactive. P&Cs and HOGs are also story-heavy and can be played casually, requiring some basic puzzle skills at most. The last category's advantage is fairly obvious.
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You definitely should break out one of the Jackbox games since all you both need is a mobile device for a controller. You don't know Jack is only in Jackbox One, which is a hilarious trivia game.
Splice is a mesmerizing and thought provoking puzzle game.
You've got some good RTS games in your collection, though I'm not sure if your friend would consider those as violent, too.
There's also World of Goo and Stardew Valley.
Someone mentioned the Telltale games bundle over at Humble Bundle for the next two weeks. Puzzle Agent parts one and two are in the lowest tier and are very silly and entertaining.
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So I asked and apparently, one of my closest friends has apparently literally never played a single game in her entire life. Not even on mobile. She thought they were all just mindless violence simulators(as I'm guessing lots of non-gamers do) and that just wasn't too interesting to her. Luckily when I suggested that it was different and that I could introduce her, she was really open to the idea! And now we're gonna have a video game night where I can show her some stuff and then she'll install whatever she finds interesting.
I have to say that I feel like this is such a cool opportunity! It's so rare to be able to completely control someone's first impression of something, let alone something as widespread as gaming is today. But at the same time, it's also quite a responsibility, and there's just so many things to consider. Mainly right now I'm thinking of what a good first game should be.
I'm thinking it has to be gripping right from the start. I mean there are so many games that get really interesting if you stick with them for hours, but I don't think we'll really have that luxury. It has to not be too tough to learn, there are so many mechanics that we take for granted these days and just easily understand that would be confusing for a first timer. Finally, I think that for my friend in particular it would have to be something with at least an interesting aesthetic, and preferably a gripping story or narrative. She's really into books and movies and philosophy and art and that sort of stuff, so something a bit artsy like Firewatch or the Telltale games might be best.
Oh and one last thing: I spent the entirety of my monthly gaming budget on the steam sales (>.>), and this is important for two reasons: Firstly, it means whatever game(s) I choose to go with as a first impression will have to be something I already own. You can check my owned games on steam here, and outside of that the only interesting options I can think of are Telltale's walking dead season 2, telltale's game of thrones, and the mass effect and dragon age series(though these last two are probably a bit too complicated for a first timer to really enjoy? I think). Secondly, it means a GA or two will appear here on August 1st. Since the thread will most likely die long before then I recommend you bookmark this page for slightly better-than-average odds at a forum GA.
EDIT: Thank you very much everyone for your suggestions! We had a great time. Here's some more details for the interested:
She asked that I suggest to her the stuff I liked best and I did along with a brief description of each. She thought Firewatch sounded cool and played through the first day of that. Kept getting lost though, I guess that was a problem for me too and certainly it was worse for someone not used to game controls and so in the end she didn't wanna continue the second one. Then we played some ibb & obb for something lighter and I think she really liked it and she was actually quite good at it! But eventually we got stuck on a part that we just couldn't figure out and decided to move on to... Life is Strange! She knows it's my favorite game and I've talked a lot about it so she wanted to see what it was all about. This one we kept at until it was 11:30 and she had to leave. As far as I can tell it was her favorite. She loved the aesthetic, the music, the characters and found the rewind mechanic super cool. Although the super annoying selection system (Look / Speak / etc) was a definite low point.
All in all I think it was a really fun night and that's what really matters ultimately. Is she sold on gaming in general? I dunno, but she did say she wanted to continue Life is Strange later and asked how she could install it. So that's a good thing, I guess!
Thanks again, everyone. Sorry I didn't reply to the last suggestions but I did read everything. GAs will be here in around 10 days or so.
Was gonna give away the games we tried because I thought that's a nice idea but turns out that's just a tiny bit too expensive(Read: way too expensive for me and my broke self right now :s) so instead I got the telltale bundle and will give stuff to parallel what we tried:
So, a nice narrative experience: Jurassic Park: The Game
then something without a real story but that's cute and fun: Poker Night 2
and finally another great narrative experience, but maybe a bit lighter: Tales From The Borderlands
I haven't actually played any of the above games so I don't know exactly how true that is. Going mostly from what I've heard. Oh well. I know I love telltale though, so how bad can these be?
EDIT EDIT EDIT: Also, thread closed to give those who bookmarked a better chance. I'll probably post in the 5-entries thread if I get less than that though, sorry. Gotta have that precious CV.
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