Just wait until someone gives you an offer, if it seems like something that you would agree upon, add each other on Steam. If they have a very high rep, they should be trustworthy. Just send them your key and they will hopefully send one back if they're not a scumbag. In the case of you giving something away without getting a key in return, your only option is giving them negative rep and explaining what happened. But to be safe try and trade with those with higher reps.
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People will accept your trades if they want what you're offering and feel it's a reasonable exchange. Having a low reputation won't have much of an affect one way or the other. A low reputation mostly comes into play once you've agreed on a trade; you'll likely have to send your key first and and wait for the other person to send theirs once they've redeemed yours.
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If nobody cares for your offer like you say then it is probably because you are not making good offers, not because of your rep level. Many established traders have no problem trading with someone who has little or no rep as long as they go first. Which is what you will likely have to do to start building up good rep.
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Looked at your topic. While I have a couple of the games you want, you can offer noting I don't already have. All of your offered titles are going to be difficult to trade away, though not impossible.
Also be aware that those wishlisted games you are looking for that haven't been bundled aren't going to be offered to you for bundle keys. Not a chance. When you paid a dollar for several keys, offering a $10 game isn't something that people are wanting to do.
Last thing, you can edit your topic, so don't have half your list in a reply.
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It's easier to just sell than it is to trade games for other games, that's what I've noticed over the years. Even then you have to be patient, as people won't be lining up to buy from you specifically. There's many other people on Steamgifts wanting to pawn off their excess keys.
I've always seen selling bundle games as re-investing the money from games I don't want into games I do, rather than a means to make a huge profit. This keeps my prices low and people appreciate that more than someone trying to sell bundle games for a/several tf2 key/s.
Watch out for people trying to take advantage of your low rep, you probably won't know how to spot them if you're just started out. You'll probably have to go first a few times to prove yourself, so always do a background check! Know who you're dealing with.
Also, it helps to be assertive. Check out other peoples lists and approach them, rather than sitting on your hands hoping.
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Be patient or just search for the games you want and try to offer your games for that.
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judging from your trade thread, you don't seem to have quite valuable games, yet you're asking games like banished, besiege etc. also your thread is bit of a mess. just write everything you have and you want to the op and don't comment to your own thread. you seem like a crazy person talking to self.
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I firstly ask Venetica and Bloodrayne.
yeah, i can see that.
But if others read comments than title... I really don't have chances to get this bundled games.
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Experience also shows that getting only freshly bundled games (like Venetica) is difficult as most people buying those bundles are buying it for that game, and when they do trade it away it is snapped up very quickly as there is high demand for it.
I also recommend the group Group Buys for finding bundle or cheap games. However be aware you're not allowed to profit from trades there, only split up bundles fairly and set prices according to that.
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Trade with nice people, don't trade with not nice people. That's all. Don't worry about "the rules of the game" and other crap of people forcing their status/+reps on you. A good deal with a bad trader can be worse than a bad deal with a good trader. If ya get me.
In the case of bundle games, you're better off getting them with cards and keys (keys for full bundles though) than with other bundle games. Hoping that someone will have them leftover AND be looking for one of your leftovers statistically decreases your chances of landing a deal. But it's all up to you to learn prices, trading methods, and making the deal happen. Good luck!
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Np. And by keys I meant tf2 supply crate or counter strike case keys. Not full bundles for 1 bundle game, if I accidentally implied that. :p
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привет друг.
поднятие темы интервал 1 час. кнопка бамп есть в меню темы и можно посмотреть в разделе http://www.steamgifts.com/trades/created когда поднималась.
идти 1м, если выше репутация у другого. если есть отрицательная репутация внимательно изучить.
если вызывает сомнение оппонент, попытаться воздержаться от сделки
насчёт цен. у каждого могут быть разные цены. некоторые слишком завышают для бандл игр.
обычно трейд 1 к 1. но иногда смотрят на цены на игру или рейтинг. бывают трейды 2 на 1
бандл игры стоят дешевле чем гифты. связано с количеством денег затраченное на покупку.
иногда торгуют не бандл играми НО ключами. обычно они с магазинов (гринмен, азон и др) но с такими сделками аккуратнее.
если в бандле половина игр нужна то можно подумать о покупке. но при таком курсе доллара к гривне... иногда проще найти вещь рыночную и обменять на полный бандл (бывают кто может такое сделать, при условии что есть у тебя на счёте или в инвентаре). иногда цены завышены а иногда и приемлемые. всё зависит от торговца.
насчёт гифтов если гнаться за дешевизной. иногда и дешевле у русских взять а иногда и в Украине ( у нас). лучше сравнивать на https://steamdb.info/apps/ цены и выбрать цис\доллар или поставить плагин на браузер
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Start small, obviously. Nobody's going to do, say, a large Paypal trade for a brand new AAA game with someone with no rep.
Get a bunch of indie games or something, or sell bundles for CS:GO/TF2 keys/items, and work your way up.
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Your trade thread isn't unreasonable, although keep in mind both of the games you are asking for have only been bundled once. In my experience that means any copies that are available for trade get snapped up very quickly by collectors. While some of yours have been bundled many times or even free (Battlepaths).
I think the main thing is just be patient. If you are trading bundle games then sooner or later somebody will be looking for something like Mount and Blade and have what you want, you just aren't likely to have as many people looking for that trade as a cheap copy of GTA V. You probably won't get a bite in the first day. Just keep updating your thread and bumping it.
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Hello! I saw here is very active trading so i want to try too. But other traders have big reputation and nobody cares of my offer cause i think it's because of lack of my rep on this site. What tips can you give for me? How to begin?
Btw, thanks for help.
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