I was scammed. There were 2 guys, and they were friends. It is a long story, but they promised to give items and then they deleted me.
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This is what happened. Guy 1 added me (not real names, just helping identify) and said he wanted a Dota 2 weapon, but the person blocked him that wanted to trade it. He said he would give me a Karambit for the weapon. Guy 2 adds me with the item and I am hesitant. I check the market history and see none. So after an hour, I decide to do it. Guy 2 and I trade, and then he and Guy 1 delete me, and I don't receive the Karambit.
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I fell into a similar trap before on TF2. Shit happens. If you reported them then that's all you can really do I think.
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You will not get your items back, I'm afraid.
Treat this as a painful lesson learned :(
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It's really painful dude. I spent so much money for this and to lose it so easily...
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I feel you, bro. It sucks. Hard.
All you can do is learn the lesson for next time, though :(
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I feel for you bro, it definitely sucks. Hell, I read a thread on CSGO's forums a few weeks ago about a sad dude (an idiot truthfully) who sold his expnesive knife for like .08 b/c he wasn't paying attention and thought he was actually selling a cheap case.
Once you get one of those knives and people know you have it/want to move it, the sharks are in the water. A IRL friend of mine got one of the first Huntsman knives to drop and he posted that he had one and had literally 300 adds in less than an hour. I watched it happen. You gotta guard the valuable items and only move them if you're getting what you're expecting in the window or truly trust the person you're dealing with. It's a hard lesson to learn no doubt.
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You got sharked. Yes, it sounds like they were in cahoots together to scam you, but the moment you clicked "Make Trade", Valve is going to use that against you.
Your only recourse is to contact Steam support with every detail you have, chat screenshots, etc. But the fact that you clicked "Make Trade" your fate was most likely sealed. Once you and Guy 2 traded, Guy 1 is under no obligation to trade with you at that point. Three way trades have to be done based on trust and almost certainly aren't protected.
If I were you I'd still try Steam support b/c the worst they can tell you is that you're screwed. It's next to impossible to give you any hope based on this information though.
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True. I was just hoping for someone to say "Oh yeah, I was scammed once and Steam returned my items." Though I doubt it will happen.
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The only time I have ever heard of Valve returning items is when people have been hacked. A regular user of SG/ST around winter sale was phished and lost hundreds of keys and gifts, but Valve gave it all back for him as a one time only thing b/c he got phished. That's the only type of instance I've heard of them returning items.
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That sounds like you fell for a variant of the "fiddle game".
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Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Valve only helps you with account security cases.
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that is why he said you was sharked because you agreed to the trade you can not get scammed if you use steam as you have to agree with the trade
i understand where you are coming from as i just got taken but i sent and did not get what i was promised and it was not on steam i sent said good for said good in returns got nothing on the other hand you agreed to the trade and got something and they just did not add or give the extras implied outside of the trade so they conned
wish i had that option i did not even get a partial deal i would felt better paying for something and getting something else then nothing at all
you could have just not did the trade without having all items you wanted and closed the trade out nothing
none the less do as i did and take it as a lesson
next time before you complete the trade make sure what you want is in the trade and if not then do not do it or if you still want to then take in account that you might not get the extra
same concept of buying something with a rebate hope for it to come but not use that as a means as final cost as you may never get the rebate but if you do then great
anyhow i hope you at least still got a decent deal and what was promised after was not the best part of the deal
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You can report them yourself. You can find Steamgifts/Steamtrades links to any user's profile if you have Enhanced Steam installed. It will show up on their regular Steam profile page on the right panel of the profile where you see badges, games, and screenshots links in regular Steam. You just pull up their Steam profile in browser if Enhanced Steam is installed and the link to the pertinent site is listed. You can also report them on Steamrep too. Steamrep has a fraud category called "Misrepresenting Virtual Items" and be sure you have proof (chat screenshots, take screenshots of your trade history too) to give or else they will do nothing. Steamrep is notoriously slow, but file the report anyway.
Neither will get your item back, but at the very least it may protect someone else from falling for the same scam. If they're ST/SG users, I'm not sure if any action will be taken against them, but the negative rep is typically permanent.
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No way in hell. What happened to you isn't a scam, as long as you did get something(anything at all) in return for your item and you agreed to it. Even if it was a scam, Steam would only delete the item from the scamer's inventory and...that's about it. Yous still wouldn't get it back.
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Valve only reverses trades if what you traded for is revoked or stolen/hijacked. You're screwed in this case, and steamrep is a little slow. Did you save the chat logs?
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Peer pressure FTW!!! go baby, GO, GO, GO!!! =D
awesome to know you got your money back, i would've not been able to pull it off!=)
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sigh another one of those threads.
And please, before you say it, I will; I am an idiot. I have been trying to trade a CS:GO 80 dollar knife for quite some time. I got a bit anxious to trade it and rushed into some shit I shouldn't have. In the end, I got an item that was worth very little for my 80 dollar knife. I am in a bad mood, so if you could refrain from criticizing me, I am curious if Steam has ever returned scammed items to anyone? That way I can know whether to have hope or not.
EDIT: After a long struggle, I have sorta received my money back. I found the scammer, added all of his friends (legit all) turned them against him and guilted him into returning an item. Since he sold my knife, he gave me a $70 dollar AWP and he received a significant less amount of friends. Cheers!
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