As far as I can recall, (since I didn't buy this - don't think any smart gamer did though), Diablo 3 RRP'd at $90 during launch. And CoD:MW3 RRP'd at $109 in some department stores (I think it was Big W or Target, since I saw it in one of either brochures last year). Skyrim, too, RRP'd at $99-100+. More recently, triple A titles (MP3, Dishonored) are going for $79 RRP, which is the mid-ground. $50-60 RRP is for handheld games or mid-tier titles (not indie). Indie retail RRP (see Torchlight, Amnesia, etc.) are $30-40. The lowest of the low, like SEGA's games, start off at $55-59 and drop to rock bottom ($25-30) within a month or a few. Even bargain bin trash still go for $12+ normally. Online prices differ, of course.
It's considered overpriced norm. Most of us wait for a price drop or import from elsewhere (USA, UK, etc.)
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why play video games when you can go koala hunting? :P
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No respawn points when you get taken out by a croc though...
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thats why steam has trading, and - failing that, since publishers dont want to sell you their games at a reasonable price, there are plenty of other ways that the internet offers to get you those games for free.
...of course im talking about steamgifts, naturally....
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To be (a little) fair, from what I've heard you guys have higher average wages than us and your dollar is (now) worth more compared to the US dollar, more than it used to be at least.
Paying 2x as much for games is a bit excessive, though.
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then spare a thought for new zealand, which has a weaker dollar than both the aud and the usd, and still gets stuck with australian prices.
american games are made to be sold at 50-60 usd, thats the price of the main market they target... jacking up the prices to 100 usd just because they think they can get away with it due to average wage and minimum wage, no matter how you spin it, its pure greed and bs.
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Shop there I either do my retail business irl at JB-HI-FI and target or k-mart for console games (if they have cheap prices) or buy my games digitally on steam for pc
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Not to hijack the thread... but Australia has pretty strict censor rules right? The violence has been toned down in a few games I've heard. What if you win Resident Evil 5 here on SG... Would you be able to play it or would a region lock kick in or something?
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its only if we buy games from our store they are censored eg L4d2
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I just thought that I had heard something about the subject... I must admit I don't remember where I heard about it.... I just asked because I'd like to know about the subject.
Resident Evil 5 was the only horror/shooter game that sprung to mind at the time. I must have made the assumption that most games featuring blood and violence would be censored. Sorry about that.
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Blame Julia Gillard
I heard she is about to make a law suggestion.. its called (no more violent games in Australia)
Its said that only games where you pet and feed sick koala's are going to be allowed.
I really feel sad for you Australians, but well.. you did give her power.. so well.. blame yourself
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You really shouldn't try to talk politics if you have no idea what you're talking about.
First of all we elected the Labor Party. Australia elects parties rather than candidates. Kevin Rudd was the leader of the Labor Party at the time of the election and was replaced by Julia Gillard later.
Censorship is governed by the Classification Board which is a statutory body of the Federal Government. The main reason why some video games were banned in Australia was due to a loop-hole in our classification system where video games did not have an R 18+ rating. This means that any games that didn't fit into the MA 15+ were "refused classification" and were illegal to sell in Australia.
This loop-hole was not fixed for a long while despite extreme amounts of outcry from the public. After a meeting of the senate it was decide that video games shall be granted the R 18+ classification and censorship of games meeting that requirement will cease on January 1st 2013.
There is no law suggested called "no more violent games in Australia" and where ever you heard that is woefully wrong. The closest suggest law to that would be the one related to a mandatory internet censorship filter spear-headed by Stephen Conroy the Minister for Communications. This has also caused major outcry and doesn't appear to have much chance to pass.
Censorship also has nothing at all to do with the price of games and is fairly irrelevant to the conversation.
Do you feel smart now?
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Auzzie current events in a nutshell. Well spoken!
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Higher than whom?
Average Aussie wages are lower than the US. That's a fact backed up by OECD figures.
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Why do they do this to us this is stupidly over priced and yet they wonder why EVERYONE IS PIRATING
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I wouldn't pirate my games, but it really sticks in the craw how some games can be half the price or less in other, wealthier, regions.
NZ is prosperous enough in world terms, but we certainly earn less than the Aussies, and MUCH less than the US average.
Baffling why we suffer such unfair pricing on certain items, while others are exactly the same price. Maybe someone at Steam's pricing department lost their wallet in one of Rotorua's sulphur lakes on their last visit to NZ, and has been bitterly exacting revenge ever since?
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bundle pricing more expensive than individual pricing? am i missing something here
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it's pretty common in the german store as well. sometimes they just lower the prices after a while but don't lower the prices for the bundle (and you can already be happy if they lower they price in other stores at all - alice and darkspore for example are still 50€ in the german store)
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They get paid LESS than the US (Kiwis get even less than that), so they DO get it both ways (although not in the good sense!)
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well a lot of none Wikipedia sites state that they earn over $50k (some say over $65k), where as UK is about £26k ($41k) to £30k ($48k) with about a difference of 26% higher for Australia to UK. and i have yet to find anywhere that states the 46k that Wikipedia says, so with figures from anywhere but Wikipedia they do
and BBC agrees with me
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These stats, while appearing on Wikipedia are taken directly from the OECD site.
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