Ironically this is the only time I genuinely wanted them for myself, I bought the BTA tier for my own account
So, you admitted that most of your purchases were for resell / trades? Why you are surprised that they banned you?
how many times we need to tell: trade with keys, not humble gift links.
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I have over a 150 unredeemed keys from previous bundles I purchased. I do occasionally trade games, but not even close to any ridiculous amount.
I still would just like information about the possibility of being unlimited. I have read too many comments like yours all over and if this is it then it seriously hurts me that I can no longer get my 12$ monthly bundle...
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That sentence just sounds like you were trader (or that is maybe my language barrier, and I don't get some context) ;). Anyway, I know this sucks. And even when you sort things out with HB, you won't get Classic plan back Some folks say HB doing this on purpose, to purge all Classic subscribers.
To the second comment:
Yet again, you are another person who trades/sells with HB gift links and get banned.
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Volume doesn't matter, its against their tos to trade period.
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Unfortunately they consider SteamGifts as trading. I'm not quite sure what they expect people to do with the constant repeats in bundles.
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Like most things in life, it's up to you to understand T&Cs - pleading ignorance is rarely a successful defence. HB have a FAQ entry Can I sell, trade, or use my keys for promotional purposes (i.e. Stream giveaways)?
Selling or trading keys is strictly prohibited. Gifting keys is perfectly acceptable. The gifting function is meant to give a game away to a friend or family member. We do not support situations where you gift a game to receive a reward/payment of any kind (which would include things like rep or points on certain trading sites).
The problem comes with the intepretation of "to receive a reward". Based on anecdotal evidence (comments from people on SG) then HB consider that the SG level system and possibility of receiving a game here a reward.
More recently I just give keys away, but I've given away >150 games as HB gift links without issue. I've never traded though, which may have a bearing.
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That's not part of the job that mods have to do. Each person should investigate on their own, and they'll find some answers to whatever they're doing.
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It is interesting to see the vastly different take on trading/gifting between Humble and Fanatical.
Fanatical says, hey how many copies of this bundle do you want?
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The last two people to complain about being banned were buying multiples of the same bundle.
At the same time, lots of people have been using gift links for years without issue.
Why do you assume gift links are the problem, and not buying multiples of the same bundle? It seems like trying to buy additional copies of the same bundle is what's causing accounts to be flagged.
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I have experience from my friend who was sent for me and other friend spare keys that way (he never traded or sell any game of the bundle) and got banned, it was 2-3 months ago and HB support refused to answer him, and all his payment method not works anymore.
Why you all want on purpose to give them the ability of how much you send items?
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Because a gift link gets the recipient a brand new key, as opposed to an old key that might have expired. If there's a problem with the key, the person who received the gift link can take it up with Humble themselves. If I send a key and there's a problem with it, as just recently happened to me with keys I got from Humble, then the burden is on me.
I recently had to file two support tickets with Humble and a support ticket on SG to delete a giveaway because of issues with keys through no fault of my own. I'm here to spread some love and share some games, not to jump through support hoops.
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Knowing the state of Humble Bundle in recent years -that is, ever since IGN took over and killed the "Humble" part- I wouldn't hold high hopes, if any.
In fact, you're lucky they just limited your account, and not outright banned it for breach of their ToS... though they might as well finish the job now that you brought your case to their attention. Or they might just notice they did a mistake, and revert it. It's more or less a coin toss.
Better save those 150+ unredeemed keys beforehand, just in case, because once your account goes poof, all your stuff also does.
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Is that even legal? No, it isn't. In most places outside the USA, at least.
Terms of Service cannot be legally enforced, and denying access to what you purchased and paid for is effectively theft.
But they don't care, because in their land of freedom, their word is the law.
The only way to fight this kind of one-sided legally questionable decisions would be a class action... the rights to which you explicitly waive when signing an account. Nice loophole we got there.
And they'd win it anyway, 'cause everywhere in the world, but especially in the USA, money is the law, so big corporations can just buy their way out if needed.
TL;DR: better not to step on their toes.
And if worst comes to worst, you can still do chargebacks, the only thing they can do about it is revoke already used keys from bundles that you didn't fully activate, and permanently ban you, if they didn't already. And cry over lost profits, I guess.
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I'm pretty sure it's not legal. They get away with it though because they're pretty damn sure you don't have the bucks to sue their asses for illegal ToS. So unless you can get 4000 people together to file a class action lawsuit, they're golden.
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That doesn't prevent their errors but it certainly helps not being flagged as a "trader". Why do they provide the possibility of gift links at all if they don't want you to use them though...?
Maybe just so they can flag people and get to keep the keys they paid for?
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I bought a nacon BTA tier, then instantly tried to purchase another 1$ tier.
Maybe this contributed to you getting flagged/limited just as much or more than excessive gift link generation - Buying the same bundle twice at different tiers, even if one was intended for gifting.
If you've done that multi purchase of the same bundle before too, then right or wrong HB might peg you for a trader/seller.
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I got limited 2 days ago, I bought a nacon BTA tier, then instantly tried to purchase another 1$ tier. Ironically this is the only time I genuinely wanted them for myself, I bought the BTA tier for my own account, and the 1$ tier as a gift.
I got the "we need to verify" etc page, input my phone number, but it got rejected. I cannot even buy from the store now. I opened a ticket, and they didn't reply yet. While googling I found a lot of horror stories about people "making new accounts". This is ridiculous because I need my humble classic choice, it's by far almost the ONLY way I'm able to afford getting keys for my accounts. Is it over? Will support never undo my limitation? Have they ever unlimited someone here?
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