More than 50k points taken out of circulation now, by all my still running GAs.
To put that into context, assuming an average of 20 points needed for a GA I take part in (and assuming some details in regard to that other users use up their points, etc. etc.), that is 2,500 less entries in them other GAs now.
Obviously, a somewhat simplified calculation on show here. The point is to exemplify the brilliance of this evil plan though, as villains like to do.
And of course, some of you are probably like: "Oh no, you are not going to lure me in.". But then again, did you see the rather low number of entries in my GAs? And do you really want to miss out on a quite nice chance there, as could be the case if you spend all them points only on them other GAs?
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Nicely done!
Fortunately I had banked quite a lot of points to spend this month, so I'm still okay so far. I've also avoided being lured in by you because experience tells me that there'll be plenty of entries by the time those several weeks are up. Should've made them a lot shorter! 🤣
Thanks for the generosity and hopefully the people who enter your giveaways will end up with some nice wins too 😄
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That's cool too, since where you banked your points, I might have entered too - and some others may have not taken part due to them entries in it just for the banking. And if you banked so much that you don't have space for points restocking, also great.
And I doubt the entries on the GAs posted here will increase a lot, in the context of this thread not being at top of recent threads all or even most of the time. E.g. right now, a thread without a post in the last hour is already buried, and after some 9 hours, as in the case of this thread right now, already way down the list. Which I consider to be somewhat comfy, villain's lair and all.
Or if this thread gets bumped, such as out of motivation to get more to enter the GAs here and by that decrease the competition elsewhere, nice for me too. Also, no one said I don't have a few keys left, such as if the Xmas calendar happens to have some one-day GAs taking 200 points or more, which would be a great opportunity to post some more short-timed GAs as well.
So you see, trying to find a fault in this plan is just like running circles in a maze.
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You got me! Let's hope everyone wins something for this year's christmas from the amount of giveaways :)
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Evil plan. I am spreading points myself to win more. HAHAHA HAHA
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I am not very confident in your logic, but I am certainly not going to stop you. )
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:D It seems to have worked out for me. I just won a level 1+ GA with 174 entries, and if I wouldn't have made any GA, there could have been more entries in that GA, likely for me to not have won it in that case.
Of course though, to rely on big number of GAs to improve the odds, such isn't always that viable. Which is why I would consider it great if giveaway-makers could add a multiplier to the points needed for entry. To show that in an example:
There are 1,000 users with 150 points each, and there are 11 giveaways, one requiring 50 points to enter, and 10 requiring 20 points to enter each. As it is, 1,000 users would likely enter the 50p-GA, for a total of 1,000 entries, and enter 5 of the remaining 20p-GAs, which each would have on average some 500 entries.
And now let's assume that GA-maker can add a multiplier, making e.g. the 50p-GA require 150 points to enter. What would that mean? Either that nearly 1,000 users would go in high-stakes for that one GA, which would mean way improved odds to win something from the other 10 GAs, or many users rather going for a shot at more of the 20p-GAs, which would improve the odds at the high-stake GA.
At the end of day, there would be still "only" 11 winners of course. And while an user may not be able to enter as many GAs as before, it would also mean less entries at some of the GAs, which would make it more interesting for those of us who usually do not constantly farm for whichever +1 (as it would improve the odds for a game one wants to play). So, in my view that would make it better from an user-perspective, and by that arguably also make it better from a site-perspective, as especially a decreasing number of GAs over time means that more users get concentrated within those few GAs, not really making it fun having to enter some 1,000+ GAs to win at least something (which can easily take even months when one isn't around several times a day - and increased odds due to users then falling off, such isn't great at all).
And that's the story of why I would consider it great for there to be an option for a points multiplier, with such multiplier arguably also making it more attractive for GA-makers to make a GA low-level public, as the farmers are usually the main reason why quite a number don't make such GAs - and a multiplier would mean that the farmers would have to spend more of their allotment on such GAs or would not enter them, either way improving odds for newer users.
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Banning all autojoiners, multiaccounters and users that don't activated X games, will push the ammount of entries down too.
Fight after it against the thanks script spam if it is then still a thing (i don't assume it will). 95% of tha thanks script useing accounts are autojoiner accounts but maybe a small ammount are leftovers after the first ban wave.
Then a lot more would be tempted to make public GAs. I as example
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You know, because of all these events* and more.
So what's the reasonable thing to do? To create even more GAs, of course, duh. That will dilute the amount of points in circulation, spreading them all over the place, and by that increase my chance to win something.
Do you like my evil plan? Then you are perhaps interested to enter some or all of these:
Dungeons 3
Beholder 2
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Slash It 2
Slash It Ultimate
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City
I have added some GAs also to the SG holiday event and to the community train. And don't forget, if you create GA/s, then the chance of winning something increases for you as well when many users scream: "I don't have enough points!".
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