
Someone (you probably recognize yourself) told me on the other GA, oh i thought it was bip not bip
Well after some thoughts actually i can do it too.

Actually i don't know magic at all, best i can do is to V share a gif i loved and bookmarked about that :
What ? Is it out of context ? Not at all ! I feel deeply that this game is about that too. (I've two recent movies in mind too about that ? The prestige and the illusionist ? I loved the illusionist !)

Do you know other funny or insolit magic tricks ?

And so the game happens in France. So i'll just say in short why i love France, you'll think if it's a good reason or not.
I was abandoned at a very young age in my country of birth (which i know nothing about) : South Korea.
I've no B real problem with that cause i know the reason : i'm disabled.
So a french couple adopted me, and i grew up in the french countryside with a good dose of french cooking.
Hey i love this country, was it always easy here ? Nah obviously but in my mind it's one of the world's most welcoming countries.

Now the GA that end tomorrow noon, it's for an unbundled game with weird region restrictions again, a game in France about magic tricks.


€ a letter of the alphabet, uppercase that is walking alone though the text above
$ a letter of the alphabet, uppercase that is walking alone though the text above

not available in the following countries as per publisher request:
Brunei Darussalam, Réunion, British Indian Ocean Territory, French Southern Territories, Aland Islands, Micronesia

(sorry for these regions, especially for french dom-tom, empty blacklist)

edit : i forgot to thanks all those explained these cards games in the other thread ! i love poker but really hope that it won't kill the diversity of cards games in the end, they are all a treasure
edit : OMG i'm sorry that i failed the GA creation again. This one is the good timer and region-restrictions, i feel awful about that sorry.

3 weeks ago*

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Did you know this game ?

View Results
Yes i had an eye on it
Yes i know it i am totally a shark
No but i'm curious now
No but i prefer other sort of games
You can't understand anyway that i prefer potatoes

Hey i love this country, was it always easy here ? Nah obviously but in my mind it's one of the world's most welcoming countries.

As long as we manage to kick the extreme right to the curb every election, it'll stay that way.

Great story. I have only lived here about over a decade (almost two) now but my grandmother was born in the south of France so I have always felt a kinship to it.

3 weeks ago

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Jean-Marie sometimes came to my village when i was very young, to buy champagne.
My father these days didn't want us to go see. He said that it was because some people were quite excited singing you know "La France aux Français, les étrangers dehors". And then the day after it was like the day before, people were nice.

Even the people voting FN i've some funny story. I remember an old family relative saying to my dad : why you adopted métèques ? They eat the French bread. I was very young, i told him, i love your bread. And the guy instantly turned to a normal grandfather, he said : oh you love our bread oh oh... It didn't change his opinions but he didn't say us another word all day.

J'espère que vous êtes bien accueilli là où vous vivez !
But even for far right you would be seen as a french with native ancestors. More than me who was born in a foreign country, so don't worry.
I mean you're French, it makes no doubt.

3 weeks ago*

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Even the people voting FN i've some funny story. I remember an old family relative saying to my dad : why you adopted métèques ? They eat the French bread. I was very young, i told him, i love your bread. And the guy instantly turned to a normal grandfather, he said : oh you love our bread oh oh...

Awww kids are just the best thing ever. They'll change minds, I'm sure they will.
Yeah it's all rhetoric with a lot of people voting for the extreme right. They don't really think about the reality of it, the real people, it's all about what's on the news and what they have been told is "really going on".

J'espère que vous êtes bien accueilli là où vous vivez !

I'm Canadian with a French grandmother. They basically treat me like a long lost cousin everywhere. So I haven't had a bad experience ever as a foreigner here. I have been treated worse in Quebec xD

But even for far right you would be seen as a french with native ancestors. More than me who was born in a foreign country, so don't worry.

I'm sure. And my grandma was even in the Resistance so that would score points with them... only if I didn't tell them she was in the Communist Youth at the time xD

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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Bump? Bump!

3 weeks ago

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Bump <3

Haven't been to France but I really like some French music, such as this one.
A couple years ago I've met someone similar, she was Japanese but adopted by a French couple and raised in France, doesn't know Japanese. Must feel kinda weird culturally.

3 weeks ago

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Yes a lot of foreign children have been adopted to France, but also Germany, United States, etc.
I never listened this artist before (just heard the name) she is relaxing to listen to.

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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4h left for GA, sunday bump !

View attached image.
3 weeks ago

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Closed 3 weeks ago by coleypollockfilet.