I only know Sunstone from a previous bundle all the other comics are totaly unknown to me. 20$ for Tier 3 is unusualy high in comparison to previous bundles.
So is it worth its money?

9 years ago

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if you like reading on tablets or anything like that, it's a great deal. right now, tier 2 it's kinda expensive compared to tier 3. from tier 1 i only know "wytches" and read good things about "wolf", "phonogram" and "ody-c". from tier 2, i've read everything except "just the tips" and "injection" and they're all excelent books. from tier 3, "low" its a sci fi tale and "wayward" it's sort of a manga with an american twist. while "invincible" its a new aproach to superheroes from the guy who wrote "the walking dead".

ps: you'll need the first 3 volumes of "saga" and "nowhere men" never released a second volume.

9 years ago

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thanks for the tips. i hope the other saga volumes might be the among "the coming soon section" next week. So most fo those comics can be counted as completed?

In the last big topcow bundle i enjoyed midnight nation and the rising star compendium the most.

9 years ago

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i think the first 3 volumes of "saga" were included in a previous image bundle. for the rest, most of the books are part of ongoing series launched in the last year or two so most of them already have another volume out. for 20 bucks its a great way to see if you like the series before buying the trades (or the next bundle). i spent a lot more just on "saga" trade paperbacks.

"nowhere men" hasn't been cancelled oficially but it published on 2012 and there isn't much news about it. "jupiter's legacy" it's a prequel for "jupiter's circle" but it's pretty much self contained. "invincible" it's really long (120 issues/21 volumes and going) but you get like a third of the series.

9 years ago

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Good to know that there is already additional stuff. I like that they bundled mostly standalones and first volumes. Good strategy to get people started. I dont buy physical copies of comics anymore. Import can be expensive and translations to german tend to be cringeworthy.
I bought the Top Cow bundle more on a whim and because i still had my old Witchblade/Tombraider crossovers in my old "Comicfolder" and remembered them to be good.
Figuring out the chronological order of IX and Witchblade comics took a bit of time tho.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well as long the storyarcs are finished i wouldnt mind even if it is just the first volumes. Good way to get some new customers for the future ,from a marketing point of view. I really think that in the comic book bundles should mention how many pages the individual volumes have tho.

9 years ago

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I need to retract what I said earlier, I was thinking most of the bundle was single issues; but expanding the descriptions they consider the volumes to consist of a few issues each.

9 years ago

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Volumes in this case mean the number of the trades. Trades, apart from a few exceptions, contain at least one full story. (It's another question what happens in those rare cases where the series really is a continuing storyline not chopped up to 5-6 issue segments. But hey, the Invincible pack in that bundle pretty much covers that. :D)

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by candorius.