Holiday Music for the train ride
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Awesome- the 4th christmas train and the dedication to two great members, one of wich im still sad... i dont deal with loss very well, even tough ive never met Icaio in person he had a place in my life and made some of my days warmer, even without ever wining any of his GAs. His energy and general positivity even as he was struggling in his personal life came through and really added a lot to the community.
I never tought i wouldnt mind so many 0cv GAs lol.
Dang, im still sad. But things like this, how everyone is responding makes that sadness at least bittersweet
Needless to say Lily is the best and i hope the unload helps her. I think every single user OWES her A LOT.
I couldnt keep something like that up for a single year let alone seven.
But the only loss was her deals posts- wich will be felt sure- but i dont mind that much since shes still with us. Unlike departure users deleting accounts or saying goodbye i believe Lily will stick with us for a good while and thats all that really matters. And heck we collective can try to pick up the load ourselves too- even if we cant reach how throughout her posts were (those are high standards) we can still do it. I will try so if i ever catch a new bundle without any post yet.
Thanks a lot for the train Wigglenose- and lets ride to a merry christmas
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(Lilly writes her name with two letter l, I think it would be good to be corrected in the post)
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Oh I always thought it was one l - ok will change it then
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Bump for the train!
RIP icaio. You will be missed!
Let's hope someone takes on the huge job Lilly does and we get continuity.
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I doubt anyone can do such a great job but I hope someone does
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I miss icaio a lot he was a great guy, and when the new year begins I will miss Lilly's posts, they have been very helpful.
I will never forget these two legends, they made steamgifts better for us all.
I'm really hoping we get a christmas event on steamgifts like last year where we could design gift boxes and open them, that was so much fun, but for now the christmas train will do :D Thank you for hosting it wigglenose!
I'll probably contribute to it later in the month if we don't get that christmas event, if we do I'll probably end up making gift boxes for my giveaways instead cause it's so fun. But no matter what happens, lets have a fantastic december!
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Your welcome and of course while people can add to both (as I will) I would still love it if you entered a few giveaways anyway - I know that December has a lot of events so it can be a bit hard to know where and when to spend points/time/money so anything helps even a bump or just to enter (no point adding carts if people don't ride)
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Are NSFW games allowed? If no one has any bigger plans for 69, I am thinking about giving away this - [NSFW] Lust from Beyond - M Edition. It's been in my key collection for a while but should still work.
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Thanks for everyone who already joined already past 100 giveaways I can't thank everyone enough - for joining in making carts, entering, bumping and just being nice and having fun - let's make this the best one yet
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Thanks for running the train again. I will add some carts later on.
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I had to take a moment after reading the OP, Wiggle. A very touching tribute to Icaio. And you said everything that should be said about Lilly. She's a gem and I do hope she sticks around.
Thank you for shouldering the Xmas community train again and happy holidays!
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Thanks and I take it I can expect something added from you then?
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Added a couple of my keys. I am quite low on keys now and would still like to keep a couple left for another mini-Train i'm building but there is no better reason to add a couple carts to than this thread. Both immense pillars of the community.
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Welcome to the 2024 Christmas Community Train 2024 (Tribute Train)
Past Christmas Community Trains I have run:
I would first like to thank you for taking the time to check the thread out and please make yourself at home here
The community train here is running from 1st December to the 31st of December 2024
If you want to add a cart your welcome to - just follow the rules (little more on that later though)
First I want to address the fact that I am calling this a tribute train this year and it is for two people
Many of you might know who they are going to be but the two in question that I am dedicating this years train to is:
And (also known as Lilly)
First off Icaio
The reason I decided to dedicate this train to him is because of this thread -
Thanks to Canis39 for the thread and keeping us updated with information and all the people who left nice comments and giveaways (in his train) about his sad passing.
Icaio was such an important person around the community not just to the Christmas train but to many people, I for one was shocked and saddened by his untimely passing as I didn't know he had suffered from Cancer.
He (at least with me) never let on and was always happy and chipper to help whenever possible if that be answering questions adding giveaways or just trying to cheer people up to do their best.
He was always a big support to events including the Christmas Train and while not the only person around here to support my idea in the begging I knew he enjoyed community trains very much.
I know death comes to all one day and we shell never know when are time comes if sudden or not I would hope like Icaio we can leave this world knowing we did the best with the time we had here.
We all deal with sadness in our own way but we should look at it as a celebration of a very well loved member of the community.
I would love to and be honoured to have this train dedicated to his memory and say thank you to Icaio and be glad I knew him even just a little bit and hope he is at peace now.
This brings me on to the second but no less important person that I dedicate this train to and that is Sensualshakti or Lily as she is known to some.
The reason that I feel that she needs to be mentioned is for this thread that she made -
Lilly if you didn't know was a great servant to this forum and is near single handily the reason we had those wonderful bundle threads (for around 7 years).
I know she would talk me out of thanking her and play down her importance to the bundle community and Steamgifts in general but no Lily I won't I want everyone to know how grateful we all are.
For how much she suffered both with nasty comments from a small section of people - of which I didn't know about or would have tried to help her but like Icaio suffered alone and while the two are very different in the way they hurt they are no less painful.
I also know that due to her dedication to the site had a big impact in her day to day life and inparticualr sleep trouble.
For me while it is sad to be losing Lily as a bundle thread master it also in someways makes me happy that she can leave this part of her life knowing (or at least I hope so) how much people loved her work and respected it
I also Like with Icaio considered Lily a close friend within the site who would do the best for everyone possible and I want to thank her once again.
So to able to dedicate this train to Icaio and Lily is for me a way to say how happy I was with them in the Steamgifts community and while they leave in different way - I am much more of a person to have talked laughed and lived my Steamgifts life with both of them
While sadness and new steps are coming - you will be pleased to know that the rules are not changing (or if I have changed anything it's not much)
1 - Be polite and do not make fun of any giveaway added if anyone is found to be bulling or rude to anyone no matter the reason they will be blacklisted and any carts made by them removed (and also reported to relevant mods if needed) - Be friendly only please
2 - Any key goes as long as it is for Steam it can be added that includes dlc, free keys, bundled or even your own game it doesn't matter if the game is already in the train it is more than welcome The only keys not suitable are ones that run out before the time is over which means at least 7 days after the 31st of December (Winners have a week to claim giveaways)
3 - Level 4 max please - so more people can enter
4 - You can enter for carts without needing to add a train cart and of course you do not need to enter to be able to add a cart or enter to be able to move to the next cart - feel free to enter or make carts as you please.
5 - Please keep SG Tools to a minimum it is much more fun if everyone can join (level permitting of course)
6 - Remember to include the cart number if adding a cart - thanks
One more thing to note is that region locked keys are fine to add - but it is up to you to find out before adding them what (if any) region locks your key has
Also I do want to say a thank you in advance to all that take part in anyway to this event and it makes it much more of a pleasure to see different people both new and returning to the train to join in the fun.
The giveaways need to link the last cart and the thread and then remember to add the next one to link the carts together
<<< [Previous]( "previous link" ) ||| BUMP ||| [Next]( "next link" ) >>>
"optional text by creator"
Please past your cart into the comment of the last linked cart so the person can see your cart to link and yes you can make as many carts as you like
Thanks and of course while I call it a Christmas/x-mas train I welcome all members - not just the ones who have Christmas to join
Thanking people should really only be done when the giveaways are over as to not spam
Each giveaway should last until sometime on the 31st December and not any sooner please
Have fun and please join in with any other events going on and do not feel you have to join but I would like to see more people this year and I welcome new and old alike
One more Important point - is the site that has been used for the last few years for the Yogcast charity bundles and may well be used again this year ( I wrote this a few weeks in advance so by now we will know or not) - If so I can't 100% say which if any keys will work after December is over.
That being said to the people who want to use keys from here I suggest trying to trade them over at instead
Thanks and of course feel free to bump the thread or leave any questions or comments you might have about trading (but do not post actual trades on the site - it will most likely lead to a punishment), the train, giveaways etc... or even just nice memories of Icaio and Lilly would be very welcome.
And to say of this at last I hope everyone has a pleasant holidays and goes into the new year happy and healthy and try to enjoy the most out of life and Steamgift.
First Giveaway:
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