The Definitive Edition includes the DLCs for the classic version:
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i know that but even if the chance are low i'm guessing if we can have dlc on the classic game coz both game and dlc cannot be purchasable already in my store
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Apparently the definitive editions will include all dlcs, but they (most likely) won't give the dlcs for the classics. If they are to be delisted or not, that depends on the publisher. Sometimes games get "definitive editions", the classic games get delisted but they still sell the dlcs for the classic versions, for people who own those and want to buy them.
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for anyone wondering: i had Mafia 3 with only one of the dlcs and it just got upgraded to the definitive edition. Seems as if all owners of Mafia 3 are getting all dlcs for free.
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Big bonus for those who got it from April 2018 Humble Monthly. Also featured in a lot of mystery bundles from Fanatical. I'm a little sad I spend $6 getting the season pass a couple of years ago, but them's the breaks. I did finish all the DLC's and achievements a couple of years ago so it wasn't money totally wasted.
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doesnt help i have mafia 3 but cant start it on windows 10 anymore. After the launcher i only get a black screen and a 0kb dmpfile is written. maybe after the 19gb i can start it again
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Yes, this is my package:
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thanks it's the info i wanted :D
really nice then , 2k is the editor of bioshock 2 too but minerva dlc hasn't the same treatment
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I had Mafia II + all DLCs except Made Man Pack and didn't get the DE. Seems not everyone gets it.
Edit: It shows up as owned on the Steam web store but I can't see it in my library, it's not merged with the Classic version either because I don't have Made Man Pack
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I have a different question. My understanding is that the Mafia games pretty much force you to play as a criminal (a la GTA). Is that true? Or is it possible to play as a "White Knight" character and fight the corruption and crime?
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Thank you for clarifying that. The Mafia games are obviously not for me.
Comment has been collapsed. is the one I activated back in April 2018. If you check the history:
Added depot Mac Faster, Baby! (598029) to the package
Added depot Mac Family Kick-Back Pack (511899) to the package
Added depot Mac Judge, Jury, and Executioner Weapons Pack (511898) to the package
Added Mafia III: Sign of the Times (598022) to the package
Added Mafia III: Stones Unturned (598021) to the package
Added Mafia III: Faster, Baby! (598020) to the package
Added Mafia III: Family Kick-Back Pack (511892) to the package
Added Mafia III: Season Pass (511891) to the package
Added Mafia III: Judge, Jury and Executioner Weapons Pack (511890) to the package
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Yes I already did and you do get the Definitive Edition, they currently have Mafia III at 9.99 usd on Fanatical and is a top seller (because of the Definitive Edition). Get it now it you are interesed in the game as keys of the original will run out at some point and the Definitive Ediiton might take some time to get a nice discount.
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Unlocks extra perks for each mafia?
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I got 2 and 3 in my library and 1 is still the same,i'm pretty sure it won't be a free upgrade.
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Most of the people i know would tell me if i'd ask this, "let me get my crystal ball." :D
I understood what you said the first time, it will be unlikely to happen, but if someone has a better source wait for their reply.
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Sorry im not clear enough to explain the situation. They will not upgrade your original maf 1 to DE maf 1 bc its sold separately and have some pre order bonuses. So its not a good idea to buy org maf 1 if you wont play it.
It just like RE2/RE3 marketing style.
Oh i forgot to tell i dont have "crystal ball" by the way.
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The thing is the first one will require much more work then II and III. The first one will also not be a remaster but a remake, they will not only change the graphics but story, mechanics etc. (sadly).
No way that they will give you this remake just because you own the classic one.
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Just bought old version of Mafia III and got Definitive Edition aswell, cheers 2K ! :)
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^^ i will use my old monthly key then x) for remaster 2k and thq are really cool
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Yeah, but that was USD, right? Those prices would convert to around $15 CAD or more... That's half the price of the Definitive Edition and I suppose this is soon going to be its sale price too. In comparison, the original Mafia II used to be discounted to $8 CAD during Steam sales. I'll just wait. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I am mostly worried about the story. I read somewhere that they intend to somewhat enhance it/change it. I honestly think that the story of the original from 2002 was perfect and that any changes to it might actually ruin the "remake" for me (and many others). I come from the Czech Republic, where the first Mafia has its origins. Over here, the original Mafia has almost a cult following that adores the game beyond anything. I swear, there will be riots if they mess up the remake.
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if i activate a mafia 2 (classic) key now, do i get the definitive version?
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plus mafia 3 turns to def edition with 14gb patch.
Just a heads up that it's the same game, but with all DLCs (if you didn't have them already).
It's not really "Definitive" in the usual industry application of the term.
Mafia: Definitive Edition is remake of the 2002 original. It is being rebuilt from the ground up, and will have new dialogue, cutscenes, and features.
Mafia II: Definitive Edition is a remastered version of the 2010 original. In addition to new HD visuals, it also has all of the post-release add-ons.
Mafia III: Definitive Edition includes all of the DLC and bonus content for the 2016 original, but has not otherwise been significantly changed.
Each game unlocks unique items in the other two. You can also get additional exclusive items by pre-ordering Mafia: Definitive Edition or buying the Mafia Trilogy early.
There's no strict association for any of the Edition terminology used within the industry but, still, that's a bit underwhelming for what the term "Definitive Edition" is usually associated with. Basically only the first game would qualify, relative to previous utilizations of the term. The second game'd be more fitting to be labeled a Remaster/Enhanced Edition, and the second a Complete/GOTY Edition.
Well, does seem as though all previous owners get free DLCs, so that's nice (and definitely worth a redownload for some), but at the same time there's definitely no real reason for anyone to consider getting the new editions (specifically, at a higher price than the old versions, or in addition to the old versions).
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Plus the new versions' regional pricing is a disgrace.
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howd you get it, i made a malaysian psn acc but it did not show up for me
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already have old one. so new version has been added to my library
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ah i see, well there is a bunch of hassle over it being free in malaysia but it aint working, i even noticed someone who lives there but didnt work for them
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If you download the Mafia II DE, do this after installing:
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the one is a remake so no :)
mafia is 10 , definitive 40 and a lot of work not like just some filters like others ^^
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Is anybody aware of some kind of bonus / extra content for owning the trilogy on the same platform ?
I got the 3 classic games and the definitive editions of M2 and M3 on steam, I'm thinking about preordering M1 DE on "the infamous other store / platform", because of the lowest price available with the current sale coupon. I'm just wondering if I will miss something if I go this route.
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Thanks. I just realised that the coupon is not valid for preorders, so I'm going the steam route (well, not the steam store, of course. ITAD is my friend !)
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Mafia franchise on sale on GOG. I wonder if they'll upgrade them for free there as well...?
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Hi so Mafia 2 and 3 have a definitive edition now but i have questions
i know if we have one of them game will be tagged classic now and have a new game in definitve edtion but for the classic : can we obtain dlc for free too ? or dlcs are just delisted from store ?
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