Also it undermines the idea that everyone has a fair chance of winning, if everyone gets 1 entry, but secretly 5 people are entering just so they can trade it to the 6th guy, that's unfair.
and yeah, you'll get banned.
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And by getting rid of traders they give everyone else a better chance of winning.
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who to say everyone wants to make a profit out of it? What about if money tight and you want to get your friend a gift? Oh right everyone here just thinks of the negatives.
stupid Rule
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Here's my bank account number. please deposit at least a minimum sum of $15000 USD. thanks
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WOW - touchy subject... sorry, I was just curious, I didn't mean to imply it was my reason for joining...
I just don't get the idea of giving something away with rules of what can be done with it. If I give something away it's because I have no use for it or already have one and if I'm giving it away it shouldn't really matter what somebody does with it - paint it green, set it on fire, add something to it and yes even (gasp) sell it or trade it for something better.
So it made me wonder when I saw it - I get it now... y'all are very clear - thanks
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Personally I like my games to go to someone who will appreciate it and enjoy them. I'd feel far better gifting to someone that may not otherwise be able to play a game they'd really like to then to someone who just looks at me as a potential profit source, and only plans to sell/trade it off.
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Don't deprive someone else a chance to win something if you already own it.
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And then you realize that gift could have gone to someone who would actully apreciate it.
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I would not mind that at all , and I had it happen a bunch of times and don't feel any different towards the person that did it.
Bought my co worker Dead Island for the xbox, he was a not a fan of horror games.(he did not tell me this). A month goes by and I notice he has yet to play it, so I ask him why, he tells me the reason and adds "to bad you did not give it to my brother he love horrors games". So I told him to give to his brother I would not mind.
Stupid Rule.
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That's not the point though, you've asked him what was up.
That might be trickier here on SG for one.
And two you're not giving it away to one person, you're giving it away to a whole group of people which means you would be entering to win it for someone else who might also be signed up.
Like someone mentioned above this would result in rigged giveaways with for instance 5 people signing up for it for person #6.
Simply makes the whole raffle less fair and more a contest of who's got the most friends to sign in for him/her.
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Trading aside, what is your opinion on giving away what you've won? It's discouraged in the rules, and I can understand why, but consider this: While I only enter giveaways for games I would actually play, I still have a large backlog, so anything I win probably won't be played (or even installed) for many months. And if a friend has that game on their wishlist and doesn't own many games in general, so is likely to enjoy it more than I do, is there anything wrong with gifting it?
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Yes there is something wrong with gifting it.
Your friend should enter for the game himself, and if he can't be bothered then he doesn't deserve it.
The only people who should be entering giveaways are those who want to play the game themselves.
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I see your point Vercinger, but that would make enforcing the rules much too difficult, and allow greedy people like the OP to abuse the system. OP would only give something away if he wouldn't use it? He doesn't get the spirit of this website, doesn't get how good it feels to make another happy. I just won the X Superbox, and I am in the hospital with nothing to do. Now I am extremely happy, THANK YOU STEAMGiFTS YOU MADE MY YEAR! Altho it's kinda hard to play on Morphine rofl.... Oh and THANK YOU HUNTER42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sorry but I don't appreciate the insinuation that I'm greedy - you're free to assume what you want but I'm free to not like it.
Also you don't know what I "get" or don't get - I was just asking a question so I would have a better understanding of "the spirit of this website" I read a rule and wondered why it was there - that doesn't mean I wanted to break it...
~but it's all good - no worries
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I'm not sure how he's being greedy by asking a question that isn't very clear to him. He wanted to know why it was a rule and why it mattered, I doubt it was anything deeper than that. Most threads like this are about why you haven't won anything...
Oh well. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
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He was just asking a question so how about toning down the E-peen?, and all this talk about "it not in the spirit of the site" makes me laugh. I see nothing wrong with trading but w/e.
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Because greedy Spaniards like you wouldn't waste giveaway wins, and people who actually want the game to play it, would win it?
Why enter a giveaway if you're just going to give away the game again?
Same goes for trading it, just a waste.
If you want to make a giveaway, buy the fucking game yourself! That's what i did.
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I didn't know this was in the rules, though I feel stupid for not thinking that. Not gonna do this anymore, because once in a while when I have a bunch of points I just enter random giveaways with low entries even though I would probably trade them. :/
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So you're openly stating that you traded some of the games you've won?
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Sorry for stealing post. If i win something can i trade with my wife ?
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I think the "No trades" rules covers this. Unless you're your own wife, no you cannot.
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What if he has a multiple personality disorder and lives in Thailand?
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Lacking a single body clause I assume he's eligible to trade with his other personality then. You have discovered the trading loophole.
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If it's another body it counts as a different person naturally, so no trading. Siamese twins might be a bit of a gray area though.
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So it's even frowned apon to enter a giveaway for the purpose of winning a gift, for a friend who doesn't have a SteamGifts account themselves? It's still one entry, for a person who intends to play the game, without trading for profit.
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Well, you're lucky to have so few games you want. If I were to wishlist everything on Steam I wanted, the list would be 300-400 items long. And I don't really have the time to browse the entire collection of games on Steam to find the ones I'm interested in.
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I have eclectic tastes. I haven't seen, say, Satazius on these lists. Or Grotesque 2. Qube. Lords of Winter appeared once. And on the other side of things, I haven't found a way to add Humble Bundles to my wishlist. So this premise has fundamental weaknesses.
It also removes the unintentional advertisement factor, that of seeing a game here and going "Oh, that looks interesting..."
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I don't add nearly all the games that I want onto my wishlist, I forget to or its just a waste of time in my eyes...Like I just entered an Oddworld giveaway because I loved those games on the PS1/Xbox, yet I never got the chance to add them to my wishlist...
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exactly - there's very often games you've never heard of so wouldn't know to put them on your wishlist to begin with - I've discovered several games here that I haven't seen anywhere else and didn't know anything about but would definitely like to check out... S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Zeno Clash - The Void - Thief (kidding, Thief is an old friend) etc,
this is a great way of stumbling across a missed gem that may otherwise go unnoticed.
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I read the base rules and it says no trading anything received from a giveaway...
Why not - why would it matter what I do with a game after winning it? Same thing for no entering for games you already own - why does it matter..?
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