It's enough?
i have 1060 3 GB, i would say u need at least 4, for future about 6.
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GTX 1050 is enough to play at 1080/720 on medium to high. I got a 1050 and play games at 1280x1024 (Yep, 5:4 shitty monitor lol) but I play them all at very high or ultra at stable 60 fps most of the time. I've played GTA V, Witcher 3, MGS V The Phantom Pain, all at maximum or barely scratching that max settings, all at stable 60 fps. You may encounter performance lag when playing at 1080p and probably have to turn down the settings a notch, but still, it should be completely playable.
The thing that is gonna drag you down is that CPU. You can get an AMD Fx-6300 for around $100 or less maybe. It's not top notch CPU, but it's reliable and cheap, just like a GTX 1050. The reason for upgrading the CPU is that it's gonna bottleneck the 1050, not allowing it to use it's full potential, thus, not being able to render games addequately.
TL;DR - Yes, GTX 1050 is enough but you should upgrade the CPU as well or it's gonna bottleneck.
Happy upgrading! :)
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Just did my research and while the FX-6300 does have a better multi-core speed, the Pentium G4560 has a much higher single-core speed. So I stand corrected, and as avatare said, you're fine with your current CPU, my mistake. I got kind of confused and thought it was a CPU from like 3-4 years back, but apparently it's barely a year old.
Anyway, you'd do fine with that GTX 1050 to play any game you like for around 5 years. It's probable that in 5 years you'll only be able to play those games at low-medium settings, but hey, you'll still be able to play them if you don't care much about looks :)
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To be honest when i first hear that pentium i had the same opinion.
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you will always bottleneck on GPU if the settings are on max
but for his resolution dual core should be ok.
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I have a gtx 760 for 4-5 years now with 2gb vram. It struggles only on a few games, such as GTA V at max/Very high settings, or poorly optimized games like Just Cause 3.
Tomb raider, Dawn of war 3, ass. creed games, Doom, are all games I can pretty much max out without issues.
It's good for now, certainly not future-proof, but it's not nearly as bad as some would state.
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Have you tried looking into getting a used video card? Might be able to save some money doing that.
An old Geforce 970 would be better then a 1050 and was very popular when it was new so you might be able to find a deal on one.
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The problem here in Argentina is really dangerous, or expensive, and if you find something cheap, 9/10 it's a scam
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I'm running a Nvidia GTX 960 with 2G VRam and plays most things at 2560x1440 in medium to high settings. BUT .... I don't have to have a constant 60FPS. WHen things are a little jittery or slow, I'll set Res to 1080.
If you can afford more VRam, get it, if not, don't stress too much.
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Don't expect to play modern games with ultra texture settings. But you should be fine. The problem with the 1050 is that it's not really powerful enough to use 4gb vram. The 1050ti has a slight better performance because it has a few better clock speeds, but it won't ever use the 4gb vram it has.
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430 is not just old, it is bad. That means that a 1050 will be an holy blessing for you, and 2GB will be enough... for some games. Most modern games use 2~2.5GG oh high-ultra, some even more than 3. If the game tries to use more VRAM than you card can provide, you will not lose 5 o 10 fps, you are going to see a drop of 30-80% fps, so keep in mind that for some games if you will need to lower some details to keep a 1080p resolution and a smooth 30+fps experience. A 1050 2GB is more than capable of offering a smooth gaming experience for online games like Dota2, Overwatch etc., and it will be good enough to run AAA games (with medium settings or less) for a couple of years at least. The Ti model would be better of course, but I wouldn't spend too much for it, so if the price is way over the standard 1050, I would say it is not worth the extra money.
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Yeah, i know that it's not a gaming card, but i cant complain, with all the problems that card has, still let me play a lot of my library. Even now i can dying light at really low settings.
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I'm sure it's better than using the integrated gpu, I just wanted to point out how I dislike those cards for gaming, as they are overpriced and someone could just save a bit more and get an upper model (reason why you are aiming to a 1050 instead of a 1030 for example). If you got the card in a pre-build PC or maybe pre-owned then it's another matter.
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i've got a gtx 770 with 2gb and it's perfectly fine as long as you don't aim for 4K or want to go ham on AA or some really crazy ultra textures.
however as usual i really don't recommend paying new price for a piece of shit like the gtx 1050. instead check the used marked. for example a used gtx 770 comes at half the price and is as fast or even a little faster than a gtx 1050.
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the 1050 should push any game above 60 fps at about medium graphics on 1080p,even you might be able to run most games that have released prior to 2015 on high/ultra settings with 50-60fps,since I have a GTX 960 2GB atm and its about equivalent to 1050(gonna be upgrading soon,waiting for Volta to come out),but I'd recommend you holding off for now,wait for Volta to release for the same price point there should be better choices then,just hold off a little for now is my recommendation,but if u don't want to wait,go for it
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I'd consider waiting a bit since Intel and AMD are unveiling their new line of products right now. Old stuff are likely go have some price drop.
Intel is pushing out a new CPU with AMD GPU integrated while AMD have their Zen 2. If you're low on budget I'd recommended going for the APU without Graphic card since it can run games quite decently with decent memory (as you stated you're aiming for 8GB 2400)
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Sorry, i put it wrong, i already had those components, i only need a graphics card to complete my pc
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Be careful and return your CPU under warranty
For Intel
for Intel, AMD, IBM, ARM
Spectre (1+2)
sorry for bad news
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You will be thanking yourself later for having patience and waiting to save up for a Ti. It will last you much longer than a plain 1050.
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Your setup is ok and you can upgrade with time. Go for 2GB if you can't wait...just don't buy brand new, Ebay has some great gems: I recommend sellers with a least 5yrs and a rating of 95% and above.
You can also squeeze a bit more power from your G4560 with minimal overclocking, which should help with CPU intensive games. Start with 720p and Medium settings...then increase slowly to high if it runs great (use afterburner to monitor your FPS). Lastly I recommend a wired connection for better online play...have fun and see you online :-)
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768p and 900p will do fine. Even 1080p with certain titles but you'll have to tweak some settings. It's a huge upgrade from that GT 430. If you're really on a tight budget It's a great upgrade.
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I have a GTX 670 2gig and play on 1080. Some newer games have to be turned down to medium/low if it's a demanding game but for the most part things work rather well. 2gigs is fine if you don't mind tweaking the settings or some files if need be. Just don't expect to play anything new above 50fps.
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the 1050 and 1050ti are different for other reasons, not just the VRAM
i say go with 1050 2GB, and here is why:
the Ti version has more VRAM because it can compute more information (faster GPU, better card.), so its sort of an upgrade from 1050. and if you keep saving for a better card there will always be a new card every year or so.
so get the best you can and what you have
wish you the best of luck. both financially and gaming ^_^
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Hi there!
So, i'm having this problem. I am finishing my first gaming PC by myself, since it's my first PC and i don't have that much money (actually really low money) it's a cheap pc. So far, this is my pc:
CPU: Intel Pentium G4560
RAM: 8GB DDR4 2400mhz
Motherboard: MSI H110M Pro-VH Plus
HDD: 1 TB (No SSD)
Power Source: Thermaltake 500w 80 Plus
Mouse & Keyboard: Thermaltake Commander Kit
Chassis: Thermaltake Versa N27
As you can see, it's a humble pc, but my main goal is to play in 1080/720 at least in medium/high, so i'm very happy with this.
BUT, there's something missing, the video card, currently i have a GT 430.....yep, that old, and it's the final thing that i want to change. I want a GTX 1050, really good and cheap, but it's only 2GB, and in my country there's a big gap between the GTX 1050 and the GTX 1050ti.
So, back to the title, you think that 2GB VRAM it's enough for modern gaming without 4K and ultra settings? Or i save one more year and make suffer a little more my poor GT 430?
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