I'd like to join, but I struggle a lot with hard puzzles and this is one of the most obscure I've seen recently (not counting Tomas McMordain ones, but those ones I don't even try). Thank you for the train nonetheless!
Also, people will blacklist and hate you for no reason, and you can't control it. Focus on what you can control, which is your reaction and the attention you want to give to those people. 99% of the times, it's not worth it. You're better than that and deserve better than that :)
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I think I am not meant to read this discussion, because I don't understand a single word.
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Hey, I remember you. You are that new user who was asking for people's secret information the othe day :D
Most of the stupid (and fairly egocentric) rants I write on my puzzles are because I don't want them to feel bland. It's not really important, even though sometimes they might hide the answer (not this time tho). The important part is the last image, which is a puzzle.
The only thing you really need to know is how SG handles the GA's links with the 5 digit codes
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Another one of those puzzles where I have no clue whats going on
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I don't like this post, delete in one instance :)
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Haters gonna hate, just move on, life's too short to care about some pricks who let you live in their heads rent free.
Incredible hard puzzle, not even gonna try it, it's terrifying
EDIT: I am broke and jobless now, but still have a whitelist for daring to speak up
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I hate this kind of puzzles (I MAJORLY SUCK at them :D ) if that counts xD
Not you though, very funny thread xD
Curiosity killed the cat.. I cannot not open them even if I know that 99% I won't participate :P
The only way to NOT get blacklisted is to not exist :P
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Soooo, i was checking some old discussion and my stats and discovered something...
There are someones out there who hate me
Like, the only thing I did was giving my honest political opinion on a gaming forum and got blacklisted by some rando (first image), I still have to find them to blacklist in exchange. I need my own revenge plot, like Jhon Wick an his dog.
"But Lexbya, that doesn't mean ppl hate you. They just respectfully disagree with your shitty opinion on political issues"
Damm, you don't believe me? Then I'll have to bring the strong, the solid, the irrefutable evidences. The other day I made a discussion with my apolitical opinion on puzzles, and you know what the majority anwered? "No, you suck!", like, can you believe that? I tell my opinion and people instantly jump to personal attacks, not my opinion. But the person behind it (second image).
"Ok, ok, girl I believe you. Please stop pointing me with that knife"
I'm glad you understood my point. Now, we must adress the issue at hand-
-so I was thinking, what do people make to connect?
"I don't car-"
EXACTLY, they share what they love. So i decided to make "Lexbya's choice train". A refined selection of le hidden gems choosen by me and my limited funds. So there are some bundled and other that never were (or at least not recently). They just need to solve the puzzle at the bottom. (third image)
Btw, ZPE, if you are reading this. This psychoanalized you to make a puzzle you and specifically you wont' be able to solve so just don't try at all.
I'm gonna start adding some hints and might edit the photo mostly because I really want ppl entering.
Hint 1: Google is your friend, try to get some keywords.
Hint 2: There are two keywords, one in the upper part and the other in the inferior.
The code was encripted with the Tic-Tac-Toe Code. A code used in Club Peguin by the secret agency there. They key to solve this was to deduce tow keywords and put them in google who would show you how to decode it. The upper half was suppossed to be "penguin" with the south compass, the icey background and the bird in a tuxedo. And the second one was "tic tac toe". The red arrows point the upper and lower cases. This puzzle kinda failed because people were able to find the code just writing "tic tac toe cypher" on google.
Link to GA
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