You realize this is a help page for the Google iOS app? Possibly not relevant.
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For me all I see is a checkbox for turning filtering on and off like so
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"Off" is now effectively "Moderate", unless you actively search for more explicit images.
Further down this page, gasaraki03 links to an article about Google changing their image search algorithm to reduce accidental porn hits. Google isn't really blocking explicit images, they just aren't returning them unless you actively ask for explicit images (beyond just having safe search off).
At first the change bugged me, but with more use, I'm not sure I mind. If you don't want porn, then you are much less likely to get it. If you do want porn, you can just include an appropriate keyword and you'll still get it.
It could be an issue for edge cases, though. Sometimes you want to find a certain thing, and you don't care whether it is "safe" or "explicit". But now you might need to run that search twice, once to search through "safe" results and a second time to search through "explicit" ones.
[Entire text edited as my opinion changed]
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nope,. I prefer my search engine to return useful results.
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Safe search has been around for years and has always had the option to be turned off.
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Took it a while ago and I got bing. but right now, google is just a convenience for me. Google+, Google Drive, Gmail, Youtube, when i type something into the dang address bar it googles for me. and the difference between Bing and Google was so small anyways
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Both are crappy, both couldn't find any of my searches at all. I had a draw on both hahaha (on the fourth one, Bing almost won, but I scrolled down and google had a better one so I tied)
5th round I chose the best question I could think of to test them both. Draw. Both search engines require me to be VERY specific on my searches, though I am rather picky on my ordeals.
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Sounds like you just don't know how to use search engines.
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done it before and got bing :P but I feel I was cheating somehow XD
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Basically google made it harder to accidently find porn. They changed this last night its new.
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Yeah, that seems to explain it.
Searches that used to turn up nudity and more explicit images now don't. It seems like you pretty much have to ask for nudity to have it show up, and the same goes for more explicit images. That is true with safe search off.
Also, like others have said, US users seem to have lost the three levels of "Off", "Moderate", and "Strict". Now it is just "Off" and "On". It looks like "Off" now roughly means "Moderate", unless you throw in a keyword like "nudity" or "hardcore sex".
This is...annoying. It messes with search results, making it harder to find certain things. It also puts a bit of a lie to the idea of not having safe search on.
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i second that motion, its searches are really limited to what Microsoft wants
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Not entirely true. For at least a while, its searches were based on what Google returned. If you did a Google search either using Internet Explorer or from a browser that had the Bing Toolbar installed, those programs would send the results of your search to Microsoft. The Microsoft guys handling Bing were feeding those results into Bing's search engine. Google caught Microsoft in a sting using a few rigged obscure search returns. When caught, the Microsoft guys turned around and complained that Google "sabotaged" them.
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I dunno, I just use Bing because of the free Amazon cards :D
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I would use bing if bing rewards was available in Canada
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I use both but mostly Bing because of its rewards program.
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"I am now using Bing because Google ruined their search so much with this stupid new safe-search."?
"New"? Safe-search has always been a part of google, for YEARS now. You can, when signed in to gmail / youtube, go to your settings for google and turn it off, if somehow you managed to make it bug out and turn it on without you having set it that way yourself. This isn't rocket science?
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If I ever stop using Google I doubt I'll be wanting a search engine that copies Google's results. So I can't see myself ever going to Bing.
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I've been using bing for ages now. The thing I love the most now in it is the rewards XD just use it for searches and you can get sweepstakes entrees, xbox points and xbox live subs :D
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Search engines have become boring since and well they all show the same crap now, was better in the past... :-/
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I am now using Bing because Google ruined their search so much with this stupid new safe-search. Who else has done the same?
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