Hope you have a really great 26th birthday. Thanks for these giveaways.
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I've found that playing some online game together often gives that feeling of doing something together, more so than just plain chatting. That's assuming of course that your partner's a gamer too. Casual MMOs that take little time commitment are especially good for this purpose: you get to explore places together, craft and gift each other stuff, decorate your own homes, ERP with your avatars, etc.
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MMOs provide that perfect virtual and visual space to interact though. They aren't really typical "gaming" type of games in that sense. I've been playing LOTRO (familiar lore, awesome story) and GW2 (very casual, very easy, very low time commitment) for years and I know of or heard of many non-gamer conversions.
At their core, they're simply about doing things together. If you can't send her a dress in RL, you can at least gift her avatar the same. If you can't meet up in RL, you can at least visit some in-game places together.
All the other typical competitive/hardcore "gamer" aspects are just tagged on extra and optional activities.
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This is the best I could suggest.
The closest I've had to any Long-Distance-Relationship was about 2 1/2 months apart from my fiancee. We called each other several times a week and visited each other once a month. Other than that, we pretty much just tried to stay busy with other friends so we didn't end up feeling lonely.
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Call, text her. Demostrate you are interested in her. If she betrays you under any circunstance she really mean to like you.
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I've seen a lot of people do long-distance relationships. One word. Skype. Invest in a webcam, learn the time zones, and enjoy being able to not only communicate but actually see one another. Also, the virtualness is really good for whatever kind of sexy things you want to do while on cam. Or use some other computer based application that lets you do face to face stuff. If you have Iphones you can do Facetime. This comment brought to you by: Experience. Seeing people do long distance relationships, and accidentally walking in on a friend and his girlfriend virtually having sex, since 2008.
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LDR is tricky. You'll both crave physical contact.
Skype cam chat with her and possibly interact with her new friends as well. Try to keep yourselves busy.
If both of you are "open" kind of people. Bring up the topic of "open relationships". Do not bring it up if you have doubts cause it will totally make things awkward.
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LDR relationships are tricky and to be honest, I really don't think it will work well unless both of you have some sort of amazing intimate connection (Something along the lines of escaping death together). Obviously, as alot of people point out, interact with each other, chat, skype, do kinky stuff (If you're into it). However, my advice to you is to interact at a reasonable amount. If you talk to each other too often, like everyday for instance, you will end up getting bored of each other and it might start to feel like a chore. I'm also pretty sure it goes without saying that you shouldn' just down right ignore her. Talk to her every once in awhile, maybe every 3-5 days for instance. And if it's possible, make a "date" for your next time together (Next chat/skype/game meet up etc)before your current one ends. It may sound silly but hey, it gives the feeling that you're still physically close. You don't particularly have to stick to the schedule like booger on a forefinger but at least it gives a general idea. Also, do something cyber together (Kinky is good!). Maybe play a game together, watch a movie together and if you're feeling up to it, surprise her with something (Send her a diamond ring for instance!)! Just look at all the posibilities!
Basically "Everything in Moderation". Interact with her but don't do it too often until it becomes ridiculous and at the same time too little it looks like you're ignoring her. Good luck with your LDR.
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Lol i actually took a deeper look at the link i sent you. Some of this suggestions are down right ridiculous!
Scratch that last one. You can ask for her undergarments if you want. But seriously, some of them do make sense. Particularly:
Might i suggest Ultrastar? ;P I did this with my gf once, it was... weird... in a good way. You need a little know-how to install particular songs though.
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Trust me, it is :D You may have to read up though to install your own songs into Ultrastar so that might be an issue. The voice detection is also weird but that's the fun of it :D
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I'm CNPing what I wrote on one the GAs since you're more likely to see it here:
As far as keeping things fresh for an LDR:Skype regularly, text just to say you're thinking of her, WRITE LETTERS, actual letters mean so much more than emails and texting. Call when you can.
Also, try making a mix of her favorite songs and send that with a letter, on cd or if you're badass enough to own vinyl and tapes, an actual mixtape.
Good luck.
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Well, happy birthday my dear Cadis Etrama di Raizel.
As for the long distance relationship it depends on different things. I had one and it broke this year for several reasons. How far is she away? Is it possible to visit her and how long does she study there (completely like 4 years or one semester)? If it is for several years this will be unbelievable hard and since you are both young there is a possibility (as sad as it sounds) that one of you will meet someone new. Or that one of you changes in a way the other one doesn't like anymore. And so (still sounding sad) you may at one point need to consider the fact that you should not cling to a relation one or maybe both of you doesn't happy anmore.
With the terrible things out of the way: Communication is the only way to make this happen. But it should not be forced. As for your side, if she calls you and you are in a hurry or in a bad mood or just busy do not call it out on here. Also try to consider that she wants to make you happy. If you are messaging/phoning give her not the impression that you are doing something beside that, even it is some minor things like surfing in the Internet. I don't know if she is easily jealous but it is best not to talk too much about other female friends and not talk too much about all your (new) cool friends as well since she could feel left out. If you have problems share it with her but not in a way she has to worry sick and ask her from time to time if everything is fine on her side. My gf was never fond of Skype (so no video) or me asking too many questions or me doing things beside phoning her and she got the impression she had to be in the chat at specific times which gave her another stress in life. So those may be things to avoid. But every person is different.
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Do the personal touch. Handwritten postcards and/or letters. Something physical rather than electronically sent.
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I did long distance for a couple years before i moved in with her. One of my biggest mistake was being too focused on my girlfriend and neglecting everything else. My advice is try to make every moment talking to her count and interesting but keep a good balance of everything else in your life. Oh, and happy birthday!
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Happy Birthday then, mon!
Appreciate the giveaways and as for long distance, I sadly have nothing to say that would help you per se. Mine fell apart after we spent summer together. She then went back and we broke up in October or something.
No matter how many emails, letters, calls there is, you're still not there. Not saying that there are no successful relationships like that, I mean, to every rule there's an exception. And well, some people might be able to live in a relationship like that, sadly I'm not one of them.
Good luck to you, tho.
Oh wait, actually, I might have one advice. Find something you can do together online, in my case we played HoM&M.
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I have been very inactive recently but im here to throw away stuff for my birthday!
Also my gf has recently moved to another country for studies and will appreciate some idea's for long distance relationship :)
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