I still have two games that winners havent checked recieved. And both winners have won 40 games already so theres just no way they dont know it has to be done.
Is there a way I can message them. PM or even in comments. Is there system here on SG that I can write their profile name in comments and theyll recieve the comment ? Like @"nickname" ?

As I understand I can press request new winner if previous winner hasnt "recieved" but how to I know he hasnt already redeemed the code and the next winner will recieve used cd key.

At the moment it wont do much to my level, but this is mostly a question of principle. Why the hell dont you give feedback ?

8 years ago

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If 7 days have passed you can ask for a reroll, if he activated the game but didn't mark as received you can send him/her a message or report!

8 years ago

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1) Add them and talk to them through steam chat.
2) Comment in one of their giveaways.
3) Comment under one of their comments.

8 years ago

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4) send them an email. That worked for me when I had a few who hadn't marked as received after about a week.

8 years ago

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There's this option too. Whenever the winners were not accepting my steam friend request and blocking me, I had to send them an e-mail to tell them to accept my friend request, in order to send them the game (because I want to be sure they'll activate it).

8 years ago

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Ended 3 weeks ago

Check their profile if they are even online nowadays on SG, hopefully they are. Try leaving a message them as TLS said before, if no response in a day or max two, file a ticket for force feedback. Not because they need to be punished, but because you shouldn't have unreceived giveaways because the winners acting weird.

8 years ago

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You can check if they have the game in question now in their gamelist on steam (they could activate it on a smurf account tho).

8 years ago

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Is there a way I can message them. PM or even in comments.

since they are level 1 GA's they had to of made a giveaway in the past.. if their giveaway(s) are public or accessible by you, you can leave a message for them on old GAs too. that'll leave them another notification in the tray that they may just ignore, or may finally respond to and take action.

if they continue to ignore you, then i'd just contact support for a request of feedback & link the comment you made for proof trying to contact them again.

8 years ago

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