I've been going through some old paperwork and have found several hard copies of keys given away as part of my old Loot Crate subscription.

One of these is called out as "Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition," which seems to have gone through a process of being removed/renamed/merged in the intervening years since 2014. The options available for me to select when creating the giveaway are:

  • Street Fighter IV
  • Ultra Street Fighter IV
  • Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Complete Pack

Anyone know what the most appropriate choice would be?

3 years ago

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The rule is that it can contain things not in the giveaway, but it can't be missing things. Just to be safe, you may want to do the base game but I'm not sure.

3 years ago

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Yeah, that's part of why I was hesitant to select the (otherwise obvious) "Complete Pack," since I don't know what that entails. Unfortunately the links to everything other than Ultra are broken.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago

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Thanks for the info! Oh, what tangled webs we weave...

3 years ago

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I think it could very well be this: https://steamdb.info/sub/8723/apps/
So i think i’d list it as USF4.

3 years ago

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or https://steamdb.info/sub/53899/apps/

which has "Loot Crate" in the sub title

3 years ago

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Didn't notice that one, seems like it is the one.

3 years ago

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I once had SSFIVAE and now I have USFIV, so that's most likely the one your key activates. Also in favor of this theory is this change.

With that said, there is a thing that makes it so old SSFIVAE owners don't actually get all USFIV content (we have to pay extra). While the game shows up as USFIV, under the hood I still have the old SSFIVAE without upgrade, though I haven't played it in many years so I'm not sure about the details. This may not prove relevant, because while the appid is activated and the winner would have everything activated, some content would still be missing; I'd submit a ticket and ask the mods about it.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Interesting. Thanks!

3 years ago

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Great info, thanks. I had read about the name change/merge with USF IV, but also about the missing content. It feels a little silly to go through all this "just" for a game that (according to the reviews on the remaining Steam listing) barely functions, but... oh well.

How does one go about submitting a ticket? I had looked around for that option in the first place but didn't see anything likely. It's been a number of years since I've been active here and things have changed just enough that I'm having trouble getting my bearings.

3 years ago

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There's a "Support" option on the bar at the top of the page, Click the little down "arrow" (chevron?) to the right and a small menu will appear; click "Create a New Ticket". The category will have to be "other", I guess. It may take some time for the ticket to get a reply, or not; depends on your luck, I guess. :)

And yeah, the whole song and dance they did there is a little strange... And imo SSFIVAE was fine as it was, but they had to go and do unnecessary, confusing stuff. This is why we can't have nice things! :P

3 years ago

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Wow, no idea how I missed that. Ticket on the way, thanks! :)

3 years ago

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Glad I could help! :D

3 years ago

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