Do you play the games you buy?
I am the same. I have a large category called "trash" where i put all those mostly negative games and the really bad looking indie titles. I love indie games but some are just terrible. Some bundles are like that too. I usually buy bundles if i like at least 1 game on it but the rest goes into the metaphorical trash
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best tool to categorize =
I'd go for metro 2033
Also only 261 games ? tsk, that's nothing u.u
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My measly 260 games are nothing in comparison to the glorious 2000+ master race that some people are.(damn, took me 4 tries to post this comment. Phone problems)
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I feel you. I am playing through fire red and diamond for the 4th time this year. Although whenever i want to play through a game i end up spending all night playing path of exile again. Glad im not using the steam client so nobody can see how many hours i put into that game ( apart from the few hours on steam). Addiction in all its glory
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If you're concerned about backlog, tackle it now whilst you still have a chance. Some of us are beyond all hope.
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What I thought about my backlog before: "No, my backlog is inflating!"
Then I saw your backlog... o_o
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People with massive steam libraries are also likely to be the kind of people who active most games they get in bundles, resulting in a seemingly large backlog, but that contains plenty of games that will never be played, as they look like garbage. I've been there, my library is really bloated with these kinds of games, but I've got better at not activating every game I find.
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In other words, sacrificing game keys for the +1 monster lol.
For games in bundles that I don't really care about, I try not to activate games that don't have any cards, but it gets worse for games that have cards now.
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I do consider myself a collector though this isn't really the case for me. Whilst there is no doubt a lot of garbage in my collection I'll at least give it a try and judge for myself (eventually). I also get quite a bit for my niblings to play.
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Well, sooner or later someone will suggest this (BLAEO). Maybe take a look there and decide if it could be something for you. You can visit the connected site and take look around there. But you need to comment in the discussion if you want to be active there yourself.
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Since a few people have suggested this already i'll give it a go :)
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I'm gonna suggest Grouvee, since I believe this site is not frequently mentioned.
Basically, it's like Goodreads (or My Anime List, if you're familiar with it) but for games. You can link your Steam account there and also manually add games you own from other platforms as well. Games can be categorized into different shelves as you'd like, and there's also a 'Tell Me What to Play' feature based on your current Shelves and Filters. It may not have the best interface, but Grouvee still works quite well for tracking your backlog.
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I'm quite active on my anime list. Will give it a try too and see how it goes
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I use Backloggery for my complete game collection, to keep track of it, and seeing how much of it I've (not) beaten.
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Another shout out to BLAEO! It's been great to be in a group of players with a similar mindset. Being in the group has also helped me to stop collecting free/cheap games, and only get something that I actually want to play. There are other backlog tools around, but they give zero motivation to actually play your games.
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Checked your list. a lot of great games.
Best for me are:
Alien: Isolation (It's hard and awesome)
Spec Ops: The Line (great story)
BioShock Infinite (again awesome story)
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Should i play through previous bioshock games or is infinite completely seperate? Was interested in it for a while. Got it for £1 off GMG and thought it was a good deal but because i dont own the previous 2 games i never played it
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You can play previous bioshock games later without problem. only the ending of bioshock infinite gives a link to the first two but don't spoil them :)
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Witcher series is reccommended quite often. I have Witcher 1 on GOG so maybe i should play through that game first?
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I will definitely give it a go at some point. I wont be put off by something like that easily either.
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Go for:
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Another vote for bioshock. Might have to put that in the priority list. I'll keep the others in mind too and see which i want to play more
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Buying coj will just increase the backlog. Will try xcom
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I try to play as much I can, but not enough time aaand, I'm an achievement hunter, so this also keep me busy to play more games D: but I'm doing a better progress after I joined Backlog Assassins Website
From you library, I'd suggest Bioshock Infinite (and is a must to play Burial at Sea ep. 1 and 2), the story is just amazing and will surprise you, I believe so :3
Borderlands is nice to play with friends... and is really fun
Darksiders is a great hack 'n' slash
Hell Yeah is a fun and nice platformer game.... I love the art style and gameplay and it is really fun
And hmm, Trine 2, awesome game, wonderful visual and interesting puzzles (should be better to play with friends, but I played it alone and is also fun anyway)
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Indeed... great game, for sure. But as Nanabanana reminded me, if you didn't play the previous Bioshock yet, you should go for them first :D
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Burial at Sea is a lot less fun if you haven't played BioShock 1 & 2 though, for reasons that I don't want to explain because of massive spoilers.
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Yeah, I forgot to check if he played the others... or at least the first Bioshock. Is a must to play it before Infinite and Burial at Sea, to fully understand the amazing ending.
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Gonna have to buy them at some point. Maybe in a bundle soon. Will have to wait and see
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I only bought the grim dawn humble bundle because i enjoy poe and really wanted to give it a go, but that also leaves me with 6 more games in my backlog. Otherwise i wait for some sale
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Make a list of 20 games you have the most interest in playing, and only play games from that list. Add new games you buy, but don't buy them unless they deserve a spot on that list. Remove games as you finish them. Ignore the rest of your library.
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So true xD i usually dont buy bundles and just wait for like a -70 or 80% but humble bundles are becoming more interesting. Recently bought the t3 grim dawn bundle but i only really wanted to play grim dawn. The other 6 games are added to my backlog as per usual.
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I like to use Pick a Game ( to make a recommendation for me.
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So as Christmas deals are on and i am just buying more and more games, my backlog just keeps rising, not only on steam but also on Uplay and Origin. It would be nice if you guys could suggest me which game i should play through first from my library. I categorised them by steam reviews but that doesnt always equal a great game as reviews could come from other factors like optimisation.
I only completed 1 game. Hitman absolution of all games too. Apart from steam i also own Dragon Age Origins and all Assassins Creed games (Animus pack) as well as all Far Cry games (gold pack i believe) and all the free games Uplay/Origin have been giving out. I want to take a break from never ending multiplayer matches and play through a good story for once. It also doesn't help that i am barely at home because of work so it keeps piling up and seeing this huge backlog i just lose motivation sometimes
tl;dr: i am an idiot who keeps buying games and bundles but only ever plays poe,csgo and cod. Please recommend me some games to play from my library.
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