It's a good budget pc?
It'd be easier if you tell us what resolution you'll be playing in + graphics settings you want to achieve :) Otherwise this is a pretty solid build :3
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well the resolution 1920x1080
and >medium graphics
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The 1060 should be more than enough for your needs then :) Are you planning to upgrade in the future? I'd keep the single 8GB stick then just add another one in the future if you will :3
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Yea! thats what i want :D i want a future upgrade for some things but for now i think that 8gb stick its ok.
so thats why i dont buy 2x4GB because i dont have more slots after :D thanks
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Don't just buy one stick of memory, buy a matched pair if you're only going for 8GB then get 2x 4GB sticks.
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You really need 2 matched sticks of memory (both packaged together) You can install one stick of 8GB but you'll only be running on single channel when you really need dual channel, thus the matched pair of memory. Plus if you want to add another 8GB to the one you're considering at some point in the future they it could cause problems, it's never a good thing to mix n match.
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As far as I know as long as you get the the same stick of memory with the same brand and clock speed it should be fine :) Used to run a single stick of 8GB in my old rig and didn't run into any problems.
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Yea thats what i know too but im not very good at pc parts so i dont say nothing . i will get more information about this thanks
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Even the same brand of memory isn't always the same unless you buy a "Matched Pair". You can run only one stick but then you're restricting ya self by only running Single Channel instead of Dual Channel. You can mix and match memory but it's not a good idea in doing so as it's not always the same even if it's the same brand and clock speeds.
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Is there a particular reason why you should go dual-channel over single-channel? I've searched about performance comparisons over this and the difference is negligible if I remember...
As for the additional stick, I'll have to search more on that but OP please take note that I too am not sure about this :)
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It's always best to have 2 matched sticks than just the one stick. So if you want 8GB then buy a pair of 4GB sticks. The slots where the memory goes are set to run at Dual Channel (unless you're running Triple or Quad Channel) so Slot 1 and Slot 3 on the motherboard are linked as are Slot 2 and Slot 4, so having 2 sticks of memory this is where you'd put them, it's not just a matter of sticking them in anywhere.
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It improves bandwidth. Like any other bump in memory performance (for gaming) it's about avoiding the occasional bottlenecks which tank your minimums, not pushing dat headline FPS.
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The motherboard and the case are the only ones i already bought D:
oh i sould wait more
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Unless he needs the features of it, I don't think you'd need a B150 board :) + the 212 is cheap and efficient anyway.
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well the biggest one is having only one single Memory channel.
but i guess its allright.
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If you already bought MB, then change memory to 2133 MHz, since H110 can't run faster memory. (Bad choise of MB, tbh) And i'd prefer Kingston (the matter of taste i presume). Also if you buying box version of CPU you dont need extra cooler fan (default intel fan is more than enough to 6400, just bought 6500 box to my office, runs well). Or you can save your money if you buy OEM CPU. And i'd prefer ASUS 1060 (matter of taste again)
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So i should remove the cooler ? and save the money for something else?
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Using the same cooler now and it's bretty damn good honestly. Be prepared to change the fan at some point though, as it will start wearing in a few month's time to around a year. Recommend something with dual ball bearings or proper fluid dynamic design.
More on that from Linus, here:
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Thanks for the advice i will take in count :D
and i appreciate it
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2133 MHz cap, only 2 memory slots, only few usb 3 ports, etc. (honestly, i dont remember more, it's been a while since i researching difference without chipsets, but i do remember that after the research i had not even one thought about buying it (and i'm veeery greedy person))
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Only if you throw away your old pc and buy completely new every time. I understand that for last 20 years the world changed and upgrade have much less sence then years ago, but i still trying to buy pc that i can upgrade 1-2 years later at least partially. With h110 it's not an option.
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Memory should really be dual channel, also afaik that chipset only supports upto 2133mhz so if that's cheaper, etc, etc. It's generally fine though, lack of a SSD would drive me insane but YMMV :)
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It's a good build, the single stick of ram isn't really an issue, I would recommend 1 stick of 8 gb ram anyways if you're going to upgrade. Just try and get the same ram sticks if you upgrade (though sometimes different Brands/speed does work (it'll run on the same speed as the slowest ram stick)).
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Yea i know thanks for your opinion i appreciate :DD
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So i should remove the cooler? and save the money?
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I think that the CPU you specced comes with a cooler, and in that case it should be enough for now. Only replace it if the noise annoys you or the CPU heats up too much, and even then you can get a cheaper cooler IMO. You're not buying a K (overclockable) CPU version and the CPU you get is relatively low power, so there's no point IMO in getting a monster of a cooler.
And really, I'd add a 120GB SSD for around $40 (although around $60 for a 240GB one would be nicer). Put the OS and the everyday software on it (browser, etc., whatever you use). While having some space for games on an SSD in nice, just having the OS boot much faster and your browser start quickly etc. will make a huge difference in your experience.
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Well cool then :D can i ask you something? its this i5 better than any i3 or there is a good i3 to buy than this i5?(sorry for my explanation)
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i3 is good enough for most games. You can check out some benchmarks at TechSpot.
It will be less good than the i5 in the long range, I think. There are already games which don't like having just an i3, and if AMD's Zen CPU's are successful, developers will likely start assuming a large number of cores.
Still, I think it's decent enough for most games, so depending on what you need it could be a good choice. Look at those TechSpot benchmarks.
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Nearly 700$ its not a low budget and why to buy an AMD if there is intel for every budget event the lowest one?
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The i3 6100 beats the FX 8350 in most games. In the long run that may not be the case (devs are moving towards using more threads) but it's still true. The 8350 is more expensive, and even more so if you get the Wraith cooler version, while the 6100 is about half power and doesn't need such a monster cooler.
All in all, I'd say that buying an old AMD at this point is not that smart. If you really want AMD, wait for Zen. Otherwise, even a Core i3 is generally better for games, and offers an upgrade path that the AMD chip doesn't. The only reason to an FX chip is if you really must have a PC right now and you'll be running something that makes good use of the cores for the majority of the time. I imagine that's true for 0.000001% of people.
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Well some of them are good changes
but the MB and the Case i already bought :/ (i dont think it's a big difference) and the RAM it's useless higher frequency because my MO can't take just 2133
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Some people told me the same thing. and i think i will do that :) thanks.
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Mayby second hand parts ?
300 * depend to local prices :)
Case from 1 - 10 $
Monitor LCD 1080P from 20 - 40 $
Final Price around 350$
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I saw on internet that is not good to buy pc parts from second hand :/
I dont know what to think about this :)
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This is like with second hand cars ;)
About second hand parts:
But My last 4 PC was second hand around lest than half price of new ones :)
I buy like 5-6 R7 260X buy cheap clean resell with profit only Asus brand was faulty with artefact but I sell it anyway with profit working without off artefacts after lowering rams to 1200mhz ;P I have this in item description when selling
My only Buy R9 cards Was MSI R9 290X Gaming for 95 again problems with artefacts but I waiting for thermal pads to replace old ones iF this not help I need sell it for lower price I do not want lose money ;)
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Drop the cooler. Your CPU will be well enough with a stock cooler. If you really want a 3rd party one, then the 212 EVO is vastly outdated by now. Get a Cryorig H7 instead. Same price or cheaper, better at cooling, and it is smaller too (quite important unless you have a larger case). (There are other coolers that are cheaper and better in performance, but this one stands out the most. it is the "new" 212 EVO for a while now.)
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Yea remove the cooler i forgot to update the list form the treath :/
Thanks !!
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Im not from US, and i have same prices here, it's maybe because you don't build it? or idk, just saying, if yes, i reallly dont know
But that's way too much money for that specs :/
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Oh i dont know then, the other parts are important too on the price:) Like the Motherboard
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I use the same case, and it's very clean looking but has a few minor issues.
1) The top radiator clearance - you can fit a dual 120 fan and radiator AIO up there - but it will be tight. The clearance for aftermarket Fan coolers is also very tight - stick with the OEM cooler. I got a Nepton 140XL for my rig ( and the bloody thing only fits in the front fan slot despite what it says on the website, and the holes are not in line so it needed to modifications.
2) It picks up dust bad. My case is fully closed for optimal temp, we vacuum every day, and my wife is OCD about cleaning - seriously she makes hospitals look like a pigsty, but this case still manages to collect dust on the outflow holes so bad it needs cleaning every 2 or 3 days.
3) don't forget that his case has 2 2.5SSD slots on the back plate as well as 2 on the top of the PSU sleeve. if you use 3.5 HDD's you are limited to 2 only unless you buy some mounts.
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Oh damn, the most annoying thing on a case it's the dust man, i just hate it, i hoped it will not have this problem D:
Sh*t. well, it happens, i think i will have some work with it :/
The other ones i really dont mind all that stuff for now xD
Thanks for the advice !!:)
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Just wanted to chime in that I think an SSD is worth it. I'd vote for ditching the regular hdd and just go for whatever size SSD you can afford. I'd trade down in graphic card to get SSD if you can save enough cash to do so.
At that price point you might watch newegg to see if they have some pre-builts that might come close to matching your needs. Sometimes decent gaming machines show up there.
Don't forget the cost of OS also.
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So i want to buy a pc and this is my wishlist
Tell me if you would change smth
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