Welcome to {censored} back to school '19 community event

A little bit of history for newcomers...

Hello! I've created a little retro platformer game called {censored} and with the help of friendly SG community managed to polish it and release it on Steam back in late 2016. Since then, I've held a few of these marathons/events/puzzles in order for all of us to have fun and at the same time to give back to SG members who supported the game by giving them the chance to win some nice prizes. You're welcome to check out previous events, tasks that were required, gifts, winners, hints...

...and now!

Task Giveaway Description
SGtools AAA Family friendly humorous solo/coop adventure, supports gamepad
Itstoohard Indie 50 copies of an oldschool turn-based roguelike rpg
Jigidi Indie 10 copies of a third-person shooter in a wild west setting
??? Indie 10 copies of a musical rhythm game
Indie 10x Retro RPG that takes inspiration from SNES and PS1 classics
Bonus FFA Indie 50x VirtualPet?

Please note!

Rules are changing so fast these days and it's hard to be 100% sure what's allowed and what's not. You can be sure though that you're NOT required to join any groups here, follow instagram, twitter, facebook or other accounts, upvote anything, complete a survey, sign-up for a newsletter, or make a donation so you could participate in this event.

You are required to follow the rules, not leak anything, not cheat and so on.

Now that that's done, let's have some fun. Ends September 30th. Good luck everyone!

5 years ago*

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Has "freedom of expression" been lost from this world?┐(´Θ`)β”Œ
Oh, "Voldemort" is nearby.
Mistaken? am I wrong?πŸ˜†
Thank you always for the event(*p'Θ'q)

5 years ago

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even that one was too hard fo' me...

but, hey, bump for solved, now!

for the question: list is huge and this is "kinda" public. have mercy.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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Have a {censored}

5 years ago

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Thank you!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I just want to say {censored} has done {censored}{censored}{censored}{censored}{censored} to the {censored}{censored}{censored} but not much as {censored}{censored}{censored} with the {censored}{censored}{censored} in the {censored}{censored}{censored}.

I hope {censored}{censored}{censored} change this in the future, because we are not allowed to {censored}{censored} and this will be considered {censored} speech.

5 years ago

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Yeah I guess that's the end of it.

I was afraid there wouldn't be any more Goblin and Coins events. Glad you found a way even if it's censored and reduced.

5 years ago

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Let's hope self censoring doesn't become forbidden by rules soon.

5 years ago

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Thanks for creating Goblin and Coins.

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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I also created this crappy boxart, lol.

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5 years ago

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way bigger games than yours still have really crappy stretched small old boxart (so, that's the name).

but... (real reason of this comment) have you read last cg update? cause, while reading it, i've immediately thought about you and our Goblins and Coins (this thread title included)

5 years ago

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No. Can you link it please?

Also, valve did give us notice ahead of time, I've created and uploaded these like 2-3 months ago and they waited for the big reveal. I can see in my library that many indie games have them, while many AAA titles don't. Dark Souls does, Skyrim does... some look nice.

5 years ago

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like 2-3 months ago

:D even better, then (or worse...)

5 years ago

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Interesting. We'll see what happens and if it affects these events in some way. Thanks for sharing.

5 years ago

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My work around waS letting someone else post this for you, being the thread creator, then you taking over the entire thing. Either way, this rule is a bit meh for me.

5 years ago

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I read the rules many times in these few days and there's no rule against me starting the thread. Or promoting optional links in the giveaways. Shouldn't do it in a thread, I gather. So nothing linked here.

Important thing is not to require people to join/like/sub/donate anywhere (which I never did) in order to enter giveaways... or require achievements in an event related to your game.

So... I can ask people for a, let's say, doom achievement; you can ask for goblin achievements, but... I do wonder how are they going to check all the credits if someone creates a doom event and now needs to be cleared out if they are related to that game, for example. They could be a dev team dog walker, still would be against the rules I guess, if they were contracted and paid.

Being a bit "funny" here, but my point is that the rule is simply really hard to enforce in real life, outside of a small mod brainstorming session. Or is targeting me (and other solo devs), while pretending a random Bethesda (for example!) employee would never in a lifetime be a member here.

To go even further, if you have a Skyrim event requiring skyrim achievement in order to get invited... OP could be a member of let's say Synthesis, a studio that did some work on EU localization. Is that allowed? How about Kenny Mcdonald, who's an executive chef at ZeniMax Media at the time? Or is it limited to dev team itself? How about their kids?

So many proofs that the rule is far from "clear cut" for any real studio and not a solo dev. But rules are rules and let's respect them.

5 years ago*

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[your comment]

I'm just so happy it's not me who has to make the rules. More accurate rules just mean more and more rules, and someone still slipping through the cracks, so more rules. . It's very hard to be logical and at the same time, fair with the rules.

5 years ago

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[your comment]

+1 trillion
(would also be nice to let someone be a Support member for a day. dealing with tickets. that would be nice. obv, i'm not talking about NB, nor Wallister. Oppen? neither! :P)

5 years ago

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would also be nice to let someone be a coal miner in 17th century for a day

Аre you sure about that? Doesn't sound like a dream for me :p

5 years ago

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was ready to be cheesy with Support (as usual) but then, rereading the quote...

5 years ago

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My issue with the new rules thread is people are very much deep diving, then there are a few others who are doing a "catch all". You can't have both, you either go comprehensive or you do a bunch of catch all's. When you start being specific, unless you want to write 300 page legislation you are going to miss things.

For example, let's take the "don't be a dick" rule, which basically says don't be racist, sexist, homophobic etc. I think in a normal world most people understand that rule and can abide by it. However, there are people who are going "well what about X" which tbh, is correct on the one hand as it doesn't specifically mention X and there are other rules which are more generic catch alls. The issue then becomes, do you open pandora's box of a list as big as your arm of things we now need to mention as to what is "not" ok. Does someone post something quite obscure, but clearly awful but it's not in the "rules" so its "ok", even though everyone in the world knows that its not ok. Then on the flip side you have people who do something quite innocuous but its part of a catch all rule so it gets banned.

I think we as a community need to meet half way, both the moderators/CG and the community at large. We used to be pretty decent at policing ourselves, someone new posted something that wasn't allowed, we just said "hey that's not allowed". We all knew where the lines were most of the time.

I've read a few things I missed over the year or so of inactivity and couldn't believe the lack of common sense we now seem to have adopted. If we try and then break it down into "lets list everything right and not right" it becomes a minefield of do's and do not's that will leave mods with the impossible task of not being able to punish clear misdeeds without it becoming a rule and vice versa the community not knowing what is ok and what isn't.

Do I have a solution? Absolutely not. All I know is at the minute things are going to be difficult for all, I'm definitely in favour of new rules, they've been needed for a long time. The implementation of them needs to be done in a way which is consistent across the board and everyone needs to get on board with it straight away.

We can all make each others lives easy here, I think things like your events are a great example of "lets use common sense here" and just let it slide. It's not like you've come in after the rules and decided to try and make money off this. Are we really going to turn down say EA coming in and offering the site loads of money to run a competition? What if CD Projekt Red offer 100's of copies of their new games, are we going to turn down great games because rules are rules?

Any rule we make or want should be for the improvement of the community at large on both sides, anything that makes that process more difficult for mods or people involved in making the community better should be left behind.

Edit: Wording was awful....

5 years ago*

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I immediately thought of this for some reason.

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5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the event. Too bad for {censored} :(

5 years ago

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{censored} bump {censored}

5 years ago

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My favorite censored thing is, hmm. Goblin and Coins?

5 years ago

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Our favorite censored thing? Hmm. I don't know about favorite, but I have an unusual story to tell.

Back in high school, we had a competition that put each class against all other classes. Each class had to pick a nickname for itself, and one of our classmates was nicknamed Moe, after the Simpsons bartender. And so we decided that our nickname would be Moe's Tavern (or, more accurately, Taverna do Moe, our local translation of the name), because why not. The school wouldn't hear of it and vetoed usage of the name.

And thus it was that our class literally nicknamed itself Censored, complete with a T-shirt that, as I recall, had a black bar with the word written on it and all. I suppose that that form of token protest against what was perceived as clamping down on free speech (whatever valid reasons the school may have had) must have seemed like a pretty funny idea to a bunch of teenagers.

5 years ago

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Apparently I don't {censored} qualify. That's so {censored} sad. {Censored} these {censored} secret rules. {Censored} :(
Sorry, it was impossible to resist :)

5 years ago

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What's favorite western movie with coins or gold theme?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It's just the best western of all time and it has some coins

What's favorite censored thing?
It's {censored}

What's currently favorite game tune?
"Promise" from Silent Hill 2

5 years ago

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My favorite game tunes are probably from VVVVVV. Yes I like chiptune stuff. /bump

5 years ago

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My favourite game tune is the final boss theme from Drakengard 3; Black Song, White Scales. I know it's not a very well-liked game but man, does it have some good music.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Added 10 more gifts in another surprise giveaway task. Can you find it without using help?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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bumpity bump

5 years ago

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Thanks for the extra added gifts

5 years ago

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