only those who dont know how to install a game or use a pc/laptop have these problems, for me takes 10 sec to fix a problem for others more that 1 hour
but in general 99.9% of the games i install never have had problems with them just recently far cry 4 and dragon age inquisitor had problems with but was devs problem not mine
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Your problem. Devs fault. Sorry, can't help it :D
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Hmm, I rarely had issues launching Steam games. Maybe the problem is your computer?
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Normally, Steam games don't require extra patching to make them work, but this is a PC world, everyone's setup is different, and sometimes a certain configuration can cause hardware or software problems that prevent the game from running. This is especially true with older games.
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After 20 hours, my sonic allstar racing transformed decided it wouldnt run anymore, other than that all the other steam games worked just fine, even if sometimes it takes a little time to make them work properly (ive had some problems with GFWl games in the past).
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Never had problems running games on steam ... then again I never had problems runing games on GFWL either. A lot of the time its due to outdated hardware or more frequently, outdated software. If you cant keep your software updated, you really shouldnt be gaming on a PC. Its one extra step we have to take so that games can run normaly on all kinds of different hardware. I think its a small price to pay.
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I have windows 8.1...and i5 3570+280x..8gb ram... so pretty much decent rig...
Witcher 2 I saw many guys with various problems.. Kof I had to work alot to make it start... Xcom too..
every 5 games I try to play 1 I'll have to find a way to run
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I needed to put it aout...
But it's better to put it juillet... D:
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[Quote]If you cant keep your software updated, you really shouldnt be gaming on a PC[Quote]
I hate that superior, pc elitist, geek dickhead attitude. Everybody has to start somewhere and learn as they go so thankfully theres loads of people out there willing to make numerous posts on numerous forums to help people who might not know what some people think they should.
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well I guess I'm some kind of geek anyway... I do windows update every 2-3 weeks when I know the update is safe... my GPU driver is always the lastest... and I do steam updates everytime it ask for...
also I even do bios update for my motherboard or anything that would be nice... and most of my free time I'm reading tech forums overclock/benchmark stuff D:
so I guess Xenolair is wrong about it anyway...
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I dont know about the rest, but the first time I played L.A. Noire (it was this week) all the cinematics were a staring contest between a couple of dudes, after wich they made akward gestures, always continuing with the stare contest, and the last patch was from 2012, so it could have been fixed a long long time ago.
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This ^ if i install a game and theres problems with it then it gets uninstalled, ill try a few wee things first like verify the files and check my drivers version and have a quick look on the community page for a solution but if its going to take any serious effort on my part to get a game running then i just move on to something else. If the people who made the game cant be arsed making sure it works then i cant be arsed playing it, although theyve already got my money so its not like they probly give much of a shit about that.
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Stop. Think for a moment what you saying.
Try to remember how MANY titles there are on steam from how many sources. Compare with the others. Do the math.
Steam is a ocean compared to other ponds. In that sense is chaos. Steam can't and shouldn't be responsible for this kind of fix but the devs themselves- altougth one can argue that they should do something, like, idn, flag itens or 'punish' the publisher in some way. BUT then... how can you defend something like that to your shareholders and such? I know Gabe still owes the company but i doubt he have 100% of it.
BEsides, keeping the tabs on all games, how and if they need some fix with some setup - yeah, cause many of the bugs happen rarely, only on some hardware setups- that would cost unimaginable amounts of cash and manhours. Id rather have steam staff fixing and improving steam then checking if and how each steam entry is installing allright 'on every machine'.
They're a storefront you know. Go on, open a store on your city, and tell me if you would fix the problens of the products you're only reselling.
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Deadly Premonition, Warhammer 40k Retribution and Poof simply don't work at all :(
Also several others with such bad FOV issues they are unplayable for me.
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Wow! I left this one to rot about a month ago, having wasted a heap of time uninstalling/reinstalling Windows components, and following every tip I could find on the internet.
Tried it again a couple of minutes ago, and voila... Working!
Thanks for prompting me to give it another crack :D
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but hey you have that going for you which is nice! :P
Also, Achievement unlocked! (fixing it yourself) I too know what it feels :D
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Hi guys....
well I'm tired of games that just don't run and I have to download a patch or something, or even to turn off something to run..
Almost everybody talk about how bad origin and uplay is... but I never had this kind of problem... but sometimes when it's a steam game I lose more than an hour to find a way to run a game...
half of my games I have to learn how to make it start... even witcher 2 need to download an old patch to make it start... WHY the hell they don't fix it ?
I needed to put it aout... thx D:
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