So I decided to try to complete my Scribblenauts Unlimited card set (because why not?) The last card I needed was Maxwell. So I went to the Steam Marketplace and decided to buy the card.

And that's when things get complicated from there. Apparently, I think there was a screw up and Steam decided to give me a Maxwell (Don't Starve) card instead of a Maxwell (Scribblenauts Unlimited) card. And apparently, it's my fault for not keeping a closer eye. Still, everything still went smoothly afterwards I guess. :3

Rant done. Topic? What were some of your memorable experiences with Steam glitches (or glitches in general)?

11 years ago*

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Umm.. I'd call this a glitch of your eyes..

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Seems like it.

11 years ago

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That, and the brain. Shortly after I figured out that I bought the wrong card, I went back and searched up the term "Maxwell" in the Steam Marketplace, and it only showed up the Maxwell from Scribblenauts. While a majority of the first few pages were the Maxwell Scribblenauts cards, there were several Maxwell Don't Starve cards hiding around page 8ish. So either someone was generous to put a card very low in the listing, or they were just goofing around with people. :3

Also I was buying these cards near midnight, so I'm a bit tired to think. :3

11 years ago

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It works as designed. This is a design error of the market, not a glitch, and as there's a big, differently coloured indication of the card you bought right there in your own screenshot, I'd say it's yo eyes brah :P

11 years ago

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I'll take that Maxwell (Don't Starve) card XD

Anyways, I've never had a glitch with system... Unfortunately... I wish I got one where I bought something for like five cents...

11 years ago

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Seriously, though, be careful with that joke. :D

11 years ago

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Yeah, I realized it might look like I was serious, but I was meaning it like a joke... He could just sell that card and get the one he wanted...

11 years ago

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And that's what I did. So I make 5 cent profit out of that glitch (but still lose all of it for buying cards in the first place.) :3

11 years ago

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Just an fyi but I'm pretty sure there is no discrimination whatsoever about joking or not joking when it comes to a suspension for begging. Too much room for interpretation so everything that remotely looks like it, regardless of intent, is swept up and punished.

11 years ago

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I tried to purchase 2 games yesterday without success, steam store was unavailable. Oh well, I will wait for the winter sale then lol

11 years ago

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Honestly Im mostly pretty lucky with glitches. Most people will complain about a game being buggy as hell and I will barely experience one if any.

Until I got to AC 3. That thing is a glitchy mess, practically unplayable until a few months after release and many patches. and even then the bugs are everywhere.

11 years ago

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I remember the T-34/76 bug where you couldn't buy the card on the market because of the / in the name causing the parameters to be nonexistent or something. People were trolling so hard by having the card sold at like 0.04 or something lolz :D

11 years ago

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i read this topic... and i've been extra careful to buy maxwell from scribblenaust... and it gave me one from dont starve, it's weird but hey next card was the one i wanted and dont starve maxwell i sold with a profit.

11 years ago

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No glitches, but I did buy a card on accident and then managed to sell it for more to the point where I actually made profit, so it was all fine.

11 years ago

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I sold a mystery-summer sale card for 5 euros due to market not showing cheap cards being put on sale more recently. Now the only thing I'm regretting is putting the cards for sale for 5 euros, not 10 or so.

11 years ago

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These steam cards for 5-10 euros. You serious

What give them such a hefty value.

I thought steam cards a gimmick for a discount.

11 years ago

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You will wonder how much people are willing to pay for things that don't even exist. Did you know that someone sold a diablo 3 item for several thousands bucks recently? The guy who bought the card from me obviously wanted it so badly he couldn't wait for an hour until steam market will heal, meh, not my problem.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by FakeNameOF.