Do you watch video game reviews on Youtube?
Hi there. A link to your videos would be appreciated!
To your questions:
1: It depends. A video should be as long as you can give useful information. For some indie sidescroller 5 minutes may be enough; for a big game, like say Witcher 3, 20 min may not be enough to list all your thoughts about the game.
2: To know if I like the premise of a game and to hear the opinions of other ppl. Entertainment value of the video is also important to me.
3: Yeah there is. I mostly watch reviewers whom I know to have a similar taste to mine, similar opinions when it comes to the gaming industry as a whole and a sense of humor similar to mine. But the humor is not that important...if they wanna focus on the facts thats OK too.
4: Yes I do whenever I think about buying a game. This doesnt however always apply to games I KNOW I will like.
5: Always searching for new creators, but for video game reviews I already have a few favorite goto creators. If they haven't done a review of a game I think about buying I search for any other creator to help me out.
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I'm pretty sure it's not allowed to self-promote on discussions. Plus, I didn't want it to seem like it's an underhanded way to just promote myself. Seen way too much of this stuff done to me and others in these "Youtuber" communities.
As to the answer to Q2, do you tend to watch reviews after you've already finished the game, is it usually before you play the game or is a total mix?
Thank you for the answers, by the way. It's helpful to hear these things :)
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Mostly before buying a game. Or at least before starting it if I got it in a bundle or for free. Sometimes, mostly if a game pisses me off in some way, i check to see if other ppl have had similar experiences. What i almost always watch after finishing a game, are videos about easter eggs, secrets and stuff like that.
You are very welcome!
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1) Shorter, about 5 minutes for basic reviews, 15-20 minutes for more game play focused ones.
2) Watch some to learn more about games I'm interested in. Watch others more for entertainment value, mainly humor.
3) Zero Punctuation, he provides a quick doses of humor.
4) Only when I debating whether to buy a particular game.
5) I like my rut. There is a lot of trash out there, but I still have to go out occasionally to look for treasure.
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1) Do you prefer longer or shorter videos? Or does it even matter?
I hope this helps :)
PS post a link to your youtube channel here :P I want to check it out (I know you can't post it in the description itself as the discussion will be seen as advertising then)
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I actually haven't watched JonTron's old videos. Thanks for reminding me to check it out :D
As a followup to Q4: For those who you follow, do you watch videos for games that you've beaten/played as well? Do you watch any game they post or is there something specific you go for or avoid?
This helped a lot. Honestly, all responses will help since it'll definitely either reaffirm some beliefs or completely throw a spanner in some others. Gotta learn somehow and this seems like a good way to do that :)
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I only watch reviews to see if I would be interested in playing the game. If I want to watch something for entertainment, I will watch let's plays, but usually only if it is a game I have already played and enjoyed and want to see someone else experience it for the first time.
I prefer short reviews around 2-6 minutes. I like when they explain what type of game it is and what it is about and then give opinions on what they liked or didn't like.
I really enjoyed reviews from Azralynn, but she hasn't done them in a long time. If you sort her channel to view the oldest videos first, there are a couple pages of reviews.
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She's actually a member here and used to do giveaways to promote her channel. I think that was how I first found her videos.
I don't go to specific channels to find game reviews, I just do a google video search and look for reviewers I recognize. Reviewers can't review every game available and because I am looking for a specific game, it is easiest to just do a search and pick from what is available. Especially since I look up a lot of obscure indie games which may not be covered by many reviewers.
One of the reasons why I don't like long reviews is because I often like to check 2 or 3 different reviews of the same game to get different peoples perspectives so I can get a better idea. If the review is longer than a few minutes, I will still watch it, but I will skip through instead of watching the entire thing.
Here are some other reviewers that I often come across that I like:
Worth A Buy
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She's actually a member here and used to do giveaways to promote her channel.
Ah, that explains why I saw some familiar names in the comment sections :D
Especially since I look up a lot of obscure indie games which may not be covered by many reviewers.
Lol, yeah, I didn't even think of that before, but that fact poked out at me when an indie game review I made turned out to be literally the only review on that game. I'm pretty sure it's still the only review on Youtube for it :D
Thanks for linking ACG. I've seen him pop up a lot, but it's never been a specific video I've been interested in. Now I have a good reason to check his stuff out :D
I used to watch CGR a lot. Both CGR and Undertow.
Worth A Buy's a bit too extreme for me. Often it feels like things are either totally amazing or totally shit and there's little middle ground most of the time. Plus the "spazzy" behavior is a turn off for me as well. The whole bell gag and things like that.
Thanks for elaborating here. It was an interesting read and you've got great points here :D
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I enjoy videos from Worth A Buy, but when he gives his opinions he adds comedy to make them entertaining. He does it in a good way that makes the video entertaining to watch, but when I am looking for a review these usually end up being too long because of the rants and I tend to skip through them.
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1) I prefer non-video reviews (text reviews). I feel videos as a means to convey information is misunderstood as the default choice, since a lot of information is much easier to locate in a text paragraph instead of having to listen through every single sentence in a video to get to the point. Building on that, if forced to choose, I would choose the shortest possible video to get the necessary information in a condensed way.
EDIT: Also, videos feel much more prone to spoilers as you can accidentally see a lot of the gameplay during a video presentation
2) Building on 1), I would only ever watch a video review if I wanted to see something visually, such as a live gameplay demo, but then again I think a text guide accompanied with still screenshots would often be more than enough.
3) No
4) Yes, but as mentioned earlier I generally search for text reviews
5) Very picky, as I mentioned I prefer information conveyed in text unless there's a legit reason for needing visuals
6) Before - I don't see any point in watching them after, if you'd like to discuss the game after playing it you'd probably go to discussion forums, not review places
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I only watch short gameplay videos.
I don't like most youtubers/streamers because of the overacting.
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It's gotten better these days. Most of the up and comers are pretty relaxed creators. Less Angry Joe and more legit reviewing. Not saying Angry Joe isn't a legit reviewer, but it's not like he's a prime example of great, factual reviews these days.
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Angry Joe is a big example of a "not legit" reviewer.
It's all about raging and saying what all is bad even if it's not true and his viewers belive everything he is saying.
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He can go very over-the-top, but he tends to base them off of reality.
When he talks about the game length, he tends to say the fact, like "The game's 4 hours", to which he reacts in that exaggerated manner.
Maybe I've missed something here, so if you've got anything in the back of your mind in what objectively false thing he said in his reviews, I'd be glad to check them out.
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There where for example his review for evolve.
He said some wrong things about the dlc, the price and stuff. He ignored the whole tutorial and then claimed that you can't find the monster and stuff like that.
There was some other games where he just gave false infos, mostly about dlc, season pass and stuff because it's easy and gamers love to "hate".
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I'm watching his review right now and I can't see what was wrong about what he said about the DLC. The game was frontloaded with DLCs. The price cited for the new monster was correct as well.
As to finding the monster, I played when it was F2P, so maybe they changed things, but it wasn't really easy to find the monster. Most matches required a load of time to finally get into a conflict with the monster since you'd always be a few steps behind the monster. At which point, it's a personal, subjective opinion regardless. Again, perhaps I'm missing the core criticism here that was objectively wrong.
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On releaseday there where no DLC that was something different than cosmetics.
The Delux edition had all mosters including the upcomming.
And the Dog (daisy) from the Trapper he played gave direction as the birds did he just did not understand it. In the f2p version it was way different but still...
I don't want to watch the review from back then because it's from some years ago but I just remember that there where some false facts and overall it was not fair. Cosmetic DLC where not a thing back then and you can criticise stuff like that but not in the way he did...
Prob. that's the whole answer for your question: if I think I might enjoy a game (after I saw a bit of the gameplay) I'll just play it and see if I like it.
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Hey zeruel. Nice thread, and I wish you luck with your channel. :)
1) Length depends on the depth of the game, but I personally wouldn't suggest going beyond 20 minutes or so, since some could consider that a decent investment of time. (Disclaimer: The vast majority of any youtube clips I watch are at 1.5 speed or faster.)
2) I typically watch reviews when a bundle comes out to see if a game I'm unfamiliar with would interest me.
3) Rather than list names, there are a few that I'll favor because they steer clear of spoilers and don't sound like they're reading off of a script. (As a pointer, brief comparisons to well-known, popular games can often be helpful for the viewer.)
6) The only time I'll watch clips after finishing a game would be if I happen to catch something from Zero Punctuation, because I enjoy Yahtzee's sense of humor. They're typically full of spoilers, and not intended to be serious reviews, though.
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I appreciate the well wishes!
I personally wouldn't suggest going beyond 20 minutes or so
Haha, yeah, that 20 minute comment makes me a bit nervous since my newest video goes into a lot of depth and covers nearly every aspect of the game in around 50 minutes. That's how long the audio track is at least. Haven't started editing the actual video yet.
brief comparisons to well-known, popular games can often be helpful for the viewer.
I tend to try and do that whenever appropriate, yeah. Thanks for the headsup! :D
Thanks for the comment! You've brought out some new points that I haven't heard before, so it was great to read! Thank you!
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1- It depends on the game, but I normally see videos between 5-20 minutes.
2-Sometimes to see if the game is worth the buying, some other times when I don't like something than most people do (or viceversa) and I need to know why, and some other times because the guy who do the reviews is a well-displayed mix between funny and serious (that's weird though).
3-I don't think so. Sometimes I watch a couple of gameplays with little reviews at the end (John Wolfe, for example), but when I'm going specifically for a review to see if I should buy it, I just pick two or three random videos and look for the final impression.
4-On steam yes, on youtube no. And most of the times it is just a quick read, for the motives already mentioned.
5-Even if I mostly watch the first three results, I am picky, and most of the times I end up closing the video after 1 minute (probably because I think the guy is annoying, too boring, I thought his opinion doesn't have too many good arguments or the audio/video quality was too bad). So, if I find a guy who is good at what he does, I keep on that, but that doesn't happen too often (and if it does, normally youtubers change their own style after a while).
6-Like I said, I do both. It depends on the game, probably..
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I avoid it. I can't think on a situation where I would check the video review if I already read the one on steam, but I wouldn't totally discard it either (maybe if it is an user that I already know, or a youtube with a video I missed and somehow I met with his review).
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1) shorter
2) buy a game
3) Is there a reviewer you especially like? If so, what's the main draw?
Real gamers,Honest,not corrupted by money or give game free , and most of time these comes from just players and not from famous magazine\vg websites etc.
4)yes on youtube from gamers
5) search out new content
6) before to buy
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yes resume reviews 3-5 minutes,but i must add also another thing... i lose truth inreview also so much because all people and reviews say astroneer,elite dangerous,banjo kazooie nuts and bolts,recore,quantum break,ancestors is "garbage" "shit" games boring\bad graphic\long loading time etc. etc.
but i like all this 4 games very much,and some time i think has been really a shame if i not buy these games only because other discourage me to do it.
also escapits review i like they make short 3 min review , but the problem is more time i disagree when the say one game is bad because i like it that game but they sa game is bad but i like how they make review short
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i forgot say,i looking also for reviews more concentrate about gameplay (what can do inside the game moves/interactions etc) because i very bored about more reviews talk talk talk story and trailer and blablabla about the game most of time also with copy&paste given by the publisher or dev that is not useful to me.
For example i remember more reviews of ac syndicate not say that the game add whistle in gameplay , many than 100 review i read all same blablabla copy each other but no 1 say game add whistle stealth option gameplay too etc...
so i like gamers reviewers that show me and tell me what i really can do in the gameplay of that game,so right now is very easy to find "advertising reviews" but very hard to find true honest real reviews that just play the game and show what really can do,interactions with enviroments or if fights is good or not,physics etc.
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Gonna answer these before looking at other comments:
1) It doesn't really matter.
2) To know if I should buy a game. In fact, #4 and #5 only really come into play if I'm trying to find a review for a game I've never heard of before, and for reviewers I follow, I tend to skip reviews of games I've already played or that I already know I won't like.
3) Not really. The main draw is information and details about the game (I can enjoy sketches if they show up, but it's like story in a game: it's not the point and shouldn't take precedence).
6) Before, in case that wasn't already made clear enough. ☺
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1) It doesn't really matter.
Haha, you're the first one here to say that. Thought I was the only one :D
I tend to skip reviews of games I've already played or that I already know I won't like.
Oh, interesting to hear. I tend to be the opposite. If I've played a game, I tend to watch the reviews, so I can see what others thought. What I might've missed and so on.
I appreciate your input! It's been interesting! All the best! :D
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1- I prefer them around 10-15 mins. If longer i tend to check on the part that i am interested.
2- Actually i like 2 kinds of reviewers. I mainly watch ACG and Ranton. ACG for deeper stuff, Ranton just for fun.
3- I guess this is answered above.
4- No I don't. Just check some people from my subscription or i just watch some gameplay videos.
5- Yeah kind of picky. Not really searching but if i saw something that might interest me i will try them.
6- Actually i watch even if i finish the game but mostly before.
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1) Do you prefer longer or shorter videos? Or does it even matter?
Shorter, get to the point. Window's getting closed if you have a stupid intro song and logo that takes (sarcastically) half the video length. Longer's fine, too though, if it's actually an interesting and insightful review.
2) Why do you watch video reviews? (To know if you should buy a game? To hear other opinions? For the entertainment value? Something else?)
To see gameplay. To hear an informed impression of that gameplay. To hear the main attractors and detractors about the game.
3) Is there a reviewer you especially like? If so, what's the main draw?
Yahtzee, but he's an outlier on my general preferences. I watch his because they're entertaining, and his game preferences (mostly single player, with an actual story, and not recycled gameplay) often align with mine.
4) Do you actively search for reviews?
Define "actively"... if you mean select the title from a store page, right-click, and search, then watch whatever comes up in the search results's videos tabs, then yes. If you mean, "oh, I want to know more about such and such game, let me type the title in and find all the greatest reviews about it!", then no. Not even for Cyberpunk 2077, though I do seek out all the dev videos for that one immediately.
5) Do you consider yourself picky about what you watch on Youtube in general or do you constantly search out new content?
Yes. Very. Rarely watch, hardly subscribe. Nearly never comment. Still, I'll up/downvote if I feel like the content was good or my time was wasted.
6) Do you watch reviews after you've finished/played a game or do you tend to watch them only before you play the games?
Sure, it's interesting to hear other impressions of a game I've already played, or to be reminded of what it was like if it's been a while.
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Shorter, get to the point. Window's getting closed if you have a stupid intro song and logo that takes (sarcastically) half the video length.
Sounds strict, but honestly, I tend to be similar. There are a lot of options and so it's easy to click off. I'm in that phase with my content where most viewers aren't subscribers. A whole 86.3% aren't, in fact. So average watch time is really low as a result as well, with the length, views and engagement being in a very linear relationship with each other.
To hear an informed impression of that gameplay.
I think I can already guess it, but what's informed for you? Someone who's beaten the game? Or is it someone who knows of the company and the development cycle as well? Or are there any other qualifiers for that?
Define "actively"
Honestly, I kept it broad just for that. So it covers most of the bases. So whether you search reviews for a specific game, search for reviews specifically or search for reviewers specifically.
Thanks for taking the time to give your input! A fair few of these answers are a first for this thread :D
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I think I can already guess it, but what's informed for you? Someone who's beaten the game? Or is it someone who knows of the company and the development cycle as well? Or are there any other qualifiers for that?
Mostly, someone who's played similar games, who knows what other options are out there competing for my wallet (and ideally knows a bit of gaming history, so they could compare very old games, too). If they know the company history and development challenges, that's a nice bonus and likely to keep me interested longer, but it's not usually what I go looking for. I also don't usually care if you've not yet beaten the game, but that is a nice point to note if you have -- nice to know if a game has a satisfying ending or just fizzles out.
I have a fairly short attention span for YouTube, and a rare amount of time that I feel okay having the videos playing with sound, so I haven't actually watched your reviews yet, but the thumbnail images for them look really nice! -- will probably check one or two later (going with my earlier comment about shorter videos, I'll probably take a look at the Hitman one first).
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Mostly, someone who's played similar games
If a person clarifies that they're not too familiar with the genre, does it turn you off or do you keep watching for the different perspective? Like, does the disclaimer make you more or less likely to keep watching?
so I haven't actually watched your reviews yet, but the thumbnail images for them look really nice!
I guess you found my Steam reviews then, where I linked them :D
Well, regardless, I hope they're not too terrible for your tastes :D
I appreciate the time you've taken! Sorry for not responding sooner, it got really late for me and I've been trying to correct my sleep schedule.
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It colors my value of their opinions, but if the feedback is good anyway, I may keep watching. Enjoyed the HITMAN review, btw. Good impressions of the positive and negative and personal preferences you have in that one. Also, good speaking voice. As an American, I hear an obvious accent, but it's not off-putting at all, and all of the enunciation is very clear. Watched the quick thoughts on GTA3 after, but found myself steering clear of the nigh-20-min vids simply because of their length. There's some darn good network television shows that have 22 minute runtimes per episode, so at that length, you'd better be very entertaining! :)
No worries about the later reply; I hear you on fixing a sleep schedule! Apologies for lack of quoting here, on mobile and being lazy. :)
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Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. Personally, I do think the Firewatch one's pretty solid. As good as a network TV show? Honestly, it depends. There's great quality out there, but it wouldn't take much to be better than the middling shows out there :D. But yeah, the Metro Last Light review's more about going into detail with certain aspects. All of my "Experiencing..." videos are basically a full playthrough of the game while reviewing the game. So the 4 hours of Firewatch was condensed into a 20 minute review and playthrough. I think I managed to make it pretty concise for what it is.
I still don't know if the word "Review" is even apt for those videos, but I don't have the balls to pretend I'm doing a critique and "retrospective" might also be misleading since people tend to expect older games for that and also they expect more about the company who made it and the background of the development. So, "Experiencing" came to mind. It's my experience of the game, me talking about that experience through a review lens. Yeah, it's a weird one.
No need to worry about formatting. I asked for your help and opinion and so I'm grateful you even took the time :)
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1) I don't care. I just need to see a gameplay and to see if the game will be fun for me or not.
2) To know if you should buy a game.
3) Nope.
4) Yes.
5) Not picky at all. Anything that is funny or informative.
6) Only before I play the game.
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1) I usually prefer text reviews, but if I'm going to watch a video I'd rather it be short
2) To find opinions on older or obscure games where there isn't much information available.
3) No
4) Yes
5) I'm more interested in a particular game than a reviewer/channel
6) Both, depending
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1) Between 5 and 10 mins.
2) When a game is on sale, to know whether it's something I'd play now or in the near future.
3) I like Karak from ACG, although he speaks a tad too fast. I also really like Scott the Woz but his videos are not reviews.
4) Not really but I also like to watch reviews for new games and sometimes add them to my wishlist.
5) I don't have much time so I'm quite picky. I tend to watch the same channels all the time, unless I need to find something specific.
6) Only before. After beating a game, I have my own opinion and share in on BLAEO.
As a side note, something I enjoy is when YT channels stick to a particular recipe. Usually type, length and tone.
I guess the best way to go about it is to make your channel stand out from the rest, be regular about it and stick to the point.
Good luck!
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Totally agree with Lengray.
P.S: I am most likely not your target audience for your YT channel but you have to carve out your own special niche (e.g. game reviews in Estonian and English, funny gameplay moments with quirky video edits, funny voice acting during cutscenes or text portions) and find your own tribe. Competition is tough on YT and the payout is crappy, not to mention the copyright strikes that may come your way. Best of luck
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I appreciate the advice! Honestly, I don't even want to touch the Estonian market with a 10ft stick. The landscape kinda has two extremes. One side's completely braindead and the other's extremely edgy and just unlikable. It might seem like a pretty harsh way to put it, but trust me, it's a legitimate issue.
I used to stream, so some of these things aren't even new to me since in my long stretches I've definitely fucked around with some of those ideas :D
I currently do have a bit of a concept that I'm working on. So far, I've had two videos in that niche come out. Basically I'm doing "Experiencing game title - subtitle" videos, where I take a game (so far I've done Firewatch and Gemini: Heroes Reborn) and I mash a playthrough and a review together. Firewatch was a 4 hour long game and the video ended up being 20 minutes, which was pretty concise since the game packed a lot of content. But then also Gemini: Heroes Reborn had a 3 hour campaign and yet the video was only 12 minutes long. So it 100% depends on how much content there is to cover and so on. But this format won't work with all games, so I'm still doing normal reviews as well.
Thanks for the response! :)
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I'm going through your Firewatch video now and why are you not MORE POPULAR?!
The summary up front and your voice are what appeals to me. Just a quick suggestion until I finish going through all your videos: maybe put a spoiler warning and a timestamp to skip the gameplay portion for those who want to watch your review. (I'm watching it on mobile so apologies if I missed that)
Keep uploading more content :)
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I'm going through your Firewatch video now and why are you not MORE POPULAR?!
Lol, probably the wrong Firewatch review then :D
Honestly though I'm pretty proud of that one. I don't know if it's great in the grand scheme of things, but I'm happy that I made it the way I did. There are a couple of issues, mainly with the beginning, which can be a bit of a turn off. I still find it hard to figure out how to start a video in a more exciting visual way without spoiling things.
I'm currently around 65% done with my next video which will be in the vein of Firewatch. Though, since the game's literally 4.5x longer, the video will be around 2.5x longer. So now I just need to edit the video. I don't want to sound like a slimy advertiser here, but if you like that one, then stay tuned since I think you'd like the next project as well <3
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I've gone through all your reviews and I liked the Firewatch review the best. Here are my 2 cents. I like your summary upfront instead of the 2 minute intro that other YTers have. However, it may be a bad thing for you if your viewers just click away once the summary is over.
Suggest you put a spoiler warning and timestamp to proper review before you start the plot summary/gameplay section of your video. Also, I think viewers like AGC because he has a very rigid review structure: Heading -> short gameplay segment that highlights the part of the game he's going to discuss e.g. music/sound/gameplay loop -> his thoughts and criticisms. You might want to have a structure to your review section too. I liked the plot summary/gameplay/personal thoughts section but it may catch viewers offguard if they're expecting a review video
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Yeah, I should use timestamps, for sure.
but it may catch viewers offguard if they're expecting a review video
To be fair, I never really called it a review to begin with and what you explained is the actual reason as well. It'd be too confusing and it wouldn't really be a good way to refer to the video. Instead, I called it "Experiencing Firewatch", since it basically details my experience with the game. From the actual playthrough to the review sections, where I review the game, obviously based on my personal experiences too.
I thought the name was pretty apt, at least.
Thanks for the advice and thanks for checking me out :D
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1) Up to 20 minutes is fine, I tend to avoid longer ones unless they come from channels I follow.
2) To inform myself about the game. I like reviews that explain pros and cons of the game well, but manage to do so under 20 minutes. I mostly watch them for games I'm interested in playing, but sometimes I'll check review for a game I know is not my thing, but want to know more about if I keep hearing about it from everyone. I also tend to check reviews for games I haven't heard about if they come from channels I follow.
3) ACG and Worth a Buy. I find them quite informative and I'm overall quite pleased with what I get out of their reviews most of the time.
4) When I stumble upon a game I'm interested in I look it up.
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1) Both, depends on the game and all the good information you have.
2) To see the gameplay and sometimes to see the youtuber show, like Angry Videogame Nerd, SSeth and Angry Joe.
3) The three above.
4) Most of the time is "Game name gameplay no commentary" to see for myself.
5) I usually only watch another youtuber if a friend give me the link, otherwise is rare.
6) 90% before playing.
Try to find your own way to do the reviews, probably now it's almost impossible to be creative and original, but good luck.
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Hey hey people, SSeth here. Glad to see another person who indulges in the offerings of the Merchant's Guild :D
Yeah, originality's a bit of a pipedream these days, but I think I've hit a bit of a format niche (I can only guess since it's not like I've seen everyone's reviews) and that's probably all you can really manage these days, if even that. From what I've seen, you have to just make good stuff in general. Strive for perfection while never achieving it!
Thanks for responding! :D
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1) Do you prefer longer or shorter videos? Or does it even matter?
Up to 5, maybe 10 minutes. Everything longer and... I'm kind of old to keep track. I do prefer a nice commentary/review/first impression over ranting or pure gameplay.
2) Why do you watch video reviews? (To know if you should buy a game? To hear other opinions? For the entertainment value? Something else?)
Curiosity mostly, wanting to see what some games are like (buying or not, regardless). Entertainment.
3) Is there a reviewer you especially like? If so, what's the main draw?
I used to like watching TB... but kind of stopped at some point even before... you know. Nowaday I watch no one in particular, mostly depends on the game I'm interested in... but I don't mind subscribing to you.
4) Do you actively search for reviews?
Um, sure. Sometimes.
5) Do you consider yourself picky about what you watch on Youtube in general or do you constantly search out new content?
Yes and no. Depends on the mood. Last night I watched 15 videos about Skyrim secrets. That happened like 0 times before.
6) Do you watch reviews after you've finished/played a game or do you tend to watch them only before you play the games?
Both. I also like benchmarks for some games I'm really interested into... Sometimes even after I've started playing them, lol.
Ok found you, now you have 43. I'm glad there's a future-famous person I "know" from here to follow their rise. I mean yours.
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I do prefer a nice commentary/review/first impression over ranting or pure gameplay.
If the video's long, but still fully scripted, is it still a turn off thanks to the length or is the relative structure/linear structure helpful?
but I don't mind subscribing to you.
Haha, I appreciate the confidence in me. Though, just in case never actually watch my things since you'll just yell "Ooh, eww, what the fuck?" and run for the hills :D
Last night I watched 15 videos about Skyrim secrets.
I relate to this so much. These weird rabbitholes where you jump in and come out 5 hours later having watched all that a certain niche has to offer :D
I'm glad there's a future-famous person I "know" from here to follow their rise.
Lol, one more and I can say that I grew my subscriber base by 100% in a single month. I appreciate the answers and for you giving me a chance :D
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I literally have no time/willpower to listen about one thing for more than 5 minutes, maybe 10 if it's really interesting. And no, I don't have any attention disorder, I can easily play a game, read a book, hold conversation for hours. It's just the situation of watching something passively that starts boring me after a very short time.
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i very rarely search for a few seconds of pure & raw gameplay to see if a game looks interesting to me. usually for delisted gibs. and usually they are shit games and got delisted for good reason.
for any other game the trailer on the game's steam store page will do.
good luck with your project!
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1) Size isnt that important. If you cover the game in 10 minutes its fine. If you take 30 minutes its fine. Basically you need to cover it properly. If you half ass it, I will likely not watch your videos again. If you drone on and on and make your video longer than it has to be, I will again not likely watch your videos again.
2) Why do you watch video reviews? For reviews I read reviews. If I am watching youtube, its because I want the take of a specific youtuber on it. Basically I am not primarily there to get information about the game, but rather what the specific person thinks of it. It is the youtuber that I came to watch not the game.
3) I like skill up because he is very balanced and honest in his reviews. I like Angry Joe because he gets really invested in the game reviews and it shows. I like different people for different reasons. I also dislike different people for different reasons.
4) Never do I search for reviews. Like I said, if I want actual reviews, I will read them.
5) Not picky at all. I could be watching watching a hardware review one minute, how factories make USB cables the next minute and how to market yourself as a pornstar the next. Youtube can be a weird ride. :P
6) Usually after I finish games, unless there is some controversy about the game I want to know more about. But really I watch reviews for games I have no intention of playing. Once again, people primarily watch youtube for the content creators, not necessarily for the content.
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Basically I am not primarily there to get information about the game, but rather what the specific person thinks of it.
Yeah, I tend to be the same way. I even have this weird habit of playing through a game so I can then watch a review from someone who I know will have a great video on it. Main people would be people like MandaloreGaming and TehSnakerer.
It's weird, I know :D
I also dislike different people for different reasons.
May I ask who do you dislike? If you don't want to be negative, then that's fine too of course.
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There are a lot of different youtubers I dislike. For example, Cleanprincegaming is someone I dislike because he is disingenuous. He never sounded sincere to me but then he made some videos talking about EA Game Changers, and he couldnt find anything bad to say about it, which made me realize that he is not objective. Another one I dislike is TheQuatering, mainly because he wastes so much time talking about things that are not relevant. He says that he covers news, but his average video is half filled with fluff to waste time and make it to the 10 minute mark, which rest of the half might be worthwhile. It comes in my recommended list quite often and I do want to watch it because the topic is interesting, but because of my experiences with is videos, I know its a waste of time and just find someone else covering the same topic.
And there is nothing wrong with watching video reviews after playing the game. I do it myself. Its simply a way to interest with other people who might have a passion for the same things you do. In this case its the game. Its why I sometimes I go back and watch people's reactions to certain things, because it is fun to see other people experience what you just did and see how they react to it.
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For example, Cleanprincegaming is someone I dislike because he is disingenuous.
Oh my god yeah. He's awful with his "I'm using tone of revelation while saying nothing. But also, now I'll make a very basic assumption and try to make it sound deep..." I hate that stuff.
Thanks for the response. Today I found out who TheQuartering was, so that's nice. I knew the face, but never the name :D
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1) It depends, if the length fits the format then it's fine for me. The problem is that what length is apropiated for what style is something you can only nail down by trial and error and a healthy dose of feedback.
2) Mostly to hear other people's opinion and for entertaiment value, they're also a great way to get to know about games I haven't played and might not intent to play but am curious about nonetheless.
3) Yahtzee (zero punctuation), his writting is great and so is his humour, he's also really good at identifying flaws that other people might ignore and explain how they damage the experiense.
Total biscuit was another good reviewer, I didn't agree with him in a lot of things but damn his opinions were interesting and he knew how to present them.
Recently discovered a guy that goes by Civie11 that makes videos that ooze personality and have an absorving meta narrative.
4) Sorta, I watch a lot of the recomended videos on youtube's main page, that's how I normally find new channels. So yeah, praise the almighty algorith.
5) Ha, nope. If it catches my attention I'll at least try to watch it for a few seconds, that said I close down a lot of videos before the timer reaches one minute and never look back.
6) I do go out of my way to watch reviews after being done with a game sometimes, but I mostly just watch reviews as I find them. I have given a chance to games on my backlog after watching a favorable review that I accidently came across.
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The problem is that what length is apropiated for what style is something you can only nail down by trial and error and a healthy dose of feedback.
Yeah, 100%. Main reason I'm asking for these general questions right now. It's good to know what people look for and are interested in. Plus, this might also help other people. Though, obviously, I ask for feedback on specific videos as well.
Recently discovered a guy that goes by Civie11 that makes videos that ooze personality and have an absorving meta narrative.
Never heard of him. Glad to have more creators to check out :D
Thank you for the response!
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I just realized that my first answer isn't really any help at all, far too vague.
What I meant to say is that it's hard to aproximate how much time is apropiated for a review due to the fact that the writting style of the reviewer might cause all their reviews to have roughly the same length but for other reviewers the amount of time necesary varies depending on the game in question. Have seen both aproaches working well so none is really superior, from the super strict "x minutes review of y" to channels were reviews vary wildly from one video to another (like one is 5 minutes long but the next one is almost an hour).
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I just realized that my first answer isn't really any help at all, far too vague.
Nah, you did well dude, you've been of great help :)
Have seen both aproaches working well so none is really superior, from the super strict "x minutes review of y" to channels were reviews vary wildly from one video to another (like one is 5 minutes long but the next one is almost an hour).
Yeah, I definitely seem to have the latter. Where I have 2-3 minute reviews, 7-8 minute reviews, 12 minute reviews, 20 minute reviews and now the next one will be 50 or so minutes :D
All are pretty much appropriate to how much there is to cover, I'd say.
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1) If I want to see whether I'd like a game I haven't played, 20-30 minutes as long as there's gameplay footage? For entertainment, 5-10 minutes. For opinions, somewhere between?
2) New releases, entertainment, checking other opinions about games I've played (particularly those I passionately like/dislike). Sometimes I just skim reviews for a minute or two to check gameplay footage and hear their overall opinion towards the end of videos, especially if I don't trust their opinions (IGN, cough, hack).
3) I hunt down the critical-sounding ones :P I do like reviews that go into any points about the development or history of the game, though, but there's not always something like that (for instance, you'd get an interesting review about the development issues of Anthem, but not most games.) There was a Zero Punctuation review that stuck with me because he had a similar opinion to mine about Transistor which I was glad to find, especially since the positive Steam reviews don't show you that there's anything to dislike about it at all.
4) Definitely, almost all content I watch I consciously search for.
5) I hardly use YT nowadays because I'm so picky XD
6) Yeah, especially for story-driven games. I like to see what other people's opinions are. Actually, I find it's often better to watch reviews after playing a game, because games often fall short in the story, and I should really know all the spoilers for that. Similar to reviews of a film or series, I guess. Depends on the game, of course :S
My general opinion: I think the best video reviews try to explain unpopular or unorthodox opinions, or have a more personal view -- especially since written reviews tend to focus on covering all general points you'd need to know before buying a game, and do that well enough.
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Yeah, especially for story-driven games. I like to see what other people's opinions are. Actually, I find it's often better to watch reviews after playing a game, because games often fall short in the story, and I should really know all the spoilers for that. Similar to reviews of a film or series, I guess. Depends on the game, of course :S
Sounds a lot like some of the feedback I got for my "Experiencing Firewatch" video. :D
I think the best video reviews try to explain unpopular or unorthodox opinions, or have a more personal view -- especially since written reviews tend to focus on covering all general points you'd need to know before buying a game, and do that well enough.
Yeah, I tend to agree with you on there. Especially the personal view since it's way too easy to fall into the trap of listing what the game has and pretty much just leave it at that.
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here is the thing, games experience are relative and you cant review it objectively.
so it's all an opinion, and i have to care about your opinion to watch it.
otherwise i just watch gameplay and benchmarks to check performance.
1) shorter is better, so i can go and play
2) to get more info about a game
3) TB (may he RIP), ACG, and Jimprission. as long as you dont give it 7/5 or some random score.
4) if i dont know enough about a game
5) both, depends on my free time
6) before
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Thank you for the response!
here is the thing, games experience are relative and you cant review it objectively.
Yeah, if I had a nickel every time I heard someone say "This review isn't objective", I'd probably have... a fair few nickels. Luckily it hasn't happened to me personally, but I feel bad for whoever needs to deal with a comment like that. :D
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Hi there!
I've been doing video game reviews on Youtube for almost a month now. 8 videos in and I'm slowly getting into the groove. It's been going surprisingly well. But, as anyone should, I want to improve. So, I thought I'd ask for your thoughts and opinions about these types of videos. Feel free to answer all of them, none of them, only a couple of them. Any response is appreciated.
1) Do you prefer longer or shorter videos? Or does it even matter?
2) Why do you watch video reviews? (To know if you should buy a game? To hear other opinions? For the entertainment value? Something else?)
3) Is there a reviewer you especially like? If so, what's the main draw?
4) Do you actively search for reviews?
5) Do you consider yourself picky about what you watch on Youtube in general or do you constantly search out new content?
6) Do you watch reviews after you've finished/played a game or do you tend to watch them only before you play the games?
Thank you for your time. No one's blacklisted, so ya'll can enter no problem :)
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