I'm making a video game and just released a gameplay demo, it would be awesome if you could check it out and provide feedback :).


Bunker Busters is an explosively fun action-packed shooting game about breaking into bunkers and completing objectives while you’re there! The game will feature tons and tons of weapons -both WW2 era and some more freaky ones- , a bunch of playable characters with their own unique abilities and starting weapons, and an awesome level editor so you can create the bunker of your dreams!

Post on the GMC (If you hang around those parts..)

Post on my blog

Some gameplay gifs:

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Looks pretty cool, what engine?
Nvm, gamemaker.

8 years ago

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Thanks, and yes GM:S.

8 years ago

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Wait.. what does it mean...?


8 years ago

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what? ._.

8 years ago

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I don't know :o

8 years ago

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Nice, where do you plan to go with it? Feels like something that could evolve into a Wolfenstein-esque roguelike imo :>.

Regarding the demo I played it once so far as technician, didn't encounter any major bugs... once a guard got stuck in a corner on top of a barrel. Apart from that:

  • Movement was kinda weird, little bit too slow I think... but I've played too short a time to put my finger on it
  • Sound and graphics need polish (Captain Obvious™ ;x) and for music in general - something along the lines of Hogan's Heroes would be fitting imo
  • Reload indicator would be better placed on top of the character, was irritating sometimes
  • Weapons need balancing (I liked the recoil effect of the MG42 :)
  • Destroying barrels by merely touching them doesn't fit that well, maybe some type of melee attack?

As I said, I haven't played that much, maybe later I can play and add a little bit more...

EDIT: Ohy yeah, and AI was kinda moody - sometimes they went straight after me, even through closed doors and some other times they didn't bother to react after getting shot with the colt.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for the extensive feedback! Yes I realize that the AI is weird in some cases, more work will have to be put into that! I'm collecting everybody's feedback and will start fixing all of the bugs before I post another demo :).

8 years ago

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Is it hard to make games with GameMaker? Game seems great btw!

8 years ago

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Well, people often say that it's easier to make games with gamemaker. And that's true, but not to the extent they're claiming it to be! Gamemaker comes with a lot of built-in functions that make it easier to set a game up and get it working fast, but you can still program your own functions (which I prefer!) using GML (Game Maker Language). GML is a lot easier to learn then for example C# or C++, but with enough time and work you can achieve the same things you can with said programming languages in GML (although to be fair, a lot of things are impossible in GML with the use of extensions written in other programming languages).

8 years ago

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"[...] if I had to compare GML to anything, I'd say it's basically a simplified version of C++."

8 years ago

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Looks good, but at the risk of sounding pedantic, please don't call something a bullet-hell if the bullets don't take up an average of 33% screen space or more during a playthrough.

8 years ago

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Yeah, it was my friend who came up with the idea of calling it a bullet-hell, we probably won't keep calling it this because it's not what I think this game will turn out to be :P

8 years ago

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Although, I do really want to make a bullet-hell game at some point, an actual bullet-hell game ;).

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by amusudan.