The "$30" threads. I want to stab people who make them.
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This. This is why I don't really care about these kinds of posts. its not like someone is running up to you naked and slapping you in the face so you have to look at them. Simply bemoan human error and move on. Just like when you read the news of someone doing something stupid and you just skip over it.
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Hate 'should I buy' posts in any form they come in, not to be confused with 'is it any good' posts. The former shows that the poster can't think for themselves while the latter is asking the opinions of gamers rather than relying on reviews.
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Why do you hate birthday topics? They usually contain a giveaway. ._.
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I don't hate them at all. Kind of annoying sometimes. Sort of feel like it's self important. like a "Celebrate my existence day!". Yes, I know to many, or even most, it means "Big day for me, I'm here to share the love!". Some of those Birthday threads are borderline begging threads (some actually are begging threads too). With all of that, when I see one, I often feel that instant reaction of "Ugh, is this going to a good and cheery one, or just a jerk?"
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Anything that can be boiled down to "I'm here to win games, but I'd rather not give away anything or contribute to the community unless it benefits me." Mostly this comes from '$30' threads and 'ZOMG I'VE ENTERED 5 WHOLE GIVEAWAYS AND WON NOTHING WTFFFFFF????' threads.
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(Sorry, can't edit on mobile app) Oh, and 'who has the most entries/least wins/worst luck' threads too. Bruh, it's Khalaq. It's always Khalaq.
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Yeah, very much so.
I also love these posts "I have a way to overhaul steamgifts, that benefits leachers, and puts Contributor in a less respected position. Oh FYI, I've never given a damn thing away.!". Always with the bright ideas of how to make winning games easier from them. They forget that this isn't a service, and they are not "Owed" anything. Statement not made at all users with no wins or no contributions, just about those that are jerks about it.
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i get annoyed when people make posts that aren't about me.
& the music ones, cause most of the time i don't even listen to the genre they're talking about so i feel all left out & stuff.
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While I agree with some of the answers here one of the biggest issues I have is the layout of this forum. There's no order. There are no sections for specific topics. All of the posts just fall into line one after another. One shouldn't have to "search" a forum to see if a topic has been covered or not before they post. I don't know why this place chooses not to categorize like most everyone else does but if they did we would see a lot less of these posts that everyone here is complaining about. Most forums have Announcements or Stickys which could be used here to highlight topics of importance such as how CV works, or a list of bundle games, or information (like the F.A.Q.) that the staff feels that everyone needs to know. We would see a lot less of these repetitive "annoying" posts if the layout of the forum was changed to one that actually serves the community better.
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True, they are not. They can just be annoying sometimes.
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you missed one:
Ooo, just thought of another one:
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You couldn't care less. If you could care, that means they annoy you to some degree.
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Hello all.
You ever enter forums or look down at the "New From The Forums" section and see a post that makes you react with: Eye Rolling, "Seriously, this again?" or other equally annoyed or frustrated reactions?
I have. Most of you have, even if you don't want to admit it.
Being annoyed at these posts doesn't mean they're bad posts, or the community at large hates them. It doesn't mean they are poorly written, or without worth. It just means, that for whatever reason, they annoy you.
I'd like to hear other peoples "Annoying Posts" lists. Just for fun. No flaming, or calling people out. Keep it general.
Here is my list:
Again, these are posts that you FEEL annoyed by. Doesn't need to make sense, and doesn't need to only be posts you hate. I'm fine with scamming posts for example, I even read them, but I'm still annoyed when I see a new one.
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