You have a point here.
And recently I especially hated those GTA V posts.
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oh come on :( (I posted one)
why do you hate mah baby :(
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True. There is a lot of good here too though. I feel like for every annoying posts, there is an exciting one... well, occasionally for every 2 annoying posts :p
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Again, doesn't have to make sense. Every time I see one, it annoys. It's a valid post. Maybe because in part, it's often a repeat post. For me, it often falls under the same annoyance of "You easily could have looked this up on forums, or checked the FAQ for this info".
Regardless, you make a valid point about moaning about repeat posts. Ironically, those annoy me too. Doesn't make it any less of a valid concern ;)
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Edit: if any topic creators are offended by my annoyances, I'll repeat what ElvisPrime said: "Being annoyed at these posts doesn't mean they're bad posts, or the community at large hates them. It doesn't mean they are poorly written, or without worth. It just means, that for whatever reason, they annoy you."
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are you saying that I can't post giveaway threads on my birthday? or a "I have 10 coupons and I do not know where to dispose them" thread? or "I have a question about the FAQ but I'm not good at english so I might want to ask someone on the forum to explain it to me simply" thread?
they are not annoying, we have new users each day and you can't expect everyone to know the bloody rules. (for fuck's sake I did not even know that I could not post trade offers on a steam forum 'till I got banned from one and I had been using steam for like a year or more)
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They are not annoying to YOU. They can be annoying to others. Again, it doesn't mean that they are bad posts, or posts without worth. I'm delighted by the idea of helping new users into the community, or patiently directing people. Everyone is new at some point, and will make missteps in the rules. That being said, it can be annoying to see a similar post like that, every day.
A doctor can deliver babies his entire life, and it will be a miracle and joy to all. They love there job, helping life into the world... But every now and then, he's annoyed and just want's that next baby to just stop crying already.
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posts like "I got coupons, anyone want?" do not annoy me. I like to see ppl giving stuff to others, and ppl using them to buy the games they want. Apart from that, I fully agree.
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I agree but I think you're a bit critical, sometimes (albeit rarely) 'I got scammed!' ones are funny.
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[post] Annoying posts
Nothing worse than a person complaining about people having legitimate issues. This is a website that pulls in a ton of traffic. It NEEDS people to donate in order to function and then restricts you for donating. Suddenly, because you share bundles with people, you are placed as a second class citizen. I could understand the restriction if it were money involved, but that one rule just seems petty. So you just bought a game and keep it for a while in code form. SOmeone puts the crap in a bundle and now your giveaway isn't worth giving away.
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I agree. Giving away any game is awesome. The disdain and outrage attacking/shaming these people is not cool. Doesn't matter how much money a game costs, or whether or not other factors are at play (spamming site full of the same game, GA user gets CV for it). The fact is, they gave something away to this community. People should show respect to these people for that fact alone. Kind of rude otherwise.
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What OP said plus read below.
Is Steam down?
OMG 4,2 billion entries, better make another thread about this.
How long does it take to win?
I lost CV, this site is a scam.
Is this site legit?
Random OP with reflink.
Petition/Suggestion (by random noob OP, that nobody knows)
What's with all the [game name] giveaways?
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Very nice. I felt annoyance just reading many of those. lol
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The solution is to create a stupid list topic obv
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I offer nor solicit solutions. Just the sharing of annoyance/frustrations.
Think of it as a form or Forum talk therapy and venting. Or perhaps bringing to light that the everyday common Forum User, has an opinion on posts that can be negative maybe, but not hateful or offensive.
Regardless, your opinion is valid.
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Clever ideas to improve SteamGifts.
'Is x better than y' when the only effin thing in common is they're both games. Or, more likely, shooters.
'What should I buy?' when the obvious answer is 'brain' because OP couldn't bother to mention what he's looking for, what he liked or dislike.
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-Posts complaining about posts complaining about posts.
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This post complaining about posts complaining about posts complaining about posts, is an annoying post.
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And every time you post something interesting that is nothing from your list or not a link to a new bundle/game sale, you'll get told "This site is not your fucking journal/blog".
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Should've added "Pointless spam thread complaining about annoying threads".
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Good one! I'll start a new thread about that one. ^_^
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I feel like the past few months in general the forums have been complete shit. Never any interesting topics.
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Yeah, seems to go through that cycle often times.
There are always gems of posts out there, and a community that gives away games. So, good people.
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Hello all.
You ever enter forums or look down at the "New From The Forums" section and see a post that makes you react with: Eye Rolling, "Seriously, this again?" or other equally annoyed or frustrated reactions?
I have. Most of you have, even if you don't want to admit it.
Being annoyed at these posts doesn't mean they're bad posts, or the community at large hates them. It doesn't mean they are poorly written, or without worth. It just means, that for whatever reason, they annoy you.
I'd like to hear other peoples "Annoying Posts" lists. Just for fun. No flaming, or calling people out. Keep it general.
Here is my list:
Again, these are posts that you FEEL annoyed by. Doesn't need to make sense, and doesn't need to only be posts you hate. I'm fine with scamming posts for example, I even read them, but I'm still annoyed when I see a new one.
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