Have a great Tuesday and MOvember, everyone! It's time for the MOvember train chart! Coming to you with a bunch of bundled crap goodiness and some gems scattered around for raising awareness for men's health.
Basic antibot, SGT and lvl 2+ ; Please don't share the direct links. Giveaways end on the last day of the MOnth.
To the rabbit hole (⌒▽⌒)☞

This is pretty personal time for me because at the end of the month there are gonna be six years without my father, who we lost to prostate cancer. The battle seemed won, but in a harsh turn on events, he got progressively worse and the lost surprised us all.
It was a grave battle, he was a strong man all of his life. Me and my brother being close to him and participating in Movember from the year we found out about his disease. I am sporting my humble Mo, that is a great conversation starter and I strongly use it for that.

I've found out about some community members that are suffering from chronic illnesses, some having major surgeries and some going through terrible tragedies in their lives. Know that you are in my prayers 💓 Be strong!

Raising awareness about men's health, the Movember movement started 15 years ago in Australia, but now it's a global initiative, spreading far from just prostate and testicular cancer.
For some time now it's focusing also on mental health issues and raising awareness about depression and finding ways for suicide prevention.

If you are having any kind of problem, know that you are not alone!
Speak to a family member, a friend, a professional.
There are people that love you and will help you.

Epic shoutouts to Caractacus and Aethyna for contributing to the table, revilheart for ESGST and Corran for all his scripts and especially the chart creator, and all of the unsung heroes on the forums, for making SG even more awesome experience <3

Be healthy, be loved, be free, be the best that you can be!

//Edit 14.11
Dear friends, I took a look at my created ga's tab today and found 18 ga's with 0 (zero) entries. Testing the chart-creating tool, none of these giveaways can be "intercepted" by the tool, so I manually added them. If you wish to take a look - jump down the rabbit hole at the top of the post.

//Edit 27.11
The ga's end on sunday.
I will have an unexpected holiday off-the-grid, so please be patient with the delivery. I will send all the keys monday night at the latest.

//Edit 02.12
All keys sent

Sorry for the long post, please have a MOtato!

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5 years ago*

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Do you Mo?

View Results
I would if I could
MOtato pie is a lie


5 years ago

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Tuesday morning keydrop bump!
Sparkle 2 Evo AEchoGWhiskeyC-8twoHQuebecB-sixEMike62
Violett Remastered AnineXCQ-BLimaEGV-RomeoW6five0

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5 years ago

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Bump! 👊

5 years ago

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thanks! :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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MOnday MOtivational MOmp!

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5 years ago

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The ga's end on sunday.
I will have an unplanned holiday off-the-grid, so please be patient with the delivery. I will send all the keys monday night at the latest.

Until then, have some keydrops and continue to be awesome!

Iesabel Kappa7XWM-CPXVzero-B7Zombie49
Soulbringer C90six4-LfiveE0Nocturnal-XmenD3Wtwo
Uriels Chasm CBravo956-PBGsixT-5WFordE3
Lucius 9fiveWQ9-TKillo2X6-VnineRED

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Nask0.