Rock n' Roll?
Greta Van Fleet is a great band, the vocals make me remember Rush
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I like Dir en grey, but just old-school Dir en grey (until 2006).
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Dope band! I have heard that Japan's a place of many rock talents. Guess I better starting to get some on the old iPod
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I don't know if Tenacious D is really rock nor deserve more attention :P I believe they are a really popular comedy metal band
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Pretty sad that they are not a thing anymore, they do kickass
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Since you had to go and mention the industrial genre, I am hijacking this thread. :P
Let's not forget good ol' modern American industrial metal! XD
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hey that's pretty good! What's this type of metal called? Someone said Doom but I thought Doom is really slow. Really cool nonetheless
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Their website names their genre as Caveman Battle Doom. Whoever wrote their Wikipedia page defined them as Stoner rock/Sludge metal. Encyclopaedia Metallum lists them as a Stoner/Doom Metal band and Rate Your Music names their genre as a combination of Doom and Sludge Metal. In the end, does it really matter? To quote Billy Joel: "It's still Rock and Roll to me." :)
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I really thought Led released another song when it was played on the radio. And it was damn amazing! I thought they took a new direction, something more modern rock. But it was Greta Van Fleet, instant fan!
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Avenged Sevenfold. Try Bat Country as first song. You won't regret it.
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wa I did listen to all that you suggested and they were amazing! Just makes me hope that Rock is more popular in Asia, I would have stuff to recommend to you from my country too or something c: Great stuff! (even though I don't understand a word!)
I can't get over how good La Leyenda del Hada y El Mago is, Rata Blanca kickass!!
More edit: That solo is so mind-blowing!
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I'm living in Canada at the moment, that's how I discover the electric guitar c: If I just stay in Vietnam I would probably never know what I have been missing all my life
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Ayreon/Star One - you can find a shitton of quality music simply by checking all the people Arjen Lucassen has worked with on Ayreon...
Symphony X - The Odyssey - one of the best songs ever written (and pretty long, but what do you expect with such a name :D), great story (duh :D), fantastic musicianship and vocals, great lyrics etc. -
Symphony X - Paradise Lost - very beautiful more mellow song, and I honestly dont know who wouldnt like this one
Star One - Earth That Was (about Firefly) -
I could rant on...
Maybe throw down some bands you love and I'll see if I know something similar to it, or totally different that you might like, it doesnt have to be metal/rock at all. :D
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I definitely have to second this, as this is just what i was gonna tell this dude. Almost anything Lucassen does is gold.
Ayreon - My House On Mars
Ayreon - Back on Planet Earth
Star One - Lift Off/Set Your Controls
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Holy shit yes. My House of Mars, one of my absolute favorites. Also 2084...aaaand Dawn of a Million Souls
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A good friend of mine introduced me to this awesome band. Gotta love I haven't heard anything else besides this one which he send me but now I will look it more in-depth. I really enjoy this song below :)
The Shooting Company Of Captain Frans B. Cocq
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I once listened to that whole album early in the morning while sleepily (is that even a word? :D) going to university, it was kinda surreal in a way.
Druids turn to stone live version - Damian Wilson crushed it
That album is very atmospheric and definitely one of my favorites, but prolly not "his best stuff".
Really short "song" from Theory of Everything which highlights the awesomeness of Tommy Karevik
Day Two: Isolation - one of my favorites from The Human Equation
Really, most of his stuff is awesome, apart from Actual Fantasy (which has a few good songs) and the first album because the vocalists arent constantly the same person for the same character throughout the album - although I like it anyway.
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I checked out The Day That The World Breaks Down and Earth That Was and I'm certainly impressed! Time to save some down to listen during work c:
Symphony X is not really for me though but that's just me
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Awesome, glad I was able to suggest something you like. :)
Another of my favorite musicians is Devin Townsend - that guy is along with Arjen A. Lucassen someone I would refer to as a musical genius. The sheer difference of music that guy makes is amazing.
One of my favorite songs, it has a sort of hypnotic quality:
Devin Townsend Project - Deadhead - amazing live version, also amazing vocals, but Devin is always awesome so nothing new there .D
Devin Townsend Project - Heart - example of beautiful mellow stuff he makes
Gojira - Flying Whales - the best representation of pure energy in music I've heard yet. (apart from Devin's crazy powerful vocals...) Their live performances in particular are amazing. Hard but still having great melody and groove.
Symphony X kinda has 2 different sounds. The old more neoclassical sound and the newer a bit more mainstream metal sound. You'd prolly like some aspect of their sound if you dug into them (I'm not sure exactly what you dont like so I cant be more specific :))
P.S. Lol at that avatar. :D
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I did listen to Devin Townsend before and was not impressed, however, I really really like Gojira though. Never knew that he is the vocalist for the band. Great stuff!
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Gojira is awesome, but Devin isnt the vocalist for Gojira - he did do a terrific song with them though Gojira - Of Blood And Salt (feat. Devin Townsend & Fredrik Thordendal (Meshuggah)
As I mentioned Devin has really different stuff, so I dont know what you heard that you didnt like, and why you didnt like it. All I can say is checkout these few songs I mentioned. That will prolly give you a feel for most of the stuff. I posted something a bit more atmospheric with deadhead, mellow with heart, and kinda heavy with Kingdom, but he also has some awesome poppy type stuff like DTP - A New Reign...
He was also in Strapping Young Lad which has intense stuff like this (although this is fairly tame for that band) Strapping Young Lad - Love?
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The only rock I regularly listen to is the Rebel Galaxy soundtrack. Here are a few highlights:
Evil Ways:
Smokin' Fire:
Killin' Floor:
Bad Man:
God Damn Better:
Old River:
Money Jungle:
The Devil Rides Out:
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These songs really remind me of Borderlands and Bastion. Great tunes!
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I saw your edit and googled those bands, and I think I may have something that might fit: Rock Like A Dude from the Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 soundtrack.
And of course I can't bring that up without mentioning its partner in crime, Flat Head Four, or as I like to call it, Rock Like A Man.
Funnily enough, I saw this in the comments of the Flat Head Four video:
-Is there a similar song to this?
-Yeah, any song by ZZ Top.
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It really does sounds like something Billy Gibbons would play haha.
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Dio has always the king of metal vocalist in my book c:
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Skiltron rulz! 🤘 🇦🇷
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audioslave maybe
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I was really sad when I heard Chris Cornell passed away even though I know like 2 songs from them. I guess it is how they make me feel rather than quantity.
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I pretty much love everything Fozzy
But i also like harder stuff like these guys
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Racer X - Scarified
its more metal than rock tho. But somebody already mentioned Tenacious D so I'm out of almost pure rock bands/musicians. Exception of obvious ones of course (Like AC/DC)
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Lol I love Paul Gilbert! Basically following wherever he transfer to now
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I could recommend a lot of bands that I like but we may have different tastes. Or I could point you to gnoosic, a web page, where you can input your favorites and discover similar bands. Well, just to give you on very underrated band, here is Three Kings High
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Greta Van Fleet is very good, I love those retro vibes in rock music.
Here's my fav band from Tasmania:
Tarot - Twilight fortress
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I don't know if you like banjos, but if you do, you should listen to Hayseed Dixie.
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And, if you like pipe bags and punk rock, you should listen to Dropkick Murphys and Flogging Molly. The pipe bag part isn't that much, but sometimes they appear.
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sounds great! must be better to understand the lyrics
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really does! my dad will love this actually, he is really into alternative and old rock c: Thanks
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This a great rock, experimental, fusion band, Diablo Swing Orchestra
I hope you like, and thanks for the giveaway!
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I'm such a sucker for swing without knowing it! This band and Caravan Palace really change my world
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I have a very lax summer job and is able to listen to music during work (don't tell my boss shhh!). Therefore, I would like to know more Rock artists/songs that you think deserve more attention, so I can sneak them while working :3 I promise to listen to them all but I don't know that I will be able to reply to every single comment though. I let other SG fellas do that job for me I guess.
On the side note, what do you think about Greta Van Fleet? Imho I think they are great! Young and talented, I hope they will make masterpieces one day and change their bad name as Led's cover band. If you haven't checked them out yet, clicky here!
The gib is Mini Metro for lvl1+, add the "/" at the end to get access (lazy way to prevent bot :P).
SG metal heads please calm down lol
Note: Although I'm more of a heavy rock, metal guy myself, I'm looking for more ZZ Top, 38 Special kind of Rock I guess :P My fault for not clarifying. Anyway, I do have a blast listening through everything though, keep 'em coming please c:
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