On GMG with voucher code you can grab it for $40. Is this the best price currently?

12 years ago*

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Yeah that pretty much is the cheapest you can grab the game.. I got it for $35 + 35% coupon off back in december. I can't find any thing cheaper than that so yeah... Go for it. I heard GmG reduces price a week or two after game releases... Not sure if that's true or not.

12 years ago

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Buy 25 tf2 keys, sell them for $2.xx each in steam market, and buy game on Steam.

It should cost you roughly $35 - $37.50 ?

12 years ago

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You can get $2.14 (as in, you get $2.14 after fees) from each key (and they sell pretty quickly), so you only need 24 of them. If you buy them at $1.30 each (which isn't too unreasonable), it'll cost you $31.20, and you'll have a $1.37 over in your Steam wallet.

If you have the time to search/trade and don't mind researching prices a bit, you can probably get it for a bit less than that (as in ~$28), but that's probably not worth the time for most people.

Still, buying TF2 keys and then selling them on the market is a really fast and easy way to get more out of Steam (but it only works for things on Steam, of course). Just be careful not to get scammed; check out the people you're trading with, and get a trusted middleman if you're unsure.

12 years ago

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In Russian region game cost $30, it will be hard to find much cheaper.

12 years ago

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GetGamesGo has it for $38.49.

Not much of a difference and I don't know if the site is any good.

12 years ago

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not sure if its same for EU and US.. but you are using the 25% voucher code for pre-order? GMG25-XTYYZ-POSL1 which makes it 37.50 instead of 40 for me

12 years ago

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Thanks I bought it using the code! =)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by diablosteam.