Badges to showcase:
Bad Rats Badge - Bad Rat Junior
HITMAN 2 Badge - Professional
Despotism 3k Badge - Aspiring Despot
Terraria Badge - Night's Edge
FTL: Faster Than Light Badge - Captain
Starbound Foil Badge - Matter Manipulator
Starbound Badge - Wire Tool
SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics Badge
Prison Architect Badge - Major
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans Badge - Puffin
Party Hard Badge - Partying Hard
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - A guy who knows a guy who knows Geralt
Life is Strange Badge - Apprentice
Borderlands 2 Badge - Please don't shoot me!

Encounter all modifiers

This is one of the most tedious achievements in game. You need to encounter and get all "classic" (from first campaign) buffs and debuffs listed below. You need to get buff/debuff - choosing option that don't give modifier doesn't count.

  1. A Box
  2. A GAT!
  3. Baby
  4. Battery Fluid
  5. Biter
  6. Brass Monkey Weather
  7. BTTF
  8. Circus
  9. Computation Failure
  10. Doc Ock
  11. Escape
  12. EventName
  13. Existentialism
  14. Feral Quadcopter
  15. Food Generator Calibration (Recipe)
  16. Food Generator Calibration (Butts)
  17. Glitches
  18. Gotta Go Fast!
  19. Heat Wave
  20. Hope Generator
  21. Hunger Strike
  22. I hate this game
  23. Infection
  24. Michael
  25. Mouse
  26. Neoh's Revolution
  27. Oh Jah
  28. Old Man
  29. Optimization
  30. Partner in Conversation
  31. Pipe
  32. Power Leak
  33. Puzzle
  34. Rebel
  35. Replicant
  36. Shar-Pei!
  37. shredder
  38. Smarty Pants
  39. Spy
  40. Strange Disease
  41. Stuck
  42. Superconductors
  43. The Old One
  44. Tree
  45. TV
  46. Twins
  47. Ubermensch
  48. UTF-8-BOM
  49. Unhygienic Conditions
  50. Vaccine
  51. Virus
  52. Wrong Settings
9 years ago*

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Closed 8 years ago by Sundance85.