If PS4 is hacked then I believe that people could do emulation of PS1/PS2, easily.
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There is no PS3 emulator yet, so moot point. For PS1/PS2, look into PcSX and PcSX2 for high quality.
People today think emulation is a simple thing. For some consoles, it is. For PS2, 2 years, but it took us 13 years to get to the very high compatibility we have today. For NES, it took 14 years before any single emulator could reliably play 90% of all games. For N64, the first ones appeared 3 years later. Gameboy, 8 years. Gameboy Advance, less than 1 year. Nintendo DS, 2 years for glitchy emulation and 3 for everything but wifi (still not today). SNES, 6-8 years.
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It´s like a hacked ps3 maybe, hacked ps3 can load psp games as i see and ps1 and ps2 games so i maybe belive in the next time ps4 can do the same, and the good point is not online all the time and second hand , but i´m not aganist the new xbox
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Given that the PS3 and PSP were both jailbroken, there's a good chance that there will be a big enough community of interested parties to jailbreak the PS4 and maybe the Xbone. There almost certainly will exist some security flaw in both of the systems enough for them to be jailbroken; the question is whether or not people will take the time to find them.
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I'm afraid to buy a ps3/360 now because of the infamous overheat issue. You guys would risk buying the first model or let people buy, complain about tons of fails, and then buy your console? (i think i'll wait the ps5 and buy a dreamcast kkkkkkkkk)
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The PC-2014 is confirmed to have full backward compatibility. It also has software emulation of nearly every console ever created to date.
If you don't like any of the announced next-gen consoles, join the PC Master Race and you'll be welcomed with TITS OR GTFO.
Consoles used to be king, but I just don't see the appeal of consoles anymore. They cost more than an equally powerful PC and grant access to far fewer games, excluding exclusives which only exist to sell the console. Not to mention that when the next console generation comes out I can spend less than 200 USD and surpass consoles yet again. And I can still play -ALL- of my old games. Infinite backwards compatibility FTW.
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"They cost more than an equally powerful PC ".... sure... 8 years after. You are not getting a PC as powerful as a PS4 for 400/500$
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To be honest, I doubt that. Don't know about the release of last batch of consoles (ps3/x360) as I wsan't really into buying pc's at that moment. But I am going to do a near complete upgrade of my system soon, budget is about a bit over 400 (€), but it will probably be slightly better than then the new generation consoles (mosty GPU wise).
So no, I don't agree with you on that (I also disagree with the $200 for surpassing, but Cheeseburgermafia is pointing to upgrading as far as I understand).
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Remember that consoles are closed systems. You can have the same specs on a PC, but will surely have very,very different performance.
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Comparable to a PS4:
119.99 - AMD FX-6100
46.99 - 8GB DDR3 RAM
159.99 - AMD Radeon HD 7850
54.99 - ASRock 960GM/U3S3 FX AM3+ AMD 760G SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Micro ATX AMD Motherboard
59.99 - Western Digital WD Blue WD5000AAKX 500GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive - OEM
39.99 - APEVIA ATX-CW500WP4 500W ATX Power Supply
Currently, this will all run you about 500 USD at today's prices. By the time the PS4 comes out, this price will be lower.
I would overclock the video card. The reason is because while the PS4 is using a 7870 instead of a 7850, it is not a full 7870. So a small overclock will match/beat the PS4. Going with a 7870 would add 100 USD, and I would go for this personally. You get twice higher performance, the VRAM, and three games with the card: Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Bioshock Infinite, and Tomb Raider. 124.97 on Steam. If you wanted these games anyway, consider this a more powerful card for 25 USD less.
The PS4 is using a custom 8-core CPU running at 1.8GHz. While it is 8-core, this is about 54% the speed of the 6-core CPU I have selected. The PS4 will have a small advantage when using at least 6 cores, but will be a distant second place the rest of the time.
The RAM I picked is fairly standard. As system RAM has very little impact on gaming performance, I did not go with anything super-expensive, and I do this with my own normal builds.
There are cheaper hard drives available, but I like Western Digital. WD Black are better, but at a 15 USD price increase. I would definitely go for this due to four times the cache size.
The motherboard may seem weak as hell, but we don't need better than this to support our PS4-ish parts. The chosen video card can't saturate a PCI-E 2.0 slot, so why would we need PCI-E 3? As for max supported RAM speed, this is of little concern. RAM speed has very little effect on gaming performance. We more than make up for it with the CPU and GPU. This motherboard also supports 16GB, twice a PS4, so you can always add more to improve multitasking performance greatly. I have yet to hear about the PS4 allowing you to play HD games on monitor 1, watch videos on monitor 2, and browse the web on monitor 3.
For the PSU, 500w is plenty for this build. We're not using SLI or Crossfire for dual-GPU support, so we only need one 6-pin pci-e connector.
We don't have an SSD, because the PS4 doesn't have one. I recommend you add a 120gb one during a sale, and they are frequent. Even regular price, you'll barely pay more than a dollar per gigabyte. You'll want your OS and your most frequently played games on an SSD. You'll be able to load your games from internal storage over seven times faster than a PS4.
Expect back-to-school sales to produce great prices for these or comparable parts. Starting today with keeping your eyes open for great prices, you could assemble the parts for around 350 by Christmas. Make it 550 for the suggested upgrades if you want to beat a PS4 at launch rather than just barely outmatch it.
Keep in mind that you can also upgrade these parts later on. The Motherboard will hold you until PS5. The CPU probably will, as console price has never been because of the CPU, and you can also overclock your CPU with help from a simple low-cost cooler upgrade. The hard drives will also be fine, but I believe the next-next-gen consoles will begin carrying SSD drives or whatever comparable technology we'll have by then. Just upgrade the video card, which for first-week console matching is usually around 250 USD, and you're set. You can also re-sell your old parts to offset the cost of your upgrades.
Considering how limited a console is for software compared to a PC, simply price- and performance-matching a PC still gives the advantage to the PC due to upgrades and hardware/software mod-ability. A console -must- justify its limitations to be worth its price. For the common gamer, a console is the clear winner. For someone who knows what they're doing, a PC today will outperform at an equal price point.
With the next-gen consoles coming out, we will see consoles with weaker performance than PCs on launch-day for the first time.
I suspect this will be the last generation that will feature non-upgradeable consoles. If you look into HTPC media center PCs, you'll see the form that I think consoles will take. Very simple design, easily upgradeable parts inside.
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"comparable to PS4"
Sure, the specs are more or less the same. You forgot once again that a single set of hardware that is closed and that has games completely optimized for it will always be better than a PC with the same specs.
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Hey dude, as much as the PC is the better platform factually, that is not comparable to a PS4. You have to remember that consoles allow coding far closer to the metal than PCs do. All those layers that abstract the machine code and the interfaces cost performance, quite a lot. Consoles being closed off allow them to not have as many of those abstraction layers and/or let people bypass them, resulting in more performance.
Not every gigahertz is created equal.
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You know what? I don't even plan on getting the Xbox One but everyone calling it a VHS needs to realize it still looks about 100 times better then the giant white eyesore. The controller also looks nicer. Actually I rather like the design, looks nice and unobtrusive.
Yes it will be hacked, everything gets hacked eventually, will it run older games? Depends on the level of dedication. Maybe...
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I just don't like the camera always being on on the xbox, sounds like 1984 to me. The xbox one with such great games as halo and halo 2 and that was it :P?
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1984 has been here for a while, I can't walk down a street without a camera hitting me, sadly.
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do u really need it? i mean if u want to play previous gen games just dont trow away ur current console, if u get a ps4 adn have ps3 games u obiously have a ps3
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Actually this is valid until your console gets a hardware failure. Quite common if you ask me, especially for the Xbox 360.
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My SNES no longer works. My PS1 and PS2 stopped working long before my SNES stopped working.
Hardware fails. You'll realize this when you've lived longer. I don't mean to remark on your age to win an argument, but this really is the primary reason you think like this for now.
PC gaming, and emulating old consoles on PC, have solved my problem of damaged consoles and games.
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Pretty much this.
Sadly what the planned redundancy of technology, inbuilt by companies to make you buy more shit, does to something like videogames is basically rob you of your ability to play certain games, many of which are classics.
Imagine if, for example, instead of just selling books, publishers also sold eyes. These eyes could read only books they had published. Later, they develop a new set of eyes, which is lucky because yours are starting to fail. Some of their old books will be made available for the new eye format, but you'll have to buy them again - and many will not be available at all and your old copies will be entirely unreadable by your new eyes. Suddenly, you won't be able to pull down that yellow-paged, dusty old copy of that book you love written decades ago. That's how I feel about the lack of support from companies for allowing people to play their old videogames.
PC emulation is an answer, but the computer you'd need to run something like PS3 emulation now would have to be IMMENSE, essentially your console breaks in five or six years and you still need to wait the same again, if not more, before an affordable PC can run a reduced frame-rate version of the game you used to play just fine.
Backwards compatibility solves that issue, and in the case of PS4, while PS3 may be an issue it would be quite simple for a company as huge as Sony, with the resources both technological and human at their disposal, to allow a software emulation of old PS1 and PS2 titles from their original disc based media.
Sadly, this takes away their ability to get money for old rope and so they sell it to you as a rebranding or an upgrading and peddle endless HD rehashes or sell titles on PSN and tell you downloading and DRM is the future!
And yes, I am cynical about the upcoming generation of consoles - and I am speaking as a primarily, at least formerly, console gamer.
tl;dr - I moan about planned redundancy in technology a lot and explain how the current solutions are shite and companies should have more respect for the developers and the awesome games they produce instead of milking them like fat fucking cash cows.
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Give it time. We have a PS2 emulator able to run most released games now. PS2 was difficult due to the complexity of consoles with multiple CPUs. The same problem was had with the PS1 at first, and even earlier with the Sega Genesis.
Every console is capable of being emulated on any other console, ignoring speed issues. We do have early examples of PS3 emulators, but nothing better than running the XMB so far. We were at a similar level with the N64 in 2001, but Nintendo systems have been getting easier to emulate with every generation while Sony seem to be getting harder to emulate. This seems to be reflected in how difficult developers say that the PS2/PS3 were to program for compared to the Gamecube/Wii.
I think that interest in emulation has faded greatly with the decrease in AAA console exclusives. Fewer exclusives, fewer desire to play non-native games on your PC. Console developers are realizing that they can port to PC for a minimal cost and see great profits. There are zero unavoidable control issues, due to every PC being capable of using a controller. Not every PC game needs to be keyboard+mouse compatible, but it does help.
Alternatively, it could be that emulation is primarily driven by fans of those consoles getting old enough to know how to create these emulators. We didn't see a high-quality NES emulator until 1997, while the NES came out in 1983. Given this release lag, don't consider a PS3 emulator late to the party until the year 2020, seven years from now.
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Curious, but can, say, a PS2 EMU make use of an actual PS2 disc, using the standard DVD drive, or does it have to be ripped into some sort of compatible package? I've got a first-gen PS3 (Chech0A, or something like that --the 60GB version), which allows me to play my PS2 collection, and I dread the day my box finally croaks. Eventually I just want to build my own console/media center, like CBM describes above, but I'd never thought about whether it'd be able to read my existing discs.
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PcSX2 can load from discs or ripped disc images. You can help improve PcSX2 compatibility by submitting reports of your experiences with your games.
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Well, self explanatory title, do you guys think they will be "hacked" (at least on ps4 which is x86), to be able to run older console games or imgs?
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