As the title states, have you ever taken a vacation from work/break from school to play a newly released game? If you did, was it worth it or did you regret it? Or did you regret NOT taking the break to play?

It'll be the first time for me, as I'll be taking a vacation to play Pokemon OmegaRuby on release.

10 years ago*

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DA: Origins - a few days
Skyrim - one week

If school counts, I know that numerous college class attendance attempts were thwarted immediately following the release of Ocarina of Time. In fact, I would venture a guess that I missed more classes in that week due to one game than I missed throughout college due to hangovers...

10 years ago

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I seem to remember being pretty zoned out one day at work after playing a City of Heroes task force for several hours at night.

10 years ago

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I don't do it but when i'm on vacation i try to spend up my time playing and i end up spending it with family or friends ;_;

PD : i have to change my reply , i didn't answer your question D: i'm dumb.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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No, I have different priorities.

10 years ago

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I never had to. Also, I don't play games on release.

10 years ago

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Never did, never will.

10 years ago

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My friends always did when I was in school but I don't really see the point.

10 years ago

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Once skipped two days @ school for Max Payne 3. Well worth it.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Last time we had a 5-day Christmas leave + day-off from work. That time I've spent playing Tekken Tag Tournament 2 with my buddies, with bettings of course :D

10 years ago

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I have a lot of time atm because I'm in highschool but I did skip some days to play some games . I doubt that I will take a vacation when I will be working just to play one game .

10 years ago

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Look at me, I'm doing it today! University can wait. No regrets.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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No, an SLP-job.

10 years ago

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i don't buy games at release, but i have taken time off to extend a lan party weekend

10 years ago

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I took a Friday and Monday off work to have the long weekend when Skyrim was released. My girlfriend (now wife) bought me beer, made me cookies, and set it up for me to get pizza deliveries each day and then left me to it. It was majestic. I will probably do the same for the next ES game. I think that is the only time I have though, unless skipping class in college a couple times counts.

10 years ago

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I bet you got married on Tuesday! Or at least engaged.

10 years ago

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Now curious do you have a clue of whete she went or what she did? (jokes apart)

10 years ago

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I'm doing it for Omega Ruby as well but only because Smash Bros releases the same day :b

10 years ago

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I'm glad Smash Bros don't interest me, otherwise my vacation wouldn't be enough :D

10 years ago

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Yeah GTA V was the last game I 'pulled a sickie' for ahem.

10 years ago

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I did stay up for the midnight launch of the Sega Dreamcast as well, then didn't go into school the next day (if that also counts). Had no regrets as it was worth it.

10 years ago

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Nah. I never buy games at release. Too many bugs and the price comes down too quickly.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Skipping school or work for playing games (even if it's THE game for you) doesn't seem the right choice to do, so I never did it. However pulling a whole night because of a game and going to work with zero hours sleep is also really unwise and I've done it a thousand times. The good part is, if you work in customer support like I do, it gets easier to put up with the moronic ones. You had a good night, you're literally falling asleep while they're being obnoxious, you just don't care :D

10 years ago

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Haha, no. I've always had a real life :D

10 years ago

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That joke still isn't funny.

10 years ago

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Well, it seems trends are different now, than in "my times", because it wasn't a joke. Have a nice day.

10 years ago

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You mean to tell me games aren't a part of real life? Oh noes!

10 years ago

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I remember skipping school to play video games just once or twice.

10 years ago

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Why would I do that? I'm not gonna miss anything if I play it a few hours later because of school/university lectures/whatever. At best, they might even manage to fix release bugs during that time. :P
Not that it could ever happen, seeing as how I don't buy games on release because they're too expensive (75% off or NO DEAL!)... ok, 'cept BioShock Infinite, but I didn't skip uni to play it a few hours earlier. ;)

10 years ago

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I used some breaks from school to play some games, but nothing in particular. Also I never bought a newly released game.

10 years ago

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Not a newly released games (I don't buy those, I always wait for the bugs to get fixed and the price to drop), but I did occasionally take a day off from school so I could play World of Warcraft when I was younger :D

Totally worth it, as I had more friends in the game than in school!

10 years ago

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As far as I can remember, no. But I've skipped school a few times (back in the day) to go to the movies with my girlfriend at the time-- does that count? ^^

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Minous2.