Titre : Soutenez Éclosion Bleue et gagnez une carte cadeau de 25€ ! // Support Éclosion Bleue and Our Educational Projects in France!

In English Version:

Hello everyone,

I am David Teixeira, the founding president of Éclosion Bleue France. Since 2017, our association has been dedicated to supporting individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families by developing educational structures and technological projects.

We are currently conducting a survey to support our cause, aimed primarily at the French-speaking community. Unfortunately, due to language barriers, only French speakers can participate in the survey. However, we still need your support!

Why this initiative?
This survey is part of our efforts to understand the needs of our community better and to raise awareness about the challenges faced by children waiting for specialized classes. In the Oise department in France alone, over 400 students are waiting for a spot in ULIS classes. Learn more about this critical situation here.(https://www.leparisien.fr/oise-60/condamnes-des-lenfance-dans-loise-600-enfants-handicapes-attendent-une-place-en-classe-ulis-06-02-2024-TVNDSP253RB5VGU6L6YCI653QQ.php#:~:text=Oise-,%C2%AB%20Condamn%C3%A9s%20d%C3%A8s%20l'enfance%20%C2%BB%20%3A%20dans%20l'Oise,classe%20Ulis%20dans%20l'Oise)

How you can help:

Share our cause: Spread the word about Éclosion Bleue and our educational projects.
Learn more: Visit our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/EclosionBleue) for more information about our initiatives and how you can get involved.
Although this project primarily impacts the French community, international support is invaluable. By sharing this information, you can help us make a significant difference.

For more information about our association, please visit our Facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/EclosionBleue)

Thank you for your support!

Best regards,
David Teixeira
President and Founder of Éclosion Bleue

In French Version:

Description :
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis David Teixeira, président fondateur de l'association Éclosion Bleue France. Depuis 2017, nous œuvrons pour les personnes ayant des troubles du neurodéveloppement et leurs familles, en développant des structures éducatives et des projets technologiques.

Nous vous invitons à participer à notre questionnaire pour soutenir notre cause.

Pourquoi ce questionnaire ?
Ce questionnaire fait partie de nos efforts pour mieux comprendre les besoins de notre communauté et sensibiliser aux défis auxquels sont confrontés les enfants en attente de classes spécialisées. Rien que dans le département de l'Oise en France, plus de 400 élèves attendent une place en classe ULIS. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur cette situation critique ici et lire l'article de presse du Parisien ici. (https://www.leparisien.fr/oise-60/condamnes-des-lenfance-dans-loise-600-enfants-handicapes-attendent-une-place-en-classe-ulis-06-02-2024-TVNDSP253RB5VGU6L6YCI653QQ.php#:~:text=Oise-,%C2%AB%20Condamn%C3%A9s%20d%C3%A8s%20l'enfance%20%C2%BB%20%3A%20dans%20l'Oise,classe%20Ulis%20dans%20l'Oise)

Participer au questionnaire : (https://bundle-du-coeur.fr/)

Lien vers le questionnaire
En savoir plus :
Pour plus d'informations sur notre association et comment vous pouvez contribuer, veuillez consulter notre page Facebook. (https://www.facebook.com/EclosionBleue)

Message spécial pour la communauté SteamGifts :
À l'occasion de cette initiative, nous avons créé un giveaway spécial pour remercier la communauté francophone de SteamGifts de leur participation. Bonne chance à tous ! ( https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Ut8E0/marvels-midnight-suns)

Merci de votre soutien et bonne chance à tous pour le giveaway !

David Teixeira
Président fondateur de l'Association Éclosion Bleue

7 months ago*

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I will circulate the information around me but just three questions out of curiosity:

  • how do you raise money through a survey? I'm assuming the data collected is being sold to a third party. I could not find the information on the site.
  • Who is the "partenaire" that "provides" the games (abandonware?) for the bundle?
  • The site says you need 1,000 replies and haven't received them yet. How many have you had so far?

A little more transparency when collecting money for a project seems a good thing to avoid potential scams.

7 months ago

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Hi Fluffster,

We do not collect information to sell it but to subsequently sell bundles as fanatical or humble bundle can do.
There will be no partner, you would do well to talk to me about it, this will be carried out by the association.
I didn't go back today but we currently have 20 responses but we hadn't communicated like I'm doing today. So we should see you later. I could come back here.

7 months ago

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Complété de mon côté, bonne chance pour les 1000 signatures.

7 months ago

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Merci ^^

7 months ago

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Complété également pour ma part~
Bonne chance, bon courage pour votre projet, et merci pour le giveaway 💜

7 months ago

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Bonjour Je t'en prix ;-) merci a toi.

7 months ago

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Bon courage et bravo pour ce que vous faites.

7 months ago

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Merci, c'est pas facile tout les jours mais on fait ce qu'on peux !

7 months ago

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Bonne chance David!

7 months ago

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Merci ;-)

6 months ago

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Hope you find your target participants soon enough. Wish you the best for all your initiatives!💚

7 months ago

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Thx ^^

6 months ago

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un questionnaire complété de plus; bonne chance.

6 months ago

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Merci pour ta participation ;-)

6 months ago

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