Major correction in text! Thanks for byone!
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Pre-Purchase NA
PurchaseRestrictedCountries = US CA MX PR
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries = 1
You can buy the game from above countries Steam Store.
If you get the games as Steam Gift you can activate and play the game from any country of the world.
If you buy a retail version you must be activate from above countries.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Pre-Purchase Russia
PurchaseRestrictedCountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
onlyallowrunincountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries = 1
Retail version.
If you buy a retail version you must be activate and play the game only from above countries.
XCOM Enemy Unknown (RU) PrePurchase
PurchaseRestrictedCountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries = 1
Steam Store version
You can buy the game from above countries Steam Store.
If you get the games as Steam Gift you can activate and play the game from any country of the world.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Pre-Purchase ROW
PurchaseRestrictedCountries = US CA MX PR AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries = 0
You can't buy the game from above countries Steam Store.
If you get the games as Steam Gift you can activate and play the game from any country of the world.
If you buy a retail version you must be activate from any country of the world.
If you activate a game on Steam, rules apply which day activate. If the activation / game running rules changes, the Steam apply the new rules from change of day. The all customers who activate before the changes, rules not change. This is the normal process.
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Oh..did Steam stop allowing restricted games from Russia to be played in Baltic States? :/
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"If you activate a game on Steam, rules apply which day activate. If the activation / game running rules changes, the Steam apply the new rules from change of day. The all customers who activate before the changes, rules not change. This is the normal process."
Not true, they locked XCOM yesterday and my copy that I had played a couple of days got region-locked and would not start anymore. Fortunately, public outcry made them back down and the pre-order game got unlocked back.
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XCOM: Enemy Unknown Pre-Purchase Russia
->Billing Type ProofOfPrepurchaseOnly<-
PurchaseRestrictedCountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
onlyallowrunincountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries = 1
XCOM Enemy Unknown (RU) PrePurchase
->Billing Type BillOnceOnly<-
PurchaseRestrictedCountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries = 1
billing type not the same!
its mean
1st you pay for DVD box copy (retail)
2nd you pay for online purchase (steam)
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Yeah, I know the story, but it's not over yet, people are still sending complaints. I meant switching subscriptions from ROW to RU and the like, they don't do that. I didn't think they could edit existing subscriptions though. I don't like where this is going at all.
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Yes, they did for XCOM. My copy got region-locked yesterday after they changed it, and I had been able to play for a couple of days before that. Fortunately, public outcry made them back down and the game was unlocked again today.
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Im from Venezuela in South America and right now i cant buy the game because of the region block. If someone gift me the game, can i activate and play the single player and multiplayer without problems? D: Because i tried that with Borderlands 2 but the online mode is blocked :(
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I bought the game from a russian seller, it was tradeable but had the RU tags on it, it activated just fine and even had the tf2 hats. However should I be worried that valve can stop me from playing it? Also will mp work?
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Csaba wrote:
"XCOM Enemy Unknown (RU) PrePurchase
PurchaseRestrictedCountries = AM AZ BY GE KZ KG MD RU TJ TM UZ UA
AllowPurchaseFromRestrictedCountries = 1
Steam Store version
You can buy the game from above countries Steam Store.
If you get the games as Steam Gift you can activate and play the game from any country of the world."
Well, it's past the premiere and I can't buy another version... and my RU gift copy (I'm not in Russia) does not work. Neither does CIV V. I got TF2 items the moment I got the gift, though.
"This game was activated with a product code that is valid only in a specific geographic region. Since you are not currently in that region, XCOM: Enemy Unknown is not available to play." and a link to customer support (to be summed up as "try to get a refund [like you're going to get one], ye twerp".
"If you get the games as Steam Gift you can activate and play the game from any country of the world." - this sentence actually tipped the balance and made me buy it cheaper. Guess that's what we get in our poor central-east Europe for trying to cut spendings (50 Euros here is more than 40 days' worth of big take-out dinners at vietnamese bars).
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A new update was put through and it appears that XCOM Enemy Unknown is now region locked.
Why can't developers do this before releasing a game?
I am in the unlucky position of owning a copy which I have played for 11 hrs but can no longer access. Didn't have the money for it and Dishonored, bought one and traded for the other (with tf2 items). Now I get screwed over because there was no region locking at the time of trading. Hurray.
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Well, at least you could afford one at full price. I had only 25 euros and didn't get squat. And I can't get the preorder stuff anymore (until it gets out as a DLC - and I will have to contact the Steam Support to delete the games from my library).
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I guess I'll have to get the version from the bay if they act like that.
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greedy bustards from 2K pusblisher want again new wave refunds like for borderland 2 & they got it!!! just write every day to support & ask explanations!!! whats goin on? how they can change something after buying? our backpack its our private terrotory!
steam never before dont do any changes in SUB ID after selling (if do it - thats always be new sub id) this 1st time in history
today they add new line to SUB ID about RUN! I'm sure this is not legally & it is very meanly
they trying fcuk us hard
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90% chance of reading "this key can't be used in your region" with 10% of activating key and then reading "you're in wrong region, game cannot start".
If first case, you can sell or give this key to someone from region. In second, key is gone and you can only write to steam, hoping they will be in good mood and will change region of activated game, but knowing them you'll be lucky if they will offer deleting said game from your library, so you'd be able to buy correct, 2-3 times more expensive region correct version.
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I know there is North America, Eastern Europe and Rest of World versions. Is there some way to know if there are some region activation/playing locks? And if there's no lock now, can Valve add some later to already pre-purchased game?
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