I say play games like terraria minecraft and lets see maybe a action game like Cod or Bf.... And stay away from thomas was alone because that game is really sad or the walking dead is sad too. Good luck and maybe talk to someone on skype or steam if u can while playing that game take your mind of it :)
Good luck if u want to add me its
darksiderz11 for skype
And maybe music like techno or trance depends what u like I would stay away from u know hip pop i don't like it but ya music can help too!
dark47killer for steam
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Thanks. I actually really like Thomas Was Alone but I haven't actually finished, I suppose I should until I do feel better.
And I don't really like hip hop either! xD The music that seems to cheer me up more is 80s hard rock, actually.
Starts mumbling Don't Stop Believing
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I haven't read anything of what is written, but well. I played Thomas Was Alone when I was in a less... Happy mood, I wouldn't call myself depressed per se, but I definately was sad when playing it, it kind of made my experience a bit greater in some ways, but as I just said, I wasn't really DEPRESSED.... I feel like if I say that I was depressed, I would be "mean" to people who are actually really fucking depressed, I guess that's about the same thing as you don't want to say that you are hungry "because there are kids in africa starving" or that you weren't bullied "because others had/have it worse" bla bla bla. Anyway, TWA is one of my favorite games.
You should also look into, To The Moon, Analogue: A Hate Story, Hate Plus, Dear Esther, Aquaria, Bastion.... I can't think of any other games that I really like. I wasn't thinking "oh something for depressive people" - honestly I enjoy the more somber games myself over others, same goes with movies. I like the really slow, really drama-filled movies, preferably in French. To get an idea of what I'm talking about, this movie is one of my favorites in this genre. There are few games, that I feel really fit into this "somber genre" that i really like, if any really. Movies are easier to find that "hits the spot" for me, so I cannot really recommend any in particular somber game, or "game for depressive people". I guess you could want a game that makes you happier, or makes someone else happier, I am however not like that. I value the somberness highly, I see it as a good thing, do not get me wrong here, I don't want people to be depressed and feel bad overall, but I, personally, like the somber moments in life, sometimes. Not always, but those special moments. Gah I'm just talking on forever on off-topic stuff, well well. I hope you have a good day, and feel free to add me on steam, in case you want to talk to me... I'm talking to everyone reading this, so anyone is welcome to add me to talk.
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Some people actually need to dig deeper until they're close to dying from heartache or whatever to be able to come up for air again, so sometimes it might even turn out well playing exactly such games or watching movies in that direction.
As for music, Feint, esp. the Features with Doxx, worked well for me.
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Games that are not sad. Entertaining and distracting and do not take themselves too seriously, for example Garry's Mod. If derpness was a game genre, Garry's Mod would be number 1. Maybe Saints Row The Third. It has so much stuff in it and it's open world, it's so much fun, but i'm not in your possition, so i'm not sure how that'll work. A game that is great and i'm sure it'll vive you up a bit is Mirror's Edge, it's calm and actioned at the same time. It's also such a beautiful game.
I hope I helped
-Robz. Need anything? add me on steam :D
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Anything Japanese (Katamari), music/rhythm games, Harvest moon/Rune Factory series, or watch an episode of Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu.
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Anything japanese is so relative. I got bored of Harvest Moon 64 after an hour... Dunno how much it compares to the rest of the series. And Baka to Test isn't the best comedy anime out there... Well, I read only the manga, and it was nice but nothing special.
Rythm games ARE very good for depressions IMO.
Thank you for your suggestions.
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From this reply, I would gather you are nerdy enough to have the basic idea of what "eroge" is, but perhaps not nerdy enough to know the difference between "eroge" and "nukige" (the latter which are porn games).
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Let me start off by saying, reading the whole topic almost made me depressed, so thanks for that :D...but Id play games that require a lot of thinking. Starcraft 2 for example, I cant think of steam games at the moment, but stuff like that. Strategy games that are constantly changing and can take your mind off of stuff. XCOM comes to my mind, but that game can be extremely depressing if you like your squad and so on...so Ill stick with Starcraft 2 right now :). Need anything just let me know.
Civ V if you're in the category of me! But you said you don't like strategy so it doesn't really apply to you, sorry :/
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If you like not thinking, I would suggest an episode of Spongebob Squarepants, and possibly playing some good ole Fortix/Fortix 2. Pretty mindless and easy. Can be one handed as well!
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I actually have not played the first one, but the second is just a series of missions. It's basically a flat board, and the gameplay of the game doesnt change too much, I just know it's easy to play, one-handed, and doesnt require too much thinking. Look up a gameplay video if you want, but it's fairly cheap so not much to lose. May not be your cup of tea, but I just know what I said earlier about it.
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Another game I might recommend is Minecraft. There is so much variety on servers and so many different possibilities of things to do, Im sure you can find something perfect for yourself, whether sad, depressed, happy, or sheepish. Yes, I added that in for no apparent reason.
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Gnomoria is relaxing when I just want to sit back and watch other "people" live their lives. But you get a say so in those lives. Kind of like gently pushing them along, suggesting what to do. Though there is little social interaction, watching a kingdom of gnomes rise (and fall)can be interesting in of itself. If you want to put forth the effort in learning how to play it (there are great beginner guides up) then its definitely worthwhile experience.
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Agricola Flashpoint: Fire Rescue or Caveman Curling which before you say it... look here and here (sorry no luck for Flashpoint)
Seriously, playing these games with (and even sometimes without if it has a solitaire game) always helps me if I am feeling down and in the dumps, or even just pissed off. It takes all of my attention, and if I'm with someone I like to be around, I soon forget all about whatever it was i got mad/sad/.... wtf was i depressed about?
Its not just limited to those, they are just some good examples of what I would play in that situation because they don't breed very competitive behavior.
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Agricola, Flashpoint, and caveman curling can be played solitaire (alone) ^^
some others that can be played solitaire are:
Space Hulk: Death Angel
Fallen City of Karez
Police Precinct
Isle of Doctor Necraux
Mage Tower
Dungeon Heroes
The ability to play with multiple players if you desire is the added bonus :D
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+1 really love space hulk: death angel =)
of course its more fun with friends, but works fine playing for yourself.
@topic: as already mentioned, i like beat hazard and audiosurf, too. sometimes counterstrike, but if i'm in bad mood, i dont hit anything and get a horrible k/d ratio ;) torchlight2 is pretty good, too.
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I have three categories of depressed and a game for each:
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I've struggled with severe depression in my past. Some of the games that helped me out were MMORPGs (I sunk a good portion of my life in EverQuest and WoW, but take your pick as there are plenty of free ones as well); the sense of community and family you get once you delve into things is really amazing and I still talk to people regularly 6-10 years later. You don't really need a "happy" game, just something that grabs you. As for simpler games that don't require such a commitment, I would suggest:
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Grand Theft Autos/Saint's Row series
Just Cause 2
Beyond Good & Evil
Devil May Cry (dark setting, but you feel like a badass if you enjoy them)
Orcs Must Die
Portal series
Torchlight II
Garry's Mod
Burnout Paradise (blow sh!t up!)
Serious Sam
Euro Truck 2 is super chill (this one caught me by surprise and didn't think I would like it at all)
Faerie Solitaire (I wish I was joking...I picked this up as a joke and ended up getting hooked - I hate faeries AND solitaire FYI)
Civilization IV and V
I'll second Thomas Was Alone
Those are what come to mind as I scrolled through my Steam list for games I would/do gravitate towards when I'm down. If you would like some more suggestions, feel free to add me on. Best of luck to you and hang in there. This, too, shall pass.
EDIT: Added some more to the above list, and I'll add a few more of the darker games that I still enjoy.
The Longest Journey
Bioshock series
Deus Ex 1 or HR
PAYDAY 1 & 2
STALKER series - this can be a total hit or miss
Battlefield 2 & mods (Project Reality promotes teamwork, which feels great once you're accepted in with a group of people)
EVE Online (boring as hell or perfect for your situation)
any of the Elder Scrolls games you can mod up and get lost in for minutes/hours/days/years
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What kind of man hates faeries?
No man. No man at all.
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Euro Truck 2 is what I use, strangely enough finding a decent radio station to listen to and just driving lets me disappear from reality for hours on end. Does more than any shrink, friend, or self-help book ever has. :)
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Any game that lets you lash out on opponents and turn weakness into anger.
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THIS! Check out this thread. It contains a game that may be what you're loking for. Enjoy! and forgive me(because it's so addictive) for sharing, lol. http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/CVtPL/forgive-me
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There are many ways people deal with depression, with some of them working better than others. Withdrawal. Acting out. Seeking escape. Sometimes, a combination of more than one way at the same time. How you choose to deal with your depression will tend to be mostly habit, the same way(s) you've done in the past. Generally speaking, however, you will either be seeking to change your mood, or simply waiting it out.
"Waiting it out" means "getting by" until your emotional pendulum swings from the extreme of depression back to "normal functionality." If you are waiting it out, you will want a game you can play while in the middle of depression. Something that fits how you are feeling or that you can get through with minimal demands on you. That will usually be a game with simple parameters and a non-taxing control scheme. If your habit is "withdrawal," however, you are unlikely to be playing computer games at all. Withdrawal typically involves pulling away from interaction and the "outside world," so common practices include TV surfing, sleeping, and listening to music.
If you are trying to get out of your depression, on the other hand, then you want something that will coax you in the direction you want to go. If your habit is to "act out," you will want a game where you can successfully overcome an opponent (creating movement and building confidence). If your habit is "escape," you will want a game which is pleasing and far removed from your current reality, preferably one where you can "achieve" goals (thereby meeting your unmet psychological needs). Numbing the pain is an offshoot of the "escape" habit. To accomplish "numbness," you will want games that keep your mind occupied and unable to dwell upon your depression.
The most effective way of dealing with depression, however, is to change your environment. Get out of the house and spend time with other people. You can warn them in advance that you're not in a good mood, and tell them they are not required to cheer you up, but simply being around other people who are living their lives will drag you out of your depression. Depression feeds on itself, and it starves to death in an environment filled with activity and personal interaction.
Act, and your emotions will follow.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's No Russian mission.
Also, Civilization V.
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So, I'm kinda going through a hard time and it isn't even a good time to get a shrink or a therapist or whatever. So I'm stuck at rambling with friends, watching random movies and series, screaming randomly at walls... and of course, playing videogames.
Now. I wanted to know what YOU guys play when you are depressed, personally, I play Beat Hazard or Audiosurf. Specially Audiosurf, since I can play that with only one hand, and just looking at the screen while I dwell in self-pity.
And I know everyone deals with it differently. Like, some prefer happy games, some during that time prefer to be stabbed than play those same games and prefer games that are equally as depressed as them to remind them that they are not alone in this moment. There's people in as much misery or more than them. And I have to admit I am more of the second kind, but for the sake of this topic, go with whichever, but I'd like if you could explain why it helps you in particular.
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