Nie chciałbym Cie dołować, ale nie zdziw się jak po obronie, jakaś firma zaproponuje Ci pracę, bo jej prezes zawsze marzył, że jak zagraniczna delegacja przyjedzie albo jakaś konkurencja na rozmowy, to będzie się mógł pochwalić, ze mu kawę podaje sekretarka z doktoratem. pierwsza propozycja pracy mojej siostry, sami się do niej zgłosili
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Ye, wiem jak to wygląda. Normalnie nie zatrudnią, bo szef pewnie po zawodówce i nie chce nikogo "mądrzejszego" xD Lub coś w ten deseń
Oh well, mam jeszcze trochę czasu żeby zobaczyć jak to będzie i czy w ogóle będzie sens to ciągnąć. Lub zebrać się i próbować za granicą :P
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Last time I've hit my PC with knee to "fix it" resulted in "loosing" of my HDD, as SATA cable was slightly out of place and disconnected bc of my actions. So I preffer science over engineering D:
Science - producing high-purity compound with certain activity, standarised dose and checked co-interactions.
Engineering - producing something that works, but is contaminated. But it works, what more do you want silly dragon?! Why do you want to have something of 99,9% purity, it works nearly the same with 90% purity D: (well maybe when you want to like bleach paper pulp it's gonna be ok, but it won't work in molecular science or something xD)
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Silly dragon ) Only trained IT engineers know how to properly "boot" a PC :D Laymans should follow engineering flowchart p
This is why it's so hard for phd's to find a job (especially without real job expirience). They have a tendency to deliver over-engineered solutions that give optimal end result but completly neglect other aspects: ease of manufacturing, bill of materials, energy use, computational complexity etc...
99,9% purity ain't good thing. No more that 50, preferably lower :)
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But but......
You can't mix them in 50/50 proportions or even leave traces of one "bad form" in medical drugs D:
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Happy Birthday!
Although I can't solve the ITH because I don't know what a "substance from Q2" is.
Thank you anyways! :)
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Oh I'm dumb, was stuck at this question because I misread it! :D
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Annoy people for quarter-century!
Khalisah al-Jilani
Good morning, today I will make an interview with drakaina, which was able to annoy people for past 2[redacted] years. It's quite the achievement, isn't it?
So starting from the beginning, what's your story?
It all started right after I was born, but it wasn't really enjoyable, as I was able to annoy only my mother and closest family. I refer to this as dark ages.
That's really ordinary beginning. What was your first milestone?
Definitely after I went to school, when I was around 6 y/o. I was put in rather large (for my initial capabilities) group of lesser creatures known as H. sapiens sapiens, and could start to annoy them. And as they weren't behaving like my family - "oh look, it's so cute when it mess with it's food", it was way more satisfying. Seeing how easily they can be irritated is priceless.
So it was... let me think for a while.... nearly 19 years ago?
Yes, and I had other, this time bigger milestone along the way. When I went to study at the university I was put in group of I think 150 H. sapiens sapiens. Nothing can describe joy that sprouts from annoying so much people!
How so?
You see, those creatures have attetion span similar to like, a goldfish. As year has 365 days, I was able to annoy new person every two days. After few days they knew that I did something and they better keep me at bay, but weren't sure why. And it was supper annoying for them.
Hm... looks like it was perfectly fine from that point?
Well..... sadly no. As target group was big some individuals started to show resistance symptoms. Just as bacteria which are killed by drugs create natural resistance, those creatures started to tolerate me, I'd even say like me? <shrugs>
That's terrible! Everyone know how dangerous drug resistant bacteria are! Have you found a way to fight with this annoyance-resistance?
Yeah, I thought about it and come to some conclusions. The best option for me right now is to create train which will be hided after super hard ith quiz and SGtools check with some ridiculous high requirements. I think it will serve as my first line defence. Like here. Altough I will have to find better solution in the future,
That was really informative, thank you for your time.
You're welcome.
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